Events leading up to the sudden death of Passport Supervisor Mr. Dwight Gilbert

Dwight Gilbert

NASSAU| BP has been provided with additional information on the passing of Mr. Dwight Gilbert, following his interview during Promotional Exercises by the Government.

Mr Gilbert collapsed and died on Tuesday.

It has has come to our attention that the Former Secretary to the Cabinet , Ms Camille Johnson has been appointed to the Public Service Commission by the Prime Minister.

We pose the following questions: Did Mr. Gilbert die shortly after leaving the interview?

What questions were posed to Mr. Gilbert during the interview?

Camille Johnson CMG - Secretary to the Cabinet and Head of the Public  Servicr - Government of The Bahamas | LinkedIn
Camille Johnson

Is it true that even after the demise of Mr. Gilbert, interviews were still conducted?

Is it true that the Interviewer said, “next person please?”

This is unbelievable! We are told Mr. Gilbert’s wife was in the parking lot waiting to pick him up prior to his sudden and untimely.

All we gat to say to the interviewer, in the words of the Competent Authority, where is your Soul, do you have a Heart, have you any Compassion?.

We await answers and will continue to look into this matter.

We report and let yinner decide.