Every dollar removed out of the Hotel Union's bank account…$665,000!


union-workers<<< Members of the Bahamas Hotel Catering and Allied Workers Union cast ballots for the team of their choice at Workers House. (Photo/Torrell Glinton/FILE PHOTO)

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Nassau, Bahamas – Every dime is alleged to have been removed out of the Bahamas Hotel Workers and Allied Workers Union’s bank account Bahamas Press has learned.

With hotel workers being sent home by the day and hotels closing all over the country, hotel union executives are THIEFIN the people’s money through the front door. WHAT IS THIS!

Bahamas Press has learned some $665,000 was removed out the Union’s bank account and has now jeopardized the union’s ability to pay staff and bills. We now ask, with many workers fired and hotels closing, why would some rip every dime out of the Union’s Bank account? Again, here’s the result of a FAILED judiciary.


  1. Sometimes it pays not to have unions in hotels. You pay them $10 for dues each week for 52 weeks $520 per year. This is why we have the Labor Board and Tribunal Court. When you lose your job then they forget about you. The only time you see union leaders really is during election time and when
    Union leaders are simply ‘white collar theives’.

    When you apply to work in the hotel sector take your salary and leave. It is hard to please us Bahamian people, they just can’t satisfy. They complain a little too much and are ungreatful. They need to remember when they go on the job that they are employees and not the boss. Be humble, many who are out of jobs are now in regret concerning the union. These unions are fighting each other; why do you think they are. ITS BECAUSE OF ALL THE EASY MONEY WE GIVE THEM TO SO CALL REPRESENT US. THEY ARE LOOKING OUT FOR THEMSELVES NOT FOR THOSE WHO CONTRIBUTE.

    Remember this people, ain’t every company in the Bahamas is unionized.

  2. Press Release
    For Immediate Release
    Issued by the Partners of HLB Galanis Bain
    Wednesday, August 26, 2009

    HLB Galanis Bain has noted with concern that the public is not being told the entire truth regarding the payments to this firm for professional fees. The facts of this engagement are a matter of public record as published by His Lordship, The Honorable Mr. Justice K. Neville Adderley in his ruling dated 21 May 2009 (2008/CLE/GEN/00614).

    In his ruling, the learned Judge noted as follows:

    (Paragraph 12.) “The court also ordered that Mr. HLB Galanis Bain, Chartered Accountants (“Bain”) or such other accounting firm approved by the Council could be employed to conduct a forensic audit, to give a report on the financial transaction in question, and based on the results the Council should take such action as it deemed fit.”

    (Paragraph 13.) “There were differences on the selection of the firm to carry out the forensic audit. The plaintiffs claim that the Council under authority of a purported meeting called by the majority of the voting members of the Council employed Messrs HLB Galanis Bain. The defendants claim that the Council employed “such other accounting firm” namely Messrs Baker Tilly and Gomez, Chartered Accountants (“Gomez”). Gomez later withdrew following the industry practice that a firm would not take instruction if it appears that another firm had already been instructed.

    Accordingly, as pointed out in the report of the forensic audit dated 31 July 2008 exhibited to the 5th affidavit of Kayla Bodie filed 25 August 2008 (“the Bain Report”) full cooperation was not forthcoming.

    Nevertheless, from an examination of over 2,000 documents covering the period 1 January 2002 to 31 July 2008 they were able to make findings at paragraph 85 – 90 of the report. There were no findings that there was misappropriation of funds by any of the defendants. There were findings which were inconclusive on a number of matters signified by the statements in the report that certain things “may have” happened. These include, weaknesses in internal financial control, issues with management executives and corporate governance, and related party transactions and inaccurate asset valuation among others. Some of them such as the Thompson professional fees issue which is one of the subject matters of this litigation appear to have commenced since 2002 prior to the start of the current administration.”

    (Paragraph 31.) “Invoices due for the preparation of the Bain Report are to be made out of the assets of the Union. I invite counsel to address me on cost.”

    The facts above are clear for all to see. HLB performed a forensic audit in accordance with the recommendations of the Court and issued a report to the Executive Council. The evidence is that both the Executive Council and the court accepted the report. The learned Judge ruled that the report should be paid for out of the assets of the Union. On 25 August 2009, the Union complied with that court order.

  3. Nicole Martin better watch her flank cause Roy, Kirk and others working overtime, plotting her demise.

  4. Kirk Wilson needs to be arrested,for THIEFIN.Now I see what Roy Colebrook was talking about.Wilson wanted to get there for the MONEY.Shame on Code Smithh people need money for for back to school and you part taking in this THIEFIN.

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