Change to global aviation security requirements for US Bound Flights travelers reminded to arrive 3 Hrs ahead

NASSAU, BAHAMAS July 11, 2017 — In light of evaluated intelligence, the United States Department of Homeland Security has determined it is necessary to implement enhanced security measures for all commercial flights to the United States beginning Tuesday, July 18, 2017. These measures, both seen and unseen, include enhanced screening of passengers and electronic devices as well as heightened security standards for aircraft and airports.
The Bahamas and 104 other countries globally are impacted by these new security measures. The enhanced security measures include but are not limited to:
• Enhancing overall passenger screening;
• Conducting heightened screening of personal electronic devices;
• Increasing security protocols around aircraft and in passenger areas; and
•Deploying advanced technology, expanding canine screening, and establishing additional pre-clearance locations globally.
As a result of the new measures, the travelling public is reminded to arrive 3 hours ahead of time for US bound flights. For persons travelling on early morning flights between 6:00am and 7:00am please note that the doors of the airport open to the public at 4:00am. Most airlines with early flights begin check in at 4:30am. United States Customs and Border Protection Pre-Clearance opens at 5:15am.
It is important to note that persons travelling through LPIA with electronic devices larger than a cell phone (for example laptop computers or tablets) as carry on or checked luggage are advised that these devices could require further security screening.
The Department of Homeland Security and the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) are working with local aviation stakeholders to ensure these enhanced security measures are fully implemented.
The major implementation of these changes at LPIA will fall under the purview of the Airport Authority (AA) and the airlines that service US destinations. The AA is the entity responsible for security at LPIA. As the airport operator, Nassau Airport Development Company Ltd. will work with AA and the airlines to support the implementation of the changes and the passenger experience at LPIA.
These enhanced security measures will help to secure all commercial flights departing Bahamian airports that serve as last points of departure to the United States.
Passengers should stay connected to the airport and their airlines via social media for important updates. LPIA also posts updates on it’s website and on, Twitter and Instagram @nassau_airport.