Expats win on Paradise Island – But LABOUR DAY IS COMING!!!


PARADISE ISLAND| Over the recent year has anyone kept a tab on the growing amount of work permits granted for expats at a major resort on Paradise Island?

How is it that the union is now banned from the resort property by people who are not even Bahamian?

How is it that Bahamians who have worked for 20 plus years in the industry and are qualified for positions are not able to get a promotion, and, have to answer to new expats that they have to train? 

How is it that these expats fabricate stories to get Bahamians fired or demoted so that they can hire more expats to replace them? 

How is it that these same expats can come into our country and say that Bahamians are dumb, stupid and slow while they bring in Executive Directors for washing pots, taking out the garbage and cleaning the floor?

How is it that the resort is not supporting the hotel training college or UB?

How is it that they are not ensuring that qualified Bahamians get an opportunity to grow in the industry that they love?

How is it that right now executive Bahamians are seeking employment in other countries because expats have their jobs at this same major resort?

So, after all this time and after so many years in the Bahamas, we ask, why are our Bahamians not good enough to run the industry as yet?

When will the Foreign Affairs Ministers or Immigration Minister answer the question; Why all of these expats are needed?

Yes, why bring in another one and then another one and another? This must stop and more stringent rules must be put into action to stop the importation of so many expats for jobs Bahamians are capable of doing!

#changethesystem #changethegovernment #MAKETHEMHEARYOU