FNMs on Exuma says candidate Jennie is a waste a time!

EXUMA| FNM candidate Jennie imports 20 campaign members from Nassau to campaign in Exuma.
Not even FNMs on the island wants to work with the already defeated FNM.
The FMM candidate has no real connection to Exuma and lacks the likability factor. Top generals on Exuma have advised PM Minnis that she will fall to an embarassing defeat, and they will have no part in it.
The imported support from Nassau includes has hacks Jeff Williams and Alvin Smith.
Even a disgraced former writer of the Ministry of Tourism has abandoned the campaign telling fellow FNMs that The Powerful PLP Viceroy Cooper is heads and shoulders above Jennie in every way.
But the next time we discuss JENNIE we ga tell ya’ll what some FNMs had to say. Stay Tuned!
Minnis is a desperate man!
We ga report and let yinner decide!