Fast Talking Politicans, Frightened Guests, Hurting Vendors and CRIME


SHipLargestNassau, Bahamas — The curly hair fast TALKER we liken as the FNM’s version of Perry Christie, Vincent Vanderpool Wallace, could be heard telling those attending the inaugural voyage of theBig Ship the Bahamas tourist arrivals via cruise ship passengers were up by 28%.

The Royal Caribbean’s Oasis of the Seas is the largest ship in the world, which arrived in the port of Nassau on Friday around noon.

We don’t talk very much about our business in terms of counting cruise passengers but I assure you that for the first three months of the year in the Port of Nassau, we have received more than 120,000 cruise passengers in the Port of Nassau alone compared to last< /span> year,” Wallace said.

The numbers are up something of the order to 28 per cent.”shipRemarks_1

The TALKER said nothing about where tourism figures were overall nor did he mentioned a word how robberies committed against tourists in The Bahamas are also up. The number of belligerent acts against guests is so high across the country these days, newspapers in the US are publishing exclusive pieces. Particularly on the 18 guests robbed during a nature tour at Earth Village on Dunmore Street.

The savages who cussed, kicked and threatened to shoot the guests could possibly be some of the 205 released bail on by the VIGZY HEAD PEOPLEin April this year. They were released to reek havoc on the society. While the ‘TALKERS’ say they organizing “crime fighting strategies”. They said that from 2007 when murder shot up to a record-breaking 78, two years later we are at another record-breaking year and the strategy ain’t reach yet! Those who are saying, “it’s coming” themselves don’t have a clue of what it is.

Meanwhile operators of theBIG SHIP were busy handing out cards telling guests if they step off the boat, they should know the Bahamas is a hotspot for increasing crimes. In so much words they are telling guests, you step off the boat and you die at your own risk. The warning cards were effective. Hundreds of guests never disembarked. Arawak Cay vendors made no money. The straw vendors were left holding church in the Straw Market with the huge rats on Bay Street praying for a breakthrough and the hair braiders were left busy pulling out their own weave. NOTHING WAS HAPPENING!

Bahamians should examine the facts; We deepened the harbour at a cost of $44 million and what did we collect in return? A big ship, plenty Christie clone talking politicians, natives waving looking at the ship as it moved in and out the habour. And criminals are still left running wild in a small town threatening the very survival of our society. WE ARE IN CRISIS!!!!

BP says again, we need a modern day Woodes Rogers to declare WAR ON THE LAWLESS PIRATES and restore our commerce to its rightful place in the world!



Residents left doing a wave offering at the ‘BIG SHIP’. What could they be saying? Something like, “Get off the ship and save us from all this crime!” HELP!


  1. Kim, do you think someone who is stateless cares about the tourism industry of this country?, Kim, too them nothing from nothing leaves nothing, these people feel like outsiders, and these bad boys will do whatever it takes to have what the middle class Bahamian has, Vanderpool is clueless on selling the culture of the Bahamas, that is what the visitors want to see, they come to the Bahamas for a different experience,  if he did, he and HAI would clear out those vendors selling non Bahamian merchandise, we all know they are selling knock offs to the tourist, made in China product, they are lost on how to deal with Freeport or Grand Bahama’s tourist product, instead of investing in art and craft makers and other cultural activities that the visitors can take part in and experience, not just junkanoo, there are many other things, and if there is no money in the country, how we see it good or bad, they are gonna do what they think they need to do, when someone has nothing, they will do what they have too, sell drugs, numbers, rob, steal etc.,  They need to clear out Tourism’s staff and start again.

    • I totally agree with your assessment. These day, I don’t even know what is Bahamian anymore, you go in the straw market you see all kind of foreign products, you turn the radio on you hear mostly foreign music on the airwaves, so when tourists come here, they are not getting anything that is separating us from the rest of the world. The crime situation aint going no where, because it begins from up top with our leaders, they might not be going around robbing people with a loaded handgun, but we have some of them that take advantage of their position and use it as an opportunity to fatten their pockets with the tax payers’ hard earned monies. Plenty people are working harder and longer hours than most of these politicians and still finding it hard to get by.
      Now, most of us are pretty decent people, we know things aint right, but we don’t let that discourage us, we still tries to work hard and keep our faith in God and we believe that one day we would be able to achieve something in this country, but there are some weak ones among us who are not prepared to go that route. They tell themselves, “scratch hard work, we want it and we want it now.” These ones were probably observing their parents, grand parents or other elderly people in the community working hard all their life and were only able to achieve very little, so they made up their mind, they aint going out like that and they would do whatever it takes, but they getting theirs.  Crime is totally out of control in this country, nobody is safe, not even the tourist who helps us to put food on our tables.

  2. I dont know what yal agenda is on Vincent Vanderpool but hes a good Minister of Tourism. Hes way better than the one before him Neko Grant and the one before him. LOL but seriously though  I really like him and dont really understand why yal dont so plz enlighten me more.

  3. Bahamas youth , your head must be jammed!Vincent Vanderpool, was Director General, of tourism, and he made no impact there, Go figure….

  4. The Ministry of tourism is be too quick to make monies and they don’t think these things through properly before jumping into it and we are the ones who ends up suffering the consequences and that is sad, because when people giving them their advice, they is act like we don’t know what we saying and they still is go do what they want do.

  5. Those tourists going on tour to Earth Village on Dunmore Street was like a robbery waiting to happen. I live in this country and I never felt safe going there. Until those 18 tourists got robbed, I didn’t even know they were using that place as a tourist’s attraction. I don’t know why, but I always believed the place was more like a Drug Rehab Centre. I feel, The Ministry of tourism and the owners of Earth Village were slack for not making sure proper security measures were in place before carrying those guests there. As usual, they probably were just concentrating on the monies they could generate from those tours and didn‘t stop to think what will happen if those people were to get rob in the back of there. . Now, that stupid incident is costing us more monies in the long, because the people are terrified about coming of those cruise ships. We can’t even convince them those types of things seldom occurs here.

  6. @ bahamas youthyou are an eternal optimist  when pappa finish these chess moves and lock the country you will only remember the days of freedom you cant argue with the fact that there is scandal on both sides. Ivoine, Johnley, Reggie, Carl, are all singing in the street whats your view of the stare decisis which implicates the C.O.P unrefuted Pappa still throw him a bone I know nepotism corruption sittin pride of place over transperancy and meritocracy……A bigger issue is with the one man band approach what happens when pappa moses retires

  7. Bahamas Youth what TRANSFORMATION you’re talking about? Where you see a transformation of Tourism in the Bahamas? WHERE? You mean from BAD TO WORSE eh? Or a transformation from Dust to Ashes? Please tell us.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  8. Besides looking little tipsy all the time, Vanderpool is a nice looking man, he just need to shave that beard of his face and get a d*** haircut. I believe the reason people don’t take him serious is because of his unpolished appearance. If I had to grade Vanderpool on his overall performance in tourism, I would give him a C+. I honestly believe he is trying to find new ways to entice the tourist and make them want to visit our country, but these illiterate people we have here are not making it easy on him. When the tourists visit our shores these dumb people robbing them and they know how strongly we rely on the tourist. Now, talk about biting the hands that feed you. Vanderpool meant well though, when he was worked on bringing the Miss Universe Pageant here, I honestly believe he thought it would have generated revenue for the country and promote the Bahamas islands on a larger scale, The only thing, I give the Ministry of Tourism wrong for going after that pageant during a recession, because nobody hardly traveling like that and that caused us to waste a lot of unnecessary monies, monies we don’t have to spare at this time I still think it would have been better if they had only waited until next year when the economy should be doing much better. I am just concerned about people remembering us when they are back on their feet. I want them to remember it was us who hosted the 2009 Miss Universe Pageant and what all our country has to offer, because if they don’t that would be a crying shame.

  9. Now I dont know what world BahamasPress is in to compare Vanderpool Wallace to  Christie. Now way no how…… I dont get why BP dont like him he has TRANSFORM the MINISTRY of TOURISM. Hes the only TOURISM Minister to try RENOVATE tourism. The Bahamas focus on too much MASS TOURISM instead of SPECIALTY tourism. Vanderpool Wallace has tried to BRAND each island to make it UNIQUE and make tourist more enthuse to go to those islands. I dont know what the big fuss was over Miss Universe…. events such as that makes OUR country get more PROMOTION. 5 to 7 Million of dollars are always allocated for PROMOTION. He used those funds to host miss universe which is ultimately PROMOTING the country. I honestly dont GET IT!I dont even rememer who was the Tourism minister under Christie camp….. they didnt do much like what Mr. Vanderpool Wallace done. HOW DARE YOU COMPARE HIM TO PERRY CHRISTIE…. This man has a SENSIBLE education and he takes use of it. Hes not just only a Talker but hes a DOER.  He reminds me of President Obama. I strongly feel Vanderpool Wallace would make a GREAT dpt. Prime Minister some day.

    • You sure get excited and belligerent when you hear the name Christie and since I know your true identity I know why.Like every well thinking Bahamian am hoping that the ship in question brings thousands of tourist that spend.Our Crime problem according to PAPA will be addressed next year.Well blow me down as this indicates our Govt is clueless.Since am getting in the Xmas spirit I shall not mash you for as usual asinine comments.What are you?you like it when BP in his sarcastic manner throws rocks,bottles at Christie but when it comes to anything red you get blue in the face.Be fair and let us know truly your political persuasion as you are an enigma,willing to jump from bandwagon to bandwagon.One day you are BDm then you try to cozy up to Branville,then you try to sucker Brave then you try to sucker all of us here on this site.Please stop the confusion am getting dizzy.  

  10. cant blame the chap for the results but he must be chastized for his paltry attempt to dress copper as gold

  11. When this guy became the Minister Of Tourism I knew if was a bad idea, he has no innovative ideas and does not believe in the Bahamian people on the ground, just like Ms Universe we wasted a bunch of money, again $44 million, HAI runs his Cabinet, so all of these bad ideas are his also, Tourism is going to the dogs, Bahamians when will we diversify our Tourism product and concentrate on our people, get serious on crime, get serious on our judicial system, HAI, needs to get back in the House and bring Bills to strengthen the courts, these guys are joking, building more Bunker C power stations, yet going to Denmark and complaining about the sea rising on us Hypocrite!!, God please give our representatives some sense.

    • I guess that anything FNM is a bad idea. just noticing that as by all of your comments…

  12. i love this site. so real honest sarcastic politically incorrect! just tells it like it is with a twist of humor!

  13. i love this site. so real, honest, sarcastic, politically incorrect! just tells it like it is with a twist of humor!

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