Fatal car crash, which killed American Bishop raises questions about the seriousness of persons operating behind the wheel in The Bahamas plagued with seizures….


Did driver Valentino Nottage possess a driver’s license to drive the Bishop in the first place? And if not, how did this happen?

Bishop Darryl Coleman.

Nassau – Why put someone who is plagued with having dangerous seizures behind the wheel to drive the visiting American Bishop Darryl Coleman while in Nassau?

We at BP see a lawsuit of culpability coming! And questions the judgment of those hosting the preacher in the country to have placed him in the midst of such danger.

Visiting American preacher Bishop Darryl Colman was recorded as the 22nd traffic fatality for 2018 in that crash Saturday morning, which happened on the northern side of The Sir Sidney Poitier Bridge.

From the reports, we are learning that the driver, Valentino Nottage, who is now in critical condition following the crash, suffered a seizure at the top of the bridge as his foot locked onto the accelerator.

The SD registered vehicle careened at a high speed down from the top of the bridge, bursting through the toll both and crashing through the facing Club Land’or property wall, which resulted in a 10 foot drop into the parking lot. How tragic!

The car then flipped and turned on its roof before bursting into flames. Onlookers in the area witnessing the event extinguished the flames and rescued the occupants.

Bishop Coleman, who is the senior pastor of several churches across the United States, died on the scene. Three others are in hospital, including the driver whose condition is listed as critical.

Why place someone plagued with seizures behind the wheel to drive a visiting guest? And did the driver possess a valid driver’s license? These are still unanswered questions.

And what are the rules at the Road Traffic Department when persons have such conditions and possess a driver’s license? Should we now consider that a medical evaluation, as is required for retirees, be mandatory for all road users?

We report yinner decide!