Father kills Daughter this afternoon in Sunshine Park


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Breaking News HAPPENING NOW <<<

Nassau, Bahamas — We can tell you a dispute between a father and daughter has left the young 15-year-old C.V. Bethel student dead this afternoon following a fatal stabbing at the family’s Sunshine Park home.

Bahamas Press agents now on the ground tell us, the daughter entered in a heated row with her father around early this afternoon, which resulted in the father fatally stabbing the young girl.

We can also tell you from reports the exchange between the father and daughter began early this morning after an affair was understood to have developed between the daughter and her Jamaican born lover. We understand the father vehemently disapproved of the relationship and decided to end the affair.

As the exchange of words began, the young student began packing her clothes in an attempt to move out. It was then when the father attacked the girl and fatally stabbed her. Now get this.

Unconfirmed reports to BP suggest the father is the same man, who in early October attempted to commit suicide. The incident records the 106th murder for the year.

And with news of a shooting early this morning BP understands another murder was recorded. We will update that incident in a later report.


  1. We that are alive and remain must work out our salvation through fear and trembling. Many are grieving the tragedy of the lost of Richa who seemed to have been loved by many, it is my prayer that we realize the seriousness of the time in which we live and to know that He which will come, will come and will not tarry. Let’s focus on praying for those who are alive to accept Christ and to be drawn closer to Him, and that includes Richa’s father.

  2. Do you see why it is soooo important for parents to actually sit down and talk ad find out what’s going on in there kids lives. In this case the father raged anger seem that he couldn’t have a simple conversation wit young Richa sitting her down and telling her how he felt about the situation. He had no right to kill his daughter. She is a human just like how he is. What’s the results she’s dead he’s alive crazy going out of his mind. Children obey your parents for in the Lord this is right. He knew what was best for her because he knew that this guy was simply older than her. I think the situation could have been handled in a better way. EVERYTHING DOESN’T HAVE TO RESULT IN KILLING BAHAMAS!

  3. Trashy, thanks for understanding where I was coming from. I like people like you who speaks what’s on their minds. I pick up on that longtime and was thinking the same thing you said, here I am trying to encourage children to have respect for their parents and if they are being abused in their homes to report it to proper authorities, instead of trying to fight with their parents like they are some man or woman, that’s not the role of a child. These people see, what this father did when this little girl came up against him and these people still on this site running on with foolishness. My very first comment on this topic, I said, “I don’t give the father right for doing what he did and he shouldn’t be fighting with his daughter like that and if he couldn’t handle the situation put her in some kind of disciplinary school.” That’s not better than killing her? Aint nobody give the father right for stabbing up his daughter. Glad you noticed though, aint nobody seem to be concerned about who this fellow is she was planning on moving out with and where this child mother was when all this was going down. You know that couldn’t of been no little boy she was moving with, where any little boy get house from to put her in? They aint concerned about none of that though, but they want attack me like I was the one who murdered the girl. These people like drama and foolishness and right now this little girl reached out to them and they didn’t give her good advice. Two to one they encouraged her to move in with this man to get away from her father, all they was doing was sending her from one abusive relationship to the next. Just reading their comments, I pray I never have to ask any of them for advice.

  4. My heart goes out to the family especially the deceased child. But what I’m really interested in is who is the Jamaican fella that apparently was statutorially raping this young gal thereby causing her to loose her focus and put common sense aside. I would like us to focus our energy on this child rapist.

    We have alot of child rapist in this country. A girl of 15 should have her focus on her school work and college, not wondering about some grown azz child rapist, who seems to not be able to mentally handle a mature woman.

    Please, if anyone knows, lets reveal this school-zone pervert who preyed on this young girl, and caused the complete destruction of a Bahamian home and family.

    I support the views of Kim Sands. I look forward to reading her commentaries, especially when she responds to persons who like to wallow in the muck and grime and make excuses for child rapists, murderers and other low-lifes.

  5. Dislikekim, It does not matter whether or not you like me you know, I am not here for that. If you have a problem with me saying children should have respect for their parents, I hope you would consider keeping your legs closed and don’t bother to push any out. I could see the type of lawless ones you would be raising. The set who doesn’t respect their ma or pa and goes around causing havoc in our society. I know you think it requires a child to be perfect, in order for them to have respect for their parents, but it really doesn’t. It requires establishing who is the parents and who is the child. You can’t let these children do whatever they want, and make excuses for them, because they are not perfect. If you do that, well don’t be surprised when they start raising their voice higher than yours and when they finally gain control of the entire household, I hope they turn around and beat the crap out of you too, for being so stupid. Anyway, I am not perfect, I stepped out of line here and there, but I was clever enough to study and understand my parents’ likes and dislikes and to knew just how far to push their buttons. One thing I know, at age fifteen, there is no way, I would have been able to find the courage to pack up my things and talk about I moving out with my boyfriend. I don’t know if my mother would have gone as far as killing me, but trust me, I wasn’t willing to take the chance of finding out.

    • Really Kim? You have serious issues! Yes she was wrong to be packing up stuff to leave her father’s house. I too wasn’t brave enough to even think about it. I never said the child has to be perfect to have respect. I am far from perfect and I have the utmost respect for my mother. My thing is you coming across like you never did no wrong in your teenage years. I’m sure you did but your father or mother didn’t stab you to death. Yes Chae was wrong for going up in her fathers face but the point is he didnt have to kill her! As for me being stupid and my kids cutting my ass it’ll never happen because I was once a teenager and I would understand what they going thru and help them not kill them. Things are not the same as they were when you were growing up Kids these days face a lot of things that you didn’t have to worry about. I agree that kids should have respect for their parents and what’s not but you have no respect for Richa or her family!

      • I don’t how I managed to sound like I am perfect, but if that’s impression you gathered, I am sorry. I would think you would know there is no perfect person on earth today. I have no respect for Richa or her family? You need to ease up on that Kool Aid or whatever that is you are drinking, because your perceptions is get way ahead of you. I can’t tell you how bad feel for this young girl to be dead at such an early age. That’s why I am encouraging children to have respect for their parent and parents to get help if the can’t handle out of control children. Sweetie, I am all about peace in the home not violence. I feel the people around her failed her and it is so sad, because they should have been the ones to protect her.

  6. Kim Sands you make it sound like you were the perfect child growing up! You can’t tell me you and your parents never had an argument! Maybe she didn’t plan for it to come off like an argument cuz my mom used to tell me all the time that I would be raising my voice but I wasn’t arguing I was just trying to get my point across while she was talking so I spoke louder. If my mother was like this man I too would’ve been dead cuz I did my share of stuff. Its all a part of growing up and learning from your mistakes. I hope that you don’t have a daughter cuz I would be sorry for her in her teenage years. I’ll probably be reading about you and her God forbid

  7. are you serious? so he can come out and kill again because of his stress? didn’t he just come out of jail for 13 years. its the judicial system that brings these suicidal criminals out to commit offenses over and over again. he was home for only 2 months before he murdered her and you talking about time served an counselling wow.

  8. are you serious? so he can come out and kill again because of his stress? didn’t he just come out of jail for 13 years. its the judicial system that brings these suicidal criminals out to commit offenses over and over again. he was home for only 2 months before he murdered her and you talking about time served an counselling wow.

  9. First off Sands you fit into the narrow minded side of society that needs proper enlightenment on abuse!

    #1 I graduated high school at the age of 16 very mature.. (So what she is 15?!) Kids are dating from 10.. Parents often say to their 5yrs in pre-school Kevin thats your girl-friend aye?? So cut it out parents aren’t innocent to the development of early dating in kids..) <–that was just an example Sands came you don't seem smart enough to pick up on that.

    #2 I was physically abused and threatened for over 6yrs between 5-12yrs old from a sibling in the house, let me not leave out there was two attempts to kill me and both parents were in the home but my fear of him kept me quite until he started to get abusive to my other siblings… My point is you never know what goes on in these home, not every house is a home. Our neighbors envied what they saw on the outside but never knew what went on inside nor did my parents.. My brother had a mental problem and when I 1st reached out for help it was ignored.. My whole point to you is abuse is abuse and no home is stable if their is someone unstable in it.. Also you do not know the seriousness and complications surrounding this story you only know what you have read or heard so be hesitant to speak so strongly on something you do not completely know anything about.. Abuse is abusive not because he didnt approve means it was his right to kill her… He needs to be punished severely..

    • Thats the same thing I ws saying , teens go through alot!! Good or Bad. We need to truly help the Youths in our Bahama Land by having more and more places they can openly speck to someone, they are truly hurting and their is no one giving them that ear!!!!!!!!

    • You are just silly and can’t comprehend. If you had read all of my comments properly, you would have seen never once did I said it was ok for the father to kill his daughter. I don’t know why I am wasting my time responding to you.

  10. 1. This is extremely heart-breaking.
    2. Dad was very unstable and should’ve been removed from the home or gotten constant medical attention.
    3. Why was a young girl of 15 sleeping out and coming home the next morning?
    4. Why was she arguing back with her dad and packing… In her PARENTS home? – she’s brave!
    5. Yes, she may have gotten good grades etc etc, but that does not excuse her from having respect.

  11. My condolences to the family of the deceased. Regardless of any situation noone deserves to be killed like that, especially at the hands of your parent/Family.

    I hope this is a wake up call to all of us that MENTAL ILLNESS IS REAL and indeed a serious problem in the Bahamas but we as a people are to proud to seek help. If we are supposed to be our brother’s keeper, why didnt some concerned neighbor or relative seek help for the father and the daughter? it makes no sense at this point how well behaved/liked the daughter was or how sick (mentally) the father is. The fact is NOONE was concerned enough to ensure he got help by placing him in a mental hospital or that thhis young lady was removed from the enviornment. the only fact we know is that a young lady who did not have a chance to truly live our her potential and experience all that life has to offer is now dead at the hands of her mentally ill father. People, this is a sad day in the bahamas and we all of our oponions on this one as well as the oponions of others but the fact remains that a young girl is now dead!

    I pray that we get to a point where we are truly our brother’s keeper and seek help as best we can when we see a need, go back to the days where truly the village raised a child. So let us not bash each other’s comments nor make excuses for what has happened; we must now make a personal commitment to ensure this does not happen to another child/adult in our country. Let us take mental illness very serious because it is a very real illness that need immediate attentiion.

    I pray for her family that they can remain strong as possible during this most difficult time.

  12. Marvel not; because! untill we be honest with our self, like that samaria women in John 4; plp we need to see our self as empty and loss and in need of a filling a filling that only God can fill a light that will show us the way , may it be male or female young or old seek God Now as time waits for no man and for you children(eph 6:1-3)and you parents (eph 6:4), we must open our mouth/heart (repent our sins) take of the free gift(salvation)God wants us to have (John 3:16) for god so love the world (us) that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever (thats me) believeth in him, should not perish, but have everlasting life.

  13. I am really saddened by what happened…a young teenage girl is dead….the dad needs help. We need to spend our time and money into providing mental assistance to individiuals who suffer from mental illness. Mental illness is all over…no one talks about it… and when something happens like what just took place? we ask why…hopefully the dad can get the medical help he needs,and this poor teenage girl….may her soul rest in peace…This is really sad.

  14. Let me shed my two cents on this matter. The daddy was a lune, or lunatic. The mudda should have known that the family was in mortal danger due to the unstableness of this lune who had attempted suicide on couple occasions.

    When you have a lune in your house, precautions must be made to protect innocent children, especially young adults, who are growing into adulthood and require more delicate treatment. Young girls especially because they likes to run out and talk inappropriate chit.

    If you have a lune in your house, all parties must be cognizant of their behaviour, because any slight bullchit can trigger a reaction. The young lady coming home in the early morning hrs from grinding was such a trigger. This was compounded by the fact that she was dealing with a Jamaican fella who was a total wutless bum, and lastly, she was packing up to shak up with this wutless Jamaican only to come back couple years later with three and four pickie head children and a big belly in front.

    I get the impression the whole family was a lune-nest, with murder being an eventuality. So, in summary, crazy par kill crazy daughter, with crazy mar left to walk the street counting lamp-pole. The END.

  15. Ms.Sands I hope you don’t have no kids ! If so, God bless those kids !!
    Your very illiterate and ignorant ! Each individual should blame themselves for their own actions !!! R.I.P Richa .

    • Whatever, your opinion doesn’t matter to me. Two to the one you are probably another one of those stinking rude children who is be arguing and fighting with your parents all the time and don’t see nothing wrong with it. That is why y’all is get into problems, right now.

  16. After all is said and done, we have to respect the family. It is hurtful and sad because the family have to deal with a loss of a love one and having to deal with the father’s situation. Let us PRAY for them and encourage them. God will never leave nor forsake us no matter what we go through. Let us build up and not pull down.

    “This is the way of peace: Overcome evil with good, falsehood with truth, and hatred with love.”

    — Peace Pilgrim.

  17. It is a sad day in the Bahamas when parents are killing their children. My deepest simpathy goes out to the family of the young lady. We as a country need to repent and ask God to forgive us so healing can come to our Land. I hope the law of the land prevails….

    • yes i agree it is very sad but not much shocks me the word speaks that in the last day there will be perilous time but to allow the enemy to put you in such a position is beyound me hmm the government places so much emphasies on tourism and the likes but what about the social avenue who is there to counsel and catalyze preventative measures to prevent such things this is why truly we need to put Gos first gave everything over to him and he will gave us that peace that passeth all understanding i pray for the family but food for thought God is not like man

  18. Ahhhh boy people gata wait until Monday Morning to read this in the Tribune and Guardian the lame stream media of the Bahamas!

  19. Wait, hold on now, I see why this country function the way it is. Listen here, I don’t care what kind of issues her father had or not, children should always have respect for their parents, especially if they are still living under their roof. The Bible tells you to honor your mother and your father. She wasn’t no woman to be arguing and causing her father all kind of emotional distress. If she had gone out there and something did happen to her, who you think the authorities would have been looking for to question? Her parents right? Ok. We need to stop talking foolishness and give right where right is. Some of these children think they are more woman and man than their parents. She should have behaved herself and she might have been alive today. She wasn’t aware that her father not so long ago tried to commit suicide aye? More than likely the man is still on medication, tell why me, who in their right mind are going to run talks with somebody who they know head isn’t too good? Don’t get me wrong, I am not blame this girl for what happened, but she didn’t use good judgment. No way she suppose to be running talks with that man. If he use to abuse her, instead of her talking about she’s arguing with him and packing up her things and moving out the home, she suppose to report it to the police or social services, so they could assist in having her removed from the home, probably to go stay with some other responsible relative or somewhere where she can be properly provided for. To tell you the truth, I don’t feel this father meant to stab his daughter like that, she must have trigger something in him, right now I could imagine how bad he must feel about the whole incident. May God be with him and the rest of the family. This is truly a sad situation.

    • I agree with your comments, she was just to fresh and sassy talking back to her father i don’t care what he said to her she had no right to speak back to her father like they were company, i know how children especially teenagers i have a 13yr old i had to set his business straight some time back, like we say i bring you here and i’ll take you out,,,i think he had good intensions he wanted the best for her but she couldn’t see it i feel his pain and that of the family.


  21. It makes me upset even reading the comment Mrs Sands wrote as she states ;”she do not give the father rights for what he did” yet still goes on about the victum not showing any appreciation or respect. This was a family ive known personally, it was a house; not a home! Abuse went on from i could remember, near friends and neighbors knew about this man….unstable….crazy, full of anger and bitterness. I am not Jesus, I am not sure what exactly happened , but they rented from my grandmother and yesterday morning this happened because she called here asking my family for help. This man should have been watched closely from authorities after trying to take his own life, it is obviously to see all was not well with him for a period of time. As of why the arguement started i am not sure but she attempted to leave home…..just sit and think about it. We dont know what that little girl was going through, like i said before it was a house, not a home. There were always arguements, abuse went on…..speaking up for her he is wrong for taking her life, he needs to be punished and treated for his state. When will the government stop letting murderers out on bail and watch ill persons closely. It isnt until a crime is re-commit or someone who is known to be unstable commits an act until we as Bahamaians worry about the matter.

    • Ok Jazz, the girl called you and your family for help. What advice did y’all give her? I hope yall didn’t encourage her to argue with her father. What did y’all do to help her? Trust me, if she had contacted me I would have done something. I would have been at that home as quick as I could with the authorities.

    • since there was so much abuse in the home, why did they stay there with him. Why the neighbors didn,t call the police for him? we always find excuses when serious things happen. Why wait for ow to talk about the abuse and unhappiness in the home? Every week the police are talkig about seeking help if you are in an abusive situation. We are too proud and self conceited, now a young life is lost and we all want to talk now. We need to PRAY for her family because it is hard for them. Let’s PRAY and stop all the useless talks. God comfort the family as they grieve.

  22. i can’t believe you guys are defending this….who knows, maybe he sucked at being a father anyway and she was in need of some kind of man in her life….maybe she was abused, maybe just maybe she couldnt take her suicidal father anymore….you guys are on this site actually feeling sorry for him…murder is wrong…and to take a knife and FATALLY stab your own child is unheard of! a man rapes and kills a young boy and he’s deemed a crazy psychopath who needs to be hung, but a man who ensues in an argument with his own child kills her like a dog and you guys say “oh he was so stressed out and children just don’t know!”. of course they don’t know..they are children! get your confused acts together please. it wasn’t up to her to help his depression; because maybe she was depressed too…now she’s dead at the hands of her selfish father.

  23. No one knew this girl situation at home no one talk is cheap until you have walked a mile in her shoes no one knows……..she wasnt even comfortable in her own house yall think about that…i need say no more

    • A breakdown in family values/traditions that lead to this situation? It could be, we don’t know. I definately think that it was. Based on what has been said by persons living in that surrounding area, she had a friend but was a great student. She was 15. Normal behavior for a 15-17 year old. It’s teenage behaviour.

      The father attempted suicide once or twice.

      “REDFLAG”. If I was an immediate family member, I would have insisted that the young lady stay with me and my family until things got better in that home.

      I grew up on several family islands and that is the norm. When there are problems in homes, children usually stay with the grandmom/grand dad, aunt or uncle until either social services or other family members can get into that home and assist.

      Sneaking out or sleeping out? She was 15, girls do dumb things like that including young men. It’s the teenage life and it is at that point where the mother/father has to sit down with their kids and let them know what is right from wrong. You have to catch them early.

      Based on the newspaper where father was led into court wearing that thing over his mouth, he allegedly had TB.

      Why would a 15 year old teenager stay at home in that environment where she or her mother could have easily caught that deadly airborne disease?

      I think that the immediately family should have stepped in and talk with the mother and father to have the young lady stay with them. Hopefully she could have focused more on her schooling and leave that alleged boyfriend in the dust.

      These are the things that words or blogs just don’t understand with complex social issues. Many families here in the Bahamas face the same struggle. This is why we must demand more social service workers, better pay and benefits for those social workers and ongoing training for the workers who can go out in the communities and assist our ever-dying home family systems.

      That is my five 1/2 cents.

  24. Media,

    You have made a slight improvement to the flow of the comments section,which we appreciate. I remind you however that we are Bahamians, not Chinese or Arabs. We read from left to right, and from top to bottom.

  25. omg u guys have to be kidding….he stabbed his daughter for her having a love interest? thats bull shit i hope they beat his ass until he really does commit suicide!!

  26. I agree with capri. This article was too biased and the sources appear to be too unrealiable. Yes, it is great to inform the Bahamians as fast as you can, but accuracy and credibility is more important. I hope that this is not just heresay.

    Additionally, even if this was the truth, I find the wording to be disrespectful to the deceased.

  27. Condolences to the young lady’s family & friends. Quick comment, a parent is suppose to protect their kids by any means. We don’t know what went on between this guy & his daughter but it still did not give him the right to hurt her. Parents can only talk to their kids & pray for the best. I hope justice is served!

    • This is very sad, condolence to the family. There are always at least 2 sides to a storey and if you are a parent of a teenage girl you will understand where I am coming from. Parents can often go to the deep end especially if challenged, growing up it was common to hear a parent say they bring you here they will take you out so as a child I never challenge that. I do not know what transpired between the child and the person who took her life but as a parent now I understand that we sometimes show tough love. Most parents know where to draw the line, because if they did not, believe me the murder rate for parent killing a child would have been over the top. It is so unfortunate it ended this way. It not easy to give up on your child and send them off to the bad girl’s school. Some parents believe they can turn things around by enforcing law and order and maintaining the authority figure but this could be detrimental cause if that child flew in their parent face to God be the glory what could happen! This could be a wake up call to parents to not let the devil fool them and end up in jail.

  28. Condolences to the family of the young lady. Quick comment, people react differently to various situations. Parents need to protect their kids by any means. Regardless of what is speculated, it still didn’t give him the right to hurt his child just to get his point across. Parents can only talk to their kids & hope for the best. That’s his problem now & as a society we only can pray for him & hope that he gets a fair trial so that justice can be served!

  29. I cant put the blame on the child n i would not have placed her in a disciplinary school due to her having her own mind ir liking a boy. Cleary the father is extremly mentally unstable n she prob needed to move n live with relatives long time. I dnt see how after his attempted sucide they let a minor stay with him in the first place. When i was younger
    Me n my father had arguments but he didnt turn around n kill me for having an opinion. So we really cant say in this situation that she was rude or disgustin this situation runs way deeper than that.

  30. I cant put the blame on the child n i would not have placed her in a disciplinary school due to her having her own mind ir liking a boy. Cleary the father is extremly mentally unstable n she prob needed to move n live with relatives long time. I dnt see how after his attempted sucide they let a minor stay with him in the first place. When i was younger
    Me n my father had arguments but he didnt turn around n kill me for having an opinion. So we really cant say in this situation that she was rude or disgustin this situation runs way deeper than that.

  31. I cant put the blame on the child n i would not have placed her in a disciplinary school due to her having her own mind ir liking a boy. Cleary the father is extremly mentally unstable n she prob needed to move n live with relatives long time. I dnt see how after his attempted sucide they let a minor stay with him in the first place. When i was younger
    Me n my father had arguments but he didnt turn around n kill me for having an opinion. So we really cant say in this situation that she was rude or disgustin this situation runs way deeper than that.

  32. I cant put the blame on the child n i would not have placed her in a disciplinary school due to her having her own mind ir liking a boy. Cleary the father is extremly mentally unstable n she prob needed to move n live with relatives long time. I dnt see how after his attempted sucide they let a minor stay with him in the first place. When i was younger
    Me n my father had arguments but he didnt turn around n kill me for having an opinion. So we really cant say in this situation that she was rude or disgustin this situation runs way deeper than that.

    • Listen D boo,

      I don’t mind children having an opinion, but there is a difference between expressing an opinion and arguing. I don’t care who they are, you suppose to have respect for your parents. If you are a minor and your father express to you he doesn’t want you moving out the home, that should be the end of that story, he shouldn‘t have to be arguing with you about it. You suppose to sit your ass down and keep your mouth shut, unless you have a valid reason like he is abusing you or something and still it’s not your place to be arguing or fighting with him, you suppose to report it to the proper authorities and let them take control of the matter. You aint no man or woman to be arguing with him in his home. If you are a man or woman and you don’t like his program, then you should get your ass out his home, that‘s all. That’s the problem right now, too much men and women want be under the same roof.

      • Hence, why she wanted to move out. Kim S, it seems as though you have more sympathy for the father and not the daughter. This girl was on the honor roll and a great person. She was fighting hard in school to better herself. His only child, and now she is dead. Who you think is going to look after him when he gets worse? Richa could have been right here after the years with her career to support them both. There is no excuse for his actions. Just like you said if she didn’t like his program then she should have leave..but she tried to and what did it end in? her death. All beacause she had a Jamaican boyfriend. Sounds like discrimination to me. He deserves whatever he gets and I pray this Bahamas system stop playing with these criminals and give them the faith they deserve.

  33. Totally agree with Capri, Tho I don’t even know this young lady her tragedy was something the nation felt. Regardless of how she lived her life that give’s no one the right to end it especially her father its truly sad to think that your afraid to rome outdoors because of all the strangers who’s harming people etc but when in reality you have to worry about your own family member’s especially your parents it’s simply ridiculous, what is this little nation coming to? … just sayin

  34. Miss, you don’t know the situation. Richa was a sweet girl who didn’t do anything wrong. You are out of control because you are judging her from what you just read but you don’t know anything about her so don’t go judging her for no good damn reason. And I can complain about this because I knew the victim personally and it kills me to see that people like you are saying such horrible things about a girl you don’t even know. For all you knew he could have been abusing her but nooo SHE needs ‘to be admitted into some kind of disciplinary school’? Cut the crap! So use your god-given common sense and stop judging people without knowing them!!

  35. Miss, you don’t know the situation. Richa was a sweet girl who didn’t do anything wrong. You are out of control because you are judging her from what you just read but you don’t know anything about her so don’t go judging her for no good damn reason. And I can complain about this because I knew the victim personally and it kills me to see that people like you are saying such horrible things about a girl you don’t even know. For all you knew he could have been abusing her but nooo SHE needs ‘to be admitted into some kind of disciplinary school’? Cut the crap! So use your god-given common sense and stop judging people without knowing them!!

    • I’m sure he think so too, but what is done is done and like many other things, there’s no “undo” here. It’s amazing how he’s the only person in the world to ever live a life with a regret. Guess everyone else has always walked the perfect road and never had the opportunity to commit an act that was wrong or that they regretted. Please, let GOD be the judge and juror of this man, as only HE knows what truly transpired.

  36. What is wrong with my country men and women, why was this man even on the shtreets, he should have been committed after trying to take his own life, now two lives have ended. I pray for my country men and women and ask that our Lord grant peace and understanding to all and ask that all the violence in the country stop. I pray in the name of the Father Son Holy Ghost Amen.

  37. I was in a situation with my father before where he attacked me and for the life of me some of these parents have no respect for themselves muchless the children. This father should have never done this I don’t care how much stress he going thru seek counseling he need to get put in an electric chair chop off his private part or something

  38. Murder should never be an option. There is always a better way of handling a negative situation. However, whatever was illing this man got the best if him. I just wish more people knew the power of love and know that we are responsible for our feelings and emotions. I hope more people will decide to wake-up every morning and have a positive day, no matter the circumstaces… Thats how we take control of our life.

  39. Am, it is obvious this father was under stress considering he tried to end his own life. I do not give him right for his actions though, but some of these children really out of hands. They do not even try to understand the situation, they know their parents already have a lot on their plates and they are doing their best to provide for them and still they can’t show them any appreciation or respect for what they are doing. Things like that would make anyone upset, but I do not feel this man should have been fighting with his daughter like that. If he couldn’t handle the situation he should have contacted the authorities and make arrangement for girl to be admitted into some kind of disciplinary school.

    • who ever u are u need 2 know fully whats going on before u open ya mouth. that girl was a nice young lady never got into problem her dad had issues it en had ntn 2 do with her attitude she en had no perfect life and granted she 2 young 4 a bf that was only lil bit of happiness she had in her life. but you cant go round assuming things if u dont know the full story. i knew her personally very smart young lady who was wrking hard in skol 2 make her life better.

      • Ok I hear you Person, I don’t want to attack this girl’s character. Maybe it’s just me, I don’t know. I probably came from a different era. When I was living in under my mother’s roof and got carried away sometimes, when I would miss and raise my voice at her, my mother would ask me one question, Sweetie, who are you talking to? My reply would have been very polite and I would have answered “no one” then I would have adjusted my tune very quickly. Today, I am an adult and living in my own home and when I go to visit my mother, I still do not raise my voice too high under her roof. Not that she could do anything with me now, but that’s just the level of respect I have for that woman. So forgive me, if I don‘t seem to get it, because when I see children arguing and throwing these tantrums around their parents to me that comes across as being very rude, because that is something wasn’t able to get away with as a child.

        • Ms.Sands
          You seem to have a lot to say but it has absolutely no foundation in this situation. Before you begin to pass judgement and have all to say you need to get your facts straight and not try to spoil a good girl’s reputation in your attempt to give what I think could be good advice, but not in this situation. In this case the problem was not the child but the father, I know this because I know the family personally. Let the angel’s soul and life rest in peace.

    • she was not a bad child very good student good grades nobody is perfect you dont know thier situation so who are you to speak and say she was ungreatful

  40. This is a domestic affair,I feel sorry for the father at all angle,his depression,attempted suicide,and a once lose child,if I was judge and jury I would sentence him to time served,and counseling.May he find peace in his actions,he is the Head,so bear it,I tap your shoulders,grief with you.


      • May he who is without sin cast the first stone. I hope that if Shanti has kids, she is living a perfect life. Otherwise, the SINS she commits could also be killing her kids – spiritually that is. I’m so glad she’s perfect and have no need for grace nor mercy. Unfortunately, many of us have fallen short. Please, Shanti, pray that all of us would become just like you some day – perfect.

  41. This is a domestic affair,I feel sorry for the father at all angle,his depression,attempted suicide,and a once lose child,if I was judge and jury I would sentence him to time served,and counseling.May he find peace in his actions,he is the Head,so bear it,I tap your shoulders,grief with you.

    • Rick, I concur. I would sentence the father to time served and counselling. I believe he’s gone and is going through enough. Grace and mercy must abound at some point. May he find peace.

  42. Please do not speculate on why this young life was taken. We are not sure why her father took her life. Do not ruin her name by saying things you’ll are not sure about.

    • I hope that the picture that is being shown is not the incident photo. Because that is truly heart breaking. I do not justify the action of the father nor do I call the young lady bad. I can identify with the mental state of the dad seeing that it was said that he tried to take his own life before. I do not know what could be done with the persons that are mentally unstable because I was in this state before, where I would of smothered my own children and take my life. I went to Psychiatric ward I went to sanderlands, all is done is a shot and some pills and it did not help the root of my problem it is like a cough medicine it just suppress the cough for a little while but the problem is still there. And with the young girl she had to have stress because a child that grows up in a stable home does not act out this way, atleast I acted out this way only as a cry that someone will see me and hear my actions as my cry, because words fall on deaf ears in our country when it comes from the mouth of a child. My heart truly goes out to the daughter and the father cause only because the Grace of God their I and my children would of been. 🙁

      • Lenora, thank you for sharing your personal experience, I really respect that. I am very sorry about what you had to go through and I hope everything is ok with you now. I really feel for mentally ill persons and their family members who has to cope with the disease. I realize these person can be harmful to themselves and to others and there really isn‘t much being done to help these persons. As family members, friends and the community I think we need to understand that it is a sickness and be more supportive and try our best to do things that will keep these persons calm and collective, instead of triggering them off. I think that’s what happened in this incident, this girl didn’t realize how serious her father’s condition were. If she did realize it, no way she would have been arguing with him that’s for sure, unless she wasn’t too stable herself. Man! I tell you, I feel bad for both of them.

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