Female Valley Boys Leader expresses her concerns with the leadership of Brian Adderley…


Colebrooke: A 65-Year-old Group would not host an election for the membership to choose who they want to be their leader/chairman…

The Valley Boys early New Year’s Day 2016.
Aldeka Colebrooke

Dear Editor,

Got some calls and some messages I want the general public to know that in no way or fashion, I would disrespect anyone or speak ill of anyone.  

I have been a member of The Valley Boys since 2003 equivalent to 21 years.   I joined the group during a time of transition when the group had a split. 

These things happen, and you must know how to dust your shoulders off.  I have come through the tutelage of many great men and women and appreciate all who took me under their wing.   

I also earned a position at a table where Mr. Gus Cooper respected me as a female in the brass section and who also had to hold the section when another split happened.  Obviously when Mr. Cooper died decisions were made by others and this situation changed I was never told just never invited again which is fine.  I continued being an advisor to the Brass Section.

While there was always a culture of The Valley Boys that we are the best which is no problem over the years we have not been working at our best.  It is unfortunate that a 65-Year-old Group would not host an election for the membership to choose who they want to be their leader/chairman.  Democratically every 5 years I can register and vote for who I wish to control my constituency and a leader is chosen. But the group that I have been a part of has failed to do things.  A General Meeting that should also be called at least once a year is like something of NON-EXISTANCE.  Members are oblivious of what financially is going on with the group.  Sponsors have left and partnered with other groups. But we call ourselves the oldest Junkanoo Group and failing our members.    Yes, the group was not registered by the all-mighty leader’s or chairman of the group.  But it’s registered now ! 

For every action, there is a reaction. Myself and every other sensible, professional, responsible and accountable MEMBER ! I said MEMBER CAUSE NO ONE can put me out of a group that you never brought me to or paid me to be a part of.    Where were you when I spent my money on gas to drop young men and women home to their parents to make sure they were safe after junkanoo practice over the years?   Where were you when I fed young people with my own money cause they needed a hot meal? Where were you when young person who needed money to finish their costume cause the parents could not afford it ?  Yal pissed me the hell off and a whole lot of other real Valley Boys who want to make things right.  I’m not in the shadows and have no need to be afraid only person I fear is God and everyone who knows me knows I talk straight !!

No one should support things out of order including those who govern the Junkanoo Community! Valley Members need to fight for their rights, if you don’t you deserve to be muted like they want you to be a part of a 4 man Dictatorship Movement.  No I ain’t calling ya’ll MINIONS today.  Make it make sense we are one Valley Boys Group.  Every leader has their time when the sun must set it takes a real man or woman to come to this realization. 

To those who are encouraging the dictatorship standard of the group, you are a part of the problem of why the group is the way it is because you are only worrying about yourselves and the money you may be losing.  It’s not about money its about the standard and integrity that you should be keeping.  #MakeItMakeSense  #stopbullyingmembers #theirchoice #TheirRight 


Thanks !

The One and Only Aldeka Colebrooke