Fight in the FNM Intensifies…Pressure to force Ingraham’s hand in the FNM is mounting


FNMs March at Labour Day Parade 2010.

Hubert Ingraham, PM and FNM Party Leader

Nassau, Bahamas — A political threat by six angry and frustrated FNM MPs assisted by the Council of the Party have forced the hand of the Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham to go ahead with the FNM Convention 2010. These diehard FNMs are determined to show the leadership who is boss over the Council. In the face of having a weak and idle Chairman, the upcoming event promises to be a ‘political bloodbath’ that is set for Wednesday Nov. 3rd, at the Wyndham Crystal Palace and Casino.

The Prime Minister is doomed if he does, and doomed if he doesn’t.

BP has learnt that an ultimatum sent by the Council last week has forced the PM to fight a raging internal political battle to save his legacy. Failure to win and show who is boss can result in the end of his term as Party Leader.

Additionally, BP has learnt that forces inside the FNM have sent a clear message to the Party Leadership in the form of ordering that the 2010 Conclave must go on by hook or crook, and if it Leadership fails to carry on as planned, an impending exodus of MPs, council members, and party officers shall be the result. Even diehard FNMs now want to see an immediate change so as to save this country from further dismay and economic pain.

This bad news hit Prime Minister Ingraham following the Cabinet meeting and we are told it has left the PM in a rage; placing him a position of weakness of paralyzed dithering; a state commonly known to his political rival.

Carl Bethel

“The situation has left the PM in a no holds barred scenario. If they go forth then he will be challenged as Party Leader and if Ingraham do not go forth with Convention plans, then some members of the FNM are prepared to jump ship. How bad the hemorrhage of the Party faithful will be has yet to be known. We know support against Ingraham is growing within the ranks of former and current Cabinet Ministers and we know even Carl Bethel has confirmed that he was canvassing the country. He was in the Long Island Constituency planting Dr. Duane Sands a few days ago.” A Party insider told BP.

“What we know however is this, Ingraham is in a catch-22 situation and the longer he becomes quiet, silent and prolongs the matter like Christie; dithering and waffling on the issue, support by a well organized, focus and ready candidate to win the leadership of our Party is building.”

Janet Bostwick

Bahamas Press sensed a state of chaos erupting in the walls of the FNM when the entire leadership in the Women’s Association on Grand Bahamas resigned and abandoned their positions. This was preceded by a war of letters between members of the national branches of women who lobbied for the appointment of former minister of foreign affairs, Janet Bostwick, as Governor General of the Bahamas. Ingraham shot down the idea and refused to meet with the women who requested an audience with the Party Leadership.

Prior to the 2002 General Elections, the Free National Movement ended its second term in office following a contentious referendum, which followed with a bloodbath for the Party leadership. Voters then rejected the Ingraham government and voted him out of office.

“There is nothing new under the sun Solomon says and the way it looks, it appears we are headed down the road of destruction once again,” the FNM insider said. As bad as things are these days, even Brent Symonette may now be ready to jump ship and become the political Brutus of this FNM era.


  1. @ Truth………..truer words are seldom spoken, however, you could’ve done well without adding the part about “time for Brave to upgrade”

    Ine know so much bout that, I am not one of those who is quick to jump on the Branville or Brave band wagons. but I say again, we need to say ” thank you and goodbye” to those two good gentlemen, Ingraham and Chrisitie.

    They have much to reminisce about.

    • Welll hes the only one who I think can make the FNM win the next election. Brent,Tommy, Zhivargo canttt trust on that. The PLP have more eggs to hatch.

  2. The PM allows Deputy Prime Minister Brent Symonette who stands to enrich himself and his partners from the Arawak Cay Port development. I have always thought it wrong for Symonette, as a partner in Arawak, to remain in Cabinet. Still the PM was masterminding how to deal with the FNM’s young rising star Branville McCartney. Minister McCartney’s resignation, as Junior Minister of Immigration to Symonette, while all indications were he was doing an excellent job for the PM and Bahamians, but he was asking too often as to what in the hell was gong on over at the PM’s office, with the PM’s ON/OFF policy to deport, or not to deport, illegal Haitians.Funny the way history tends to repeat itself. As a performing Minister in Pindling’s government, he too was forced out, later to to become PM.

  3. partners from the Arawak Cay Port development. I have always thought it wrong for Symonette, as a partner in Arawak, to remain in Cabinet. Still the PM was masterminding how to deal with the FNM’s young rising star Branville McCartney. Minister McCartney’s resignation, as Junior Minister of Immigration to Symonette, while all indications were he was doing an excellent job for the PM and Bahamians, but he was asking too often as to what in the hell was gong on over at the PM’s office, with the PM’s ON/OFF policy to deport, or not to deport, illegal Haitians.Funny the way history tends to repeat itself. As a performing Minister in Pindling’s government, he too was forced out, later to to become PM

  4. Although I think it may be time for the PM to go, I would hope that Bahamins will remember that both he and Christie never did follow in the steps of PM Pindling, with allowing the likes of a Carlos Lehder’s, the Colombian cartel’s transport chief who took control of Normon’s Cay, under the protective eye of PM Pindling, which Lehder and his killers and thugs operated their cocaine transport empire from.

  5. Although I think it may be time for the PM to go, I would hope that Bahamins will remember that both he and Christie never did follow in the steps of PM Pindling, with allowing the likes of a Carlos Lehder’s, the Colombian cartel’s transport chief who took control of Normon’s Cay, under the protective eye of PM Pindling, which he and his killers and thugs operated their cocaine transport empire from.

    • GROUPER MOUTH WISDOM. YES its time for HUBERT TO GO. BUT people are ignoring Perry Like he is worth a PENNY. He was the WORST PRIME MINISTER THIS COUNTRY EVER SEEN. Say what you like about Ingraham but I perfer him ANYDAY OF THE WEEK COMPARED TO PERRY. Its TIME FOR BRAVE TO UPGRADE!

  6. Donna,
    FNM’s worshiped Ingraham for too long. Thats a good and also a bad thing. Good Because not like Perry, most people respect Ingraham in the party.

    Learn to take a joke!… And I was meaning since tommy Headed the ticket in 02′ therefore technically He should be put on the loosing team. Take my blows really now? The same blow Perry Christie took in 07 making the first PM to be kicked out of office in ONE Term. EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • @Truth, look Gay Boy, this is no joke time, be a man and grow up, talking about joke, kids are being attacked, on our streets daily and you talking bout joke, light bills going up, water bill, people in this country neck high in garbage and bills, and you are that stupid to be making jokes, look here geek, Perry Christie ain’t nothing to me, other than a fellow Bahamian, so stop being stupid, and stay on message, Hubert lost the general election in 2002, that’s a fact, people like you are so political asinine, that you don’t even know how to put your country before politics, grow up and put on pants dude or whatever you are.

  7. Truth,
    are you supporting my position, that the FNM supporters were ALWAYS too weak and therefore never VOTED out Ingraham? Because this gives more weight to my theory that FNMs are too weak to oust Hubert -not in the past, not in the present and not in the future!

    • Naw im not supporting for one I think its time Ingraham goes. 2. Yal seem to forget Perry Christie and how weak of a leader he is. So dont forget about that 3. Its time to be BRAVE and have a BRAN new change!!!! AKA to the slow ones like “Awakened” Its time for Brave Davis and its time for Branville McCartney to start to make there way on TOP!

    • @Truth, you are wrong, the beating in 2002 was Ingraham’s own, he was still the leader, you saw Dupuch’s letter that was written into BP, so stop playing crazy and take ya blows, Tommy was beaten by Koed, Ingraham has been beaten before, and will get it again if he stays in to run again.

  8. Yeah right! The people in the FNM now too scared to challenge Hubert, they can talk all they want, the real heroes of the party- Maurice Moore, Dupuch etc, were excommunicated from the party years ago, and what is left is a bunch of cowardly, opportunistic weaklings. How anyone continues to support this party is a mystery. They brought the bull back, now that his horns are showing, and he’s gorging anyone who approaches, now they complaining! They never NEVER should have brought him back. Now we all suffering.

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