Fights in the FNM and Kelly fights with Police, but is not arrested! Hmmm


election_9999_72Nassau, Bahamas – Mama light still off and only the torch can be seen in the country to light the way of misery now set in throughout the country. The FNM today released their itinerary for the Party’s national convention and what we see is just another Mass Concert for the next three days.

The lineup at the opening night has as many entertainers as they have speakers; whose messages are set in 20 to 25 minutes time frames. This means no speaker will go into detail with their needed solutions to resolve the vexatious issues now facing the country. Issues such as: The Massive UNEMPLOYMENT, the thousands of homes now disconnected with electricity, the thousands of students who cannot get a loan from the government to attain a tertiary education. It will leave no time for anyone to talk to the people now ‘catchin’ eternal hell created by this Mugabe led WUTLESS FNM government.

Bahamas Press can now confirm also that a possible court action can be issued to put on hold the proceedings of the Convention. Sources deep in the bowels of the FNM Party now tell us Chairman, Johnlee Ferguson, is still withholding the list of delegates marked to attend the convention from possible candidates vying for Party office. A Glenys Hanna-Martin Nazi move again!

Bahamas Press also can confirm that serious problems will erupt at the Convention floor at opening night. At the last sitting of Parliament FNM member Hiram Kelly sparked a ruckus during the House proceedings. He demanded to see the minister of national security, Tommy Turnquest. He began to disrupt the proceedings and therefore the Sargent of Arms and three other officers had to remove Kelly from the gallery. Kelly put up a fight. He attacked the officers, yanked the rails out of place, kicked chairs scraped the walls in Parliament before being tossed downstairs and onto the concrete outside the House. Not a Wutless Media member called Kelly’s name nor mentioned his meritorious association with the FNM.1341765426_9eadc55271

And why was Kelly not arrested? How is it an known FNM could murder in this town and the Gestapo police could shut their red eyes to the crime? When this same Hiram Kelly and a women associated with the PLP fought outside the Election Court during the Pinewood election matter in 2008, that same PLP woman was immediately arrested and hauled before the courts, and Kelly was never questioned. When Cassius Stuart cuffed himself to the mace and disrupted the Parliament he and his sidekick were immediately arrested. How is it this known FNM could walk in the House, threaten the minister, fight and cuss officers and yet nothing done to him? This speaks volumes to the duplicitous society we’re now living in. Look where MUGABE has brought us! Perhaps Hiram should carry a concealed weapon the next time he walks into the House of Assembly and attempt to be a successful Guy Fawkes.


  1. Russell Johnson :
    EXAMPLE Tommy Turnquest’s controversy with him retiring some Police Officers early. Its sad YES but hey we need NEW FRESH IDEAS.
    Is this not praise for an inept Leader?And we wonder why we have a crime wave.How come lawyers like the ones who got Qcs recently and are over 65 were not placed on the backburner and more younger ones given QCs?I notice that you have not commented on the claims by Ivoine Ingraham who was threatened with being fired?Please dont be selective in your answers bcos since you are in COB you know more than most that any answer must be complete.

    THINK ABOUT IT! You mean to tell me most of them who got retirement are 60+ years old. Most criminal are are 35 years old or younger. How can these 60+ older fight criminals who are 35 or younger?????? These officers cant BLEND IN UNDERCOVER CRIMES.

    Here it is there are RAPES going on in COB CAMPUS for years now. Outsiders/NON students are coming in and raping the female students at night in the bathrooms. Just Last week the POLICE had a UNDERCOVER POLICE WOMAN walking up in down inside and out of the bathrooms.

    You mean to tell me these OLD, Tired 60+ year old know how to set up a STING like this?…. OH NO! Therefore the young undercover POLICE woman GOT TWO MALES TRYING TO RAPE HER.

  2. @Bahamasyouth

    EXAMPLE Tommy Turnquest’s controversy with him retiring some Police Officers early. Its sad YES but hey we need NEW FRESH IDEAS.

    Is this not praise for an inept Leader?And we wonder why we have a crime wave.How come lawyers like the ones who got Qcs recently and are over 65 were not placed on the backburner and more younger ones given QCs?I notice that you have not commented on the claims by Ivoine Ingraham who was threatened with being fired?Please dont be selective in your answers bcos since you are in COB you know more than most that any answer must be complete.

  3. @Russell Johnson
    Praising who??????…. TOMMY TURNQUEST??? LOLOLOL…. I cant stand him!!!!!!!!!!!! HEs a weak man!

    Yal could call me a FNM, Yal could call me PLP Hater but I know who I AM as an individual. I put right where right is. Weak Leadership is not myh thing. Tommy, Perry are all in the same SINKING SHIP WITH ME. Branville McCartney, Fred Mitchel, Leslie Miller is a prime example of the AGGRESSIVENESS I want in a leader.

    I have a problem with people like yourself who so caught up with the PLP foolishness that you cant sit down and have a good debate!

  4. @Bahamasyouth
    I have been following your postings and find that in some instances you make sense but then your blind FNM side comes out and that for which you castigate me and others is irony of the first order.Your long diatribe in these discussions is hot,hot air.Tommy must be impressed with you for praising him but we on this site know better,you are who you are,a PLP hater and blind follower of the most ruthless and spiteful Govt in the history of our country.Oh and Chet P,the UBP(FNM) still brings cusses from some of its victims,just ask Ivoine Ingraham.

  5. As simple as setting up laws for MARTIAL RAPE…. A good much of Bahamians are against that. I can assure you that the bulk of them are:
    a. Older Generation 50 yrs+ (chauvinistic mindset)
    b. Violators who rapes their wife.
    c. ‘die-hard’ PLP’s who wouldn’t agree with NOTHING what the FNM agrees with.

    Its very sad that a bulk of people thinks this way but its the TRUTH.

    Can you honestly IMAGINE if a governing party try to:
    1. Reform Government policies and workers by putting place YOUNG PEOPLE who can bring in new ideas.
    2. Presenting TAXATION for Bahamians- which we would ultimately have to do soon to keep afloat.
    3. Economic Diversification.

    As simple as putting in place measures we CANT but Awakened you must remember that WHAT INDUSTRIES we can focus on ECONOMIC Diversification. If we start to put change like what me and you agree on HOW CAN THE GOVERNMENT MOTIVATE THE PUBLIC?, How can the Government find founds to meet the needs? these are issues any government would have.

  6. @Awakened

    Yes YES YES!!!!! You got what I’m trying to say. We needs to get back to the BASICS and Reform!….. We are living in a 21st century, we shouldn’t need to be toatin long lines to get our drivers license or paying our bills. Thats the problem I have with The FNM and Thats the problem I have with the PLP.

    In all honest, I feel that our GOVERNMENT SYSTEM is one of the key issues of why this country is. But the problem THE GOVERNMENT PARTY have is that THE PEOPLE DONT WANT DRASTIC CHANGE. If it was up to me…. Half of the HIGH OFFICIALS in GOVERNMENT would be on RETIREMENT. Our System over here is working backwards and not forward. I find it very very stupid that majority of the high ranking officials in our government agencies GOT where they are by TIME instead of Experience. As simple as having a EFFECTIVE POSTAL COMPANY…. We cant even do that effectively. We have to go to the post office and wait on long lines.

    A dear friend of mines recently graduated from The University of Miami and he is having problems to get a GOVERNMENT JOB. He has the EDUCATION, the knowledge but you mean to tell me THE BEST SEAT in government for him is to start as a SECRETARY then work his way up.

    WE NEED NEW YOUNG EDUCATED PERSONS WHO CAN CHANGE OUR GOVERNMENT SYSTEM and the sad part about it. Which ever PARTY decided to do that I can assure you that the PEOPLE Would have a problem with it.

    EXAMPLE Tommy Turnquest’s controversy with him retiring some Police Officers early. Its sad YES but hey we need NEW FRESH IDEAS.

    Whoever is in charge would have a task.

  7. @truthhurtsName calling and insults are easy to do, but where are your answers and solutions to what’s going on in the country, usually when someone has nothing constructive to say they throw insults, give use a clue dude, and stop the name calling, the truth hurts huh?.

  8. @BahamasyouthYou know what Bahamasyouth, what you say is correct on Tourism being fragile, so what is the government going to do?, we can’t stay in one spot, we can’t sit back waiting on the US to find their way out of this muck, we’ve gotta make some changes not now, several years ago,…. and as for Bradley Roberts he has a job to do as with any chairman of a party, as do Johnlee Ferguson,…. we are Bahamian first, not FNM’s or PLP’s, again we’ve got to spread the wealth, get back to basics and get our kids in line, if everyone did their duty this country would not be in the state it is in right now, and this just didn’t happen over night, we were slaves set free to fend for ourselves, and over time through wanting what the white man had, greed, mistrust, Uncle Tomism and other petty things, this is where we’ve arrived, but we can correct it, if and only if the puppet masters would stop playing games and spread the wealth opportunities around,………(I CAN DREAM CAN’T I!!!!).

  9. @LOU

    Gee…. I know i do um get a lil out of order but I just hate HATE HATEEEEEEEEEEE…… Ignorant close minded person like Altec and co. Altec is a person you cant sit down and have a discussion with.

  10. @Awakened
    Your right!…..But we must remember that Tourism is and has always been our main industry. There’s two types of Tourism: Mass Tourism and Specialty Tourism. Tourism is a FRAGILE Industry. If the consumers(tourist) broke why should they travel?.. In other words we depend on the global market to generate the whole Bahamas. ONCE that down then CRIME WILL automatically go up. No if’s or Buts. This is not necessarily accurate to blame the fnm for this current state. Thats what Chairman Bradley Roberts is doing. In a way hes wrong BUT HEY ITS POLITICS… He is trying regenerate his base and bring in new people once he have a good case.

  11. @Bahamasyouth
    LOL…man/woman, you need to sit at the round table@! Your input and insight is good! Once you get a few of those “Youthful ” kinks out, I think that you can bring alot to the table.. just focus your thoughts properly. Very, very good ideas and suggestions, except for penalizing parents. I know from experience (5) five children and being a youth officer in church and mentor to many young men, that in this day and age no matter what you instill in your children, they seem to have a greater awareness that the choice is theirs – their life, and so they end up making some very bad decisions – despite what they have been taught! Keep Focused…

  12. @Bahamasyouth NO!, spreading the opportunities for wealth around is one of the main ways to curb crime, the Bahamian economy is still in the hands of a few, and they don’t just wanna “HOG IT!”, and until we decide to bring others less fortunate along crime will continue at this pace or greater, you can’t stop crime but at this rate we are making more criminals.

  13. Also one MUST REMEMBER that Perry Christie didnt build NOT ONE SCHOOL, Clinic or any other development when the ECONOMY was at its best.

    Here it is, The FNM is in power. There is a GLOBAL ECONOMIC shut down. Therefore there should NOT be much development but ironically Schools are being build, clinics are being build, airport are being build etc. And The FNM is a worse state than the PLP.

    ONE MUST NOT FORGET THAT WE DEPEND TOO MUCH ON THE USA and now the USA is coughing and now we are going to COUGH and SNEEZE. In other words The USA is having a mild cold and The Bahamas is having a H1N1 Epidemic. lol JOKE

    We depend on a FRAGILE industry such as Tourism. Now this teaches us that the sky is THE LIMIT and we should NOT depend on TOURISM. We needs to focus on Other industries that can help US ALL when Tough times approaches us.

  14. @LOU

    Yes Political Parties both FNM and PLP always PROMISE THIS AND THAT. The only POSITIVE thing I can say what came out of Christie’s administration was the URBAN RENEWAL. The FNM shouldve kept this in place but some may differ because Urban renewal didnt hit the root of all crimes. The root of crime is SIMPLE. ITS THE FAMILY and CHURCH and School base. Lou you must remember CRIME was increasing when they did the urban renewl program as well BUT this is where me and you agree. Urban Renewal helped in the LONG RUN and not the short run. Every year CRIME WILL GO UP! But I still beleive the FNM shouldve kept Urban Renewel and stop with the petty POLITICAL GAMES.

    Now with your statements about Foreigners I understand completely where you are coming from 100%. But I dont know what pro’s or cons Mr Ingraham took to appoint the recent QC LIST. But I do agree that Wayne Munroe and Brave Davis shouldve been appointed.


    Ive stated many of occasions that the Ministry of Security, Ministry of Social Services and Ministry of Education should WORK TOGETHER TO GET INTO THE ROOT OF CRIME. I’m a true believer of REFORM. We need REFORM BADLY. Lets take in Statistics and Psychological development to THE NEXT LEVEL. I believe the only solution to bringing down crime is COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. Lets have qualified Sociologist and Psychologist in the Ministry of Social Services. Lets have EDUCATED, TRAINED YOUNG people as high ranks in the police force. WE NEEDS TO FOCUS ON THE ROOTS.

    Lets bring trained Sociologist and Psychologist as GUIDANCE Counselors amongst ALL of our Schools from Primary to Secondary. These Trained Guidance Counselors would work with the school principals and teachers. Children should be penalized accordingly and should do some sort of COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT during their suspensions. Also, I believe once a CHILD is suspended more than 3 TIMES…. THEY SHOULD BE TAKING INTO EVALUATION. The EVALUATION must consist of both the parent and child mental state also observing their surroundings and parenting skills. More than likely….. some sort of CHILD ABUSE is making the student to react in a abnormal way. Therefore the PARENT should be PENALIZED accordingly and seek some sort of COUNSELING and parenting skills workshop. Once they dont follow THE counselor’s advice….. THE COURT SHOULD take note. This same appeal should be taking to all JUVENAL who enter the court for ANYTHING. Also, Once the student has more than 5 Suspensions and did a evaluation….. The court should have the right to let the parents to pay and also should be release custody UNTO THE GOVERNMENT. The Government should SHIP the children into BOOT CAMPS in the family island where they will undergo schooling, counseling and also community development (AGRICULTURAL ACTIVITIES).

  15. Bahamas youth, is not Chet on facebook, he was on my facebook page(talking caca) as usual, as Voices Bahamian. He does not play Fnm there, he is Fnm. He got rolled out by those youngsters from plps, on facebook.

    Pure dummy!! Altec is one of the brightest minds on Bahamas Press. Well informed, whether you like it or not.

  16. @Bahamasyouth
    I agree with your main point – People need to be more responsible and make better choices! But, we know that Political parties prey on the citizens. Why i say that is because, our economy was doing very well, communities were “partners” with the police, crime certainly wasn’t what it is now and people had a sense of “belong” in this country. Now, we have people that feel Foreigners taking over, the Govt not “providing” opportunities for the avergae bahamian (only the wealthy – just look at the recent QC list) – where is Wayne munroe, Murio Drucille, etc.. That other party campaigned hard on all those issues – saying that they can provide more, saying that they “CAN” make it better! They were the ones who made it seem like they were going to privide ..just what the voter needed ! They made the voter “Dependent” on them !

  17. @LOU
    ALTEC is a ignorant fool point blank who is so caught up with the PLP that they cant see nothing but the PLP. Altec has challenged BP on mainly PLP issues, this country dont consist of only PLP’s. Last time I checked the plp lost. My main problem with Altec is that they cant have a FAIR POINT OF VIEW ON THE ISSUES. Altec stating that BP has called Perry some nasty names which is accurate. Then Altec stating that BP and other press are against the plp which is not really accurate because only SOME press are actually anti-plp like the punch.

    Altec only want to make plenty noise in the straw market and making claims that BP and all the rest of the press are ANTI-PLP’s. What Im trying to say is, IF ANYBODY Disagrees OR GOES AGAINST THE PLP. Altec will paint them as a “die-hard FNM”.

    As far as stating PC is a “whatless leader” in a way I honestly dont think he is that bad as a leader. The reasons why I feel Perry Christie is not a aggressive leader is because he cant control organization. Perry Christie has been tested TIME and TIME AGAIN that he should enforce SOME penalties to violators and thats one of the reasons he lost in 2007.

    1. When it comes to TRUST….. I rather Perry Christie because hes more loyal.
    2. When it comes to being a “Go-GETTA”…..I rather Hubert Ingraham because hes more aggressive.

    I’m being very very honest. Ive stated many times that I really dont like Hubert Ingraham’s personality but atleast I respect him as a leader.

    LOU :
    Both of you need to learn a bit of respect! Where do you both think you are – in a back yard over the hill ? Anyone who has been on this site (earlier than you guys/gals) know that one person who always challenges BP info – whith good reason, ha been ALTEC ! He/she seems very knowledgeable and quite keen! Much respect has also been shown even though some disputes were very “heated”! As far as you (Bahamasyouth) calling PC a “whatless leader”, I can tell you one thing, and that is the people whose electricity are off, kids who can’t live their dreams and contribute to this country via College education, people who have lost their homes and jobs – would certainly now see and prefer a “whatless pussycat” who cares about them – than “biggiety, proven leader (straight to hell)that don’t care a fart about families! So, “get round the corner” and stop you’all sh….t and show respect! That the problem with this younger generation …and you’all want to LEAD…to where ????????????

    1. Electricity being off.
    a. Last time I check the government’s job is not to spoon feed. If I know at the end of the month the light bill must be paid, Im going to save X amount of funds for the light bill. EVEN a LIL extra in case the light bill is a lil HIGHER than I expected. Secondly, We should not live life like theirs no TOMORROW. We as INDIVIDUALS MUST LEARN TO SAVE FOR RAINY DAYS/SEASONS.

    b. Now for persons who are not Unfortunate as others. For Persons who might lost their only job. BEC along with Ministry of Works have put in place initiatives so that you can work out a deal with BEC and have your light on. Also, there were a unemployment scheme which cater to people under this category, so that Government can lend out money and assist you with finding a job.

    2. College Education
    As a current COB student, I must say that there are numerous ways that you can obtain your college education. College of The Bahamas offers many courses that can assist you during these TRYING TIMES at a affordable rate of less than $1,400 per. Semester. I know some students dont want to come to COB then transfer to other schools but when your face with this bad economy, you must HELP YOURSELF in any way whats possible. There’s NUMEROUS SCHOLARSHIPS that can assist you in paying for COB. OR. There’s differed payments that helps alot.

    B. As for the students who scholarships was declined for their international colleges. Then simply TRANSFER to COB…. Do courses that can be easily transferred at your college. For a Public School in the USA the average tuition and living expenses is $20,000 to $25,000 a year. And for Private colleges its MORE.

    LASTLY WE MUST STOP LIVING like its no tomorrow and learn to BUDGET and save our monies. If Laura works at the hotel, Laura watch CNN every night and learn about the crisis whats happening in the US’s ECONOMY. Laura Knows that hey most of the tourist are WORKING CLASS AMERICANS. And If working class Americans are going through a crisis THAT MEANS MY JOB will soon be on the line. Therefore if Laura knows better. Laura is going on a STRICT BUDGET and STRICT SAVINGS in case Laura’s job gets in jeopardy. SO that the time when The Bahamas gets the affect of THE ECONOMIC CRISIS. LAURA has at least 3 months worth of savings SAVED. Therefore Laura is going to try get a SECOND JOB, so that she can be BETTER OFF.


    GOVERNMENT DEPENDS On a FRAGILE INDUSTRY which is TOURISM, therefore these same things was ga happen eventually whether FNM or PLP was in power.


    Both of you need to learn a bit of respect! Where do you both think you are – in a back yard over the hill ? Anyone who has been on this site (earlier than you guys/gals) know that one person who always challenges BP info – whith good reason, ha been ALTEC ! He/she seems very knowledgeable and quite keen! Much respect has also been shown even though some disputes were very “heated”! As far as you (Bahamasyouth) calling PC a “whatless leader”, I can tell you one thing, and that is the people whose electricity are off, kids who can’t live their dreams and contribute to this country via College education, people who have lost their homes and jobs – would certainly now see and prefer a “whatless pussycat” who cares about them – than “biggiety, proven leader (straight to hell)that don’t care a fart about families! So, “get round the corner” and stop you’all sh….t and show respect! That the problem with this younger generation …and you’all want to LEAD…to where ????????????

  19. I wonder if i was the only one to see that the picture with shane gibson and N. Smith was croped to give false impression that it was somthing going on like hanky panky the lady wasnt attractive at all fact makeup and surgery… as for the speculation about who will lead the fnm youll wastin time H.A.I will decide johnny just come aint ga see the light of day trust me on that and actually how well do youll know mr glitter whats his track records anyone could spend a few dollars in the anticipation of the pot at the end of the rainbow…Fnm has ingrahm to thank for their current run and no one in that bunch will be stupid enough to go agianst the grain as they say when H.A.I finish with ya dog look at ya with pity

  20. @Russell Johnson
    No Im not chet p.

    @Think Bahams
    What we must realize that Minister for Immigration simply CANT STOP ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS from COMing BACK HERE. There’s one solution that could stop it which is to kill them while they get catch. But that’s Ignorant! Statements about illegal immigrants getting work permit is NOT TRUE!

    If you ask me…… ill go to the schools, churches one time and pick em up but under our constitution that’s illegal. But I do see changes in the Ministry such as swift reparations, better living conditions, frequent raids, puting in place a 24/7 phone-line system etc.

  21. No Ronica7 it’s you and I who are silly, because I don’t see it either, this guy is just a lighter version of Tommy T, NO SUBSTANCE THERE!!, a lot of big words, and nothing to back it up, I will agree he appears to be a good, if not the best MP there is out there, along with good PR, but a decent Minister I beg to differ, I think the public is just looking for anyone that resembles a hint of character on the political scene right now, but the Press will love you one day and bring you down the next, watch out for the down fall people.@ronica7

  22. @ronica7
    The problem here is that if eyes r shut they wont see, The detention center before and after. The imigration policy shift to processing in Inagua was impressive, also the raids are continous… IT seem that the most positive step is the training program geared toward beafing up the Imigration Department Staff. The Minister and his team seem to be heading in a positive direction and I am sure that this is a marked improvement from past attempts to contain this problem. I agree however that they need to expand to cover all nationalities. We have a lot of expats who meld into our society well after their work permits are completed, the chinees, Jamaicans, Philippine etc are everywhere.

  23. @ronica7
    I totally agree with you. All the raids and the repatriation exercises are wothless because everyday more and more foreigners are afforded work permits and national status. So, I concur with you. Mr McCartney is useless because they keep coming and eventually they will be allowed to stay. We need to STOP, REVIEW, AND CANCEL giving out all those work permits and maybe we can begin to put a dent in our immigration problem. That said, Mr McCartney has yet to impress me.

  24. @altec

    bredren. didn’t i just call you a runner outter? why are still running on and on and on and on and on?

  25. @Altec

    Your a stupid fool you needs to clear your head and shut up!

    IGNORANT FOOL…… What Ingraham does call Perry….. WHATLESS! You should be a ASHAMED CHRISTIE

    BP has called Ingraham some nastier names compared to Perry. But like you say BP is BIAS…… PLEASE GROW UP and MAN UP to your own LEADER MISTAKES.

    Please explain to me why Perry CHristie HIMSELF COULD MAN UP and admit he made mistakes????? WHY CANT A IGNORANT FOOL LIKE YOURSELF CAN MAN UP and admit perry made mistake.

    Ingraham might be called a fool, pitbull, dumb or drunkered. But I COULD TELL YA DIS…. YOu cant call him a DUMB PUSSSSSSSSSSSYYYYYYY CAT.

    STOP trying to make it seem like everybody is AGAINST THE PLP when reality YOUR Delusional YOU CANT ADMIT YOUR OWN PARTY MISTAKES!

  26. @Altec

    Altec want um make jokes about my statements well listen here Ignorant fool. Last week they did a POLL downtown and if my memory serves me correctly. 43% of people who did the poll said that they support Perry Christie. 33% said they support Ingraham. When 24% stated they dont support NEITHER.

    Now Altec might think im talking foolishness or that the people perfer Christie over Ingraham. Well in this poll apparently they do HOWEVER 24% could easily SHIFT to FNM or PLP if this were the only options. ORRRRRRRRRR If the BDM has any sense they can get some disappointed PLP’s, some disappointed FNM’s to join the BDM and be a dark horse. BUT ALETC think my keyboard is laughing at me when 24% of people who is sick of Ingraham and sick of Perry could easily voTE BDM and be a dark horse!

    ALTEC you want call me a big time FNM…. Im no FNM BUDDY!…. I do prefer FNM’s leadership style compared to PLP. But if I see somebody who has the leadership style I want in a leader then I can easily VOTE PLP. Other wise Fred Mitchel is not leader therefore I might stay RED and never scared!!!!!!!!!!!

  27. truthhurts :
    let’s be real. who on this blog is more biased and has his head up perry christie and the plp posterior than you. you are a consumate kool aid drinking runner outter. and what’s sad is that you are so not alone in your world of make believe.

    See TruthHurts that where you are wrong.

    The only issue i have consistently taken up with Bahamas Press was his biasness in his attacks and reporting on Perry Christie. I have consistently taken issue with BP on that one issue and no one can say otherwise. Now if you and BahamasYouth are so ignorant that you cant tell the difference between defending the PLP and questioning the writers information then thats your loss.

    The fact is, for the last 12-18 months the bulk of BP’s post has been about PC.

    There are many things that BP posted on this site about PC in which i was not the only on to call BP out on.But i doubt you and BahamasYouth (who just reach on this site) saw that. I dare you to find any other post that i wrote defending any other PLP on this site for wrong doing. You cant and wont find none.

    When BP was posting his garbage calling PC Hitler-like, spewing his over the top rhetoric about PC, trying to make every small issue concerning PC a huge one, i dont recall you or BahamsYouth calling BP out. Where was you or BahamasYouth unbiasedness then?

    When BahamasPress was falsely claiming that PC would loose his leadership post, i and other posters who knew better was consistently calling BP out on it because BP was not speaking facts, and after the PLP convention two weeks ago, we all now see that BP was 100% wrong on everything he said about PC fate at the convention.

    Now if you call that being bias, then thats your right. But know this, BP and long time bloggers to this site know i call a spade a spade. If you say something that doesnt add up, i am one of many bloggers who will question what you say.

    You and others posters of like minds dont think. Whatever is posted that is anti PLP you guys swallow up and dont even think about what was written, dont even think to see if it makes sense. Thats foolish on your part and shows just how gullible you are.

    Many of the long time posters on this site can bear witness to me and others for calling out BP on inconsistencies or questioning some of his stories. I dont see you or BahamasYouth doing that because you all only think with your political hats on.

    But i dont expect nothing from you or you like minded posters.

    One more thing, why havent you or your FNM buddies posted anything up to this time on BP previous post? You know the one entitled “The FNM tell us to follow the Torch. To where, hell ech?” (

    I notice that when BP post something anti FNM some you you FNM posters go suspiciously silent. Why is that? If what he is saying isnt true i suspect that you all would challenge him on it. Would that make you die hards or correcting a point of error?

    But the fact that you and other FNM posters are so silent on posts that are anti FNM it leads me to believe that you all know the points raised are true and wont be stupid enough to defend the it.

    In closing, go and find a post of mine defending the wrongs of the PLP. I dear you, no, i double dear you. You all see and read with your colored glasses on and there isnt anything i can do about that.

  28. @altec

    let’s be real. who on this blog is more biased and has his head up perry christie and the plp posterior than you. you are a consumate kool aid drinking runner outter. and what’s sad is that you are so not alone in your world of make believe.

  29. BAHAMASYOUTH:WHERE IS BDM???…. If BDM play their cards right and swiftly they can be a DARK HORSE. Mr. Stuart is a good man who just need followers!

    Really, the BDM? A dark horse? ya keyboard didnt laugh at you when you typed that?

    I trying to take you serious, but man, you full a jokes. Thats it, i swear this time, i am not responding to anything you post from now on.

    I am on a self imposed BahamasYouth reply ban!

  30. ronica7 :
    I must be the silly one here! All the brouhaha, about Branville Mcartney i just do not get. He is pretentious, he has good public relations going for him, i will give him that. Picking up illegals, and giving them a pep talk at the airport is not doing anything to solve our burgeoning illegal immigrant problem. Put simply, he has not brought any policy to immigration.

    Ronica, i done tell yall months ago that Branville is an ambitious fella but no one believed me then.

    I will repeat what i said last week, Tommy Turnquest will be returned as leader of the FNM when HAI resigns after he is defeated in 2012 or whenever the next general elections is called.

    HAI didnt defeat Tommy for the leadership post in 2006, Tommy STEPPED ASIDE and i know you know he didnt do it for nothing.

  31. @Bahamasyouth
    Bahamasyouth, i have been trying my best to ignore your posts, but your reply to John’s comment about the media being bias is just ignorant, shows your lack of knowledge concerning bahamian history and your overt BIASNESS to the FNM.

    After reading your post over the last few weeks what is so ironic is you just started posting on this blog and are so quick to label people “die hard” when you yourself is inflicted with the same disease.

    YOU ARE A DIE HARD FNM. You try to cloak it, but you are what you are, A DIE HARD FNM. In your mind, the PLP is whats wrong with the world, and the FNM is the savior.

    You need to take your mouth off of the FNM’s DING A LING for a while and come up for air. You are one of the most bias posters on this blog and whats so annoying about you is you try to come off as if your “above it all” when in reality your head so far up the FNM butts, if you had a GPS system you couldnt find your way out. Your a total fraud.

    Impartial you are not, so stop faking. the tone and tenor of your posts betrays you.

    (Cough, cough)

    Now with that said, anyone with half a brain knows the Media in this country is anti PLP. This may surprise you, but the media’s biasness and its hatred especially for L.O. Pindling didnt just start in 2009 its been 50 years and counting. The Dupuch-Carron family has built their media empire on the back of Sir Lynden, the PLP and Perry Christie. They need to write the Pindling estate a thank you check!

    So when you tell John he has “…to be more SPECIFIC and cautious with statements like that” I have to ask you, are you joking? Are you fa real? How am i suppose to take whatever you say seriously after you say something like that? Do you think before you post?

    Ya know what i think it is, your name says it all, BahamasYOUTH. it seems to me as if your memory only goes as far back as 2002. So like Russell Johnson, i am going to try my best to ignore your posts and not respond to you or anything you post from now on cause every time i read your post, i get dumber and loose brain cells that could otherwise be put to better use!

    May God richly bless bless you!

  32. I must be the silly one here! All the brouhaha, about Branville Mcartney i just do not get. He is pretentious, he has good public relations going for him, i will give him that. Picking up illegals, and giving them a pep talk at the airport is not doing anything to solve our burgeoning illegal immigrant problem. Put simply, he has not brought any policy to immigration.

  33. @john
    NO NO NO you have to be VERY CAREFUL when you talk about the press…. Now Im not going to lie ZNS reporting are dreadful that’s why I watch CABLE 12 or JCN news which paints the whole picture and not sugar coat things like ZNS. As for stating the press which is BP, ZNS, CABLE 12, Tribune, Punch, JCN etc…. as being “anti-PLP”. You have to be very careful on statements such as that because if you ask me the press job is suppose to be TRANSPARENT. Now I do agree with you when you say some press over here are bias but You must ASK YOURSELF WHY IS THAT THE PLP cant stay out of the press.

    Here it is TMZ, MSNBC, CNN etc which is a American base companies are REPORTING basically the same thing BASED UPON SOME PLP’s ALLEGED actions. From Pleasant to Shane to Picewell etc. Its the actions of those HIGH PROFILE PEOPLE. what im trying to say is that if they were FNM they would under go the same treatment among the press. So you have to be more SPECIFIC and cautious with statements like that.

  34. That’s the country we live in Kevin. And the thing is many people pretend that the media is fair and what they say and print can be trusted. Their anti-PLP bias is so obvious that it’s sickening.

  35. Could you imagine the Tribune’s headline if LAURA had gone to see a PLP inside parliament and DESTROYED parliament’s property?Not only would ALL the media named her but she would have been before the courts and CHARGED before she could say PLP!!!

  36. Speculation and whats happening on the ground are two different things… many wish for the same for the FNM as what happen to the PLP but one would fine that the FNM is ran by a dynamic leader call him what you may, but the guy is proven and lets all his members know where they stand. I think wishful thinking by detracters is just that wishful. I am thinking Mr. McCartney more of an inspiration, and perhaps he may have taken a lesson or to from Dr. Minnis of whom is the light of Killarney. Rock Crusher and other areas in Killarney can speak to his efforts. I believe MP’s from both parties can learn a thing or two from this dynamic duo.

    Perhaps they are the future

  37. @Russell Johnson

    Exactly…… All the young EXPERIENCED guys are against Mr. McCartney because he is doing a good job and the people(FNM&PLP) are PLEASE with his performance as a MINISTER and MP. From Dion Foulkes to Carl Bethel to Zhivargo Laing to Tommy Turnquest to Brent Symonette is in PANIC MODE.

    Young Ministers like Hubert Minnis to Loretta Butler to Charles Maynard to Branville McCartney to Desmond Bannister are making the OLD FNM’s look BAD! I would Mention Earl Deveaux, Bryan Woodside who needs MORE LEADERSHIP PERSONALITY to even be mentioned.

    WHERE IS BDM???…. If BDM play their cards right and swiftly they can be a DARK HORSE. Mr. Stuart is a good man who just need followers!

  38. @altec

    I already saw this stuff on Bradley Roberts (total moron btw) facebook page.

    And once again BP is talking tough but not really going to do anything. It’s quite entertaining though.

  39. @Bahamasyouth
    Branville seems the logical heir to the FNM throne but he better have plenty lead in his vest because he is indeed a target now that he has done a lot of proactive things. Poor Tommy who has purchased a single engine aircraft against the advice of his experts.Can you imagine a Police aircraft having only one engine especially seeing that it will be frequently used?Branville is causing other Ministers to panic and make stupid decisions.What other Ministers in the Govt. dont recognise is that Branville was involved in efforts to combat crime even before he became a member of Parliament.The faults you have pointed out involving other potential Leaders are noted.Zhivargo wants to be too much like HAI without recognising HAIs track record.Only HAI and Christie were Cabinet Ministers in the Bahamas who were fired but became Prime Ministers.A remarkable feat indeed.

  40. @Russell Johnson
    WELl TOMMY NEEDS TO GO ….. Ive been preaching from day one he needs to go!….. HE’s WHATLESS!…. WHATLESS MP! ….. WHATLESS MINISTER!…. WHATLESS LEADER!

    Brent Symonnett is next in line but hello this country is still a RACIST country therefore he needs to go too. The only candle who can bring FNM a clear victory is Branville McCartney.

    Zhivargo Laing…. needs PEOPLE SKILLS quick. His arrogance is a serious thing and at one TIME HE was a POTENTIAL LEADER for the FNM. But his personality needs to be adjusted.

    ANYBODY ELSE I DONT SEE WHO NAMES SHOULD BE MENTIONED. But My personal favorite is Vanderpool-Wallace. He’s not a LAWYER, people dont consider him as a potential leader. But for some awkward reason i really think he could bring WONDER to this COUNTRY. Whether as LEADER or DEPT. He can bring NEW FRESH CHANGE to this country.

  41. Media: Bahamas Press can now confirm also that a possible court action can be issued to put on hold the proceedings of the Convention. Sources deep in the bowels of the FNM Party now tell us Chairman, Johnlee Ferguson, is still withholding the list of delegates marked to attend the convention from possible candidates vying for Party office. A Glenys Hanna-Martin Nazi move again!

    One thing we have learned is not to hold your breath on BP’s prognostications.

  42. @finscane
    Hiram is one of the persons who was given a contract for school repairs during the ill fated Leader elect period of the FNM in 2002.A diehard Ingrahamite who from what I found out from other sources is pissed with Tommy because an attempt at overthrowing HAI has been discovered and Tommy like BJ wants another shot at leadership.Hope the King did not send his goon to silence Becket.

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