Finance says the scandal surrounding the salary of Marlon Johnson is “erroneous” but refuses to offer any details to the public as to what is the truth – AND THEY KNOW WHY!

Minister of Finance Peter Turnquest speaking on the 12% Vat hike on Bahamians with the press. file

NASSAU| A serious scandal is erupting out of the Ministry of Finance where it has been revealed that the country’s acting FS Marlon Johnson has had the Cabinet of the Bahamas increase his overall pay by $80,000.

Now the scandal comes amidst the Government announcing massive revenue drops and budget cuts during the Covid19 pandemic. 

Public servants cannot get their pay increases or back pay, because there is no money. But the man at the centre of the sandal has issued a statement denying these claims of an increase.

Investigations by revealed Johnson received a sum of $80,000 per annum bringing his annual salary to $200,000 which includes housing allowance, responsibility allowance, scarcity allowance, school tuition allowance and a brand new Toyota Avalon.

The Ministry of Finance Communications Unit yesterday quickly suggested that the reports were “erroneous” and suggested that “…as a practise, the Government maintains privacy in individual’s employee contractual negotiations.” But is this true?

Now, this is interesting because it was this same Minnis-led Government who stood in Parliament and exposed the contractual salaries of the executives of the National Insurance Board after coming to power.

Minister of Tourism Dionisio D’Aguilar stood on his feet in Parliament and shamelessly exposed the financial details of Ian Poitier’s contract with the government. He also exposed Pat Mortimer’s contract with the Airport Authority and lied in the process.

But what was even more shocking is how Prime Minister The MOST HON. Hubert Minnis in January 22nd, 2018 edition of The Tribune exposed the salaries of Sir Baltron Bethel, Mr. Ishmael Lightbourne, and former BPL executive Pamela Hill all to score a political point.

What is the true salary of the Acting FS Marlon Johnson, knowing full well that since his appointment two deputies have been hired to do his work and the country’s real FS, Simeon Wilson, remains home on full pay and benefits?

What is the current salary of both assistants to Mr. Johnson who are doing his work? And what is the real cost of all these added FS roles to the country which has slid into a deep depression under the Minnis Government?

Bahamas Press wonders why are all these being paid to carry out the same function and why would you believe a dishonest, a lying Government at that, will have your best interest in such shambolic management of the country?

What is this? WE NEED CHANGE!

We report yinner decide!

Acting FS Marlon Johnson