Financial matters are now removed from a Magistrate who has been ripping off the public purse?! STOP IT!

Magistrate Court Complex.

NASSAU | Serious incidents deep inside the Judiciary of the Bahamas have caught the attention of the DECENT Chief Justice of the Bahamas who, we know, is deeply concerned with financial matters in the Magistrate courts of the Bahamas.

An Audit Report on the Magistrate Courts back in 2020 confirmed that serious irregularities were being committed [see details of this report here: ].

Bahamas Press wants to thank Chief Justice DECENT Sir Ian Winder and the added wisdom of the Chief Magistrate for taking control of the financial concerns developing inside the Magistrate Courts. 

A letter penned by former Cabinet Minister Elsworth Johnson, citing a series of examples on August 27th, 2023, is asking for the recusal of a sitting Magistrate [ ]. The letter provided incidents of grave seriousness against the magistrate, now shared on Bahamas Press.

NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW! And everyone, even if they are on the bench, who runs afoul of the law no matter their rank – MUST BE DEALT WITH!

How did we allow a foreign magistrate, who came to this country to commit BACKSIDE RAPE on the financial system around here, to continue? HOW?!

We at BP will remain vigilant and attentive to this and other matters and make sure the PUBLIC – particularly victims – gets value for the tax money we all pay around here.

We ga report and let yinner decide!