Carnival Ship with engine disaster was registered in the Bahamas

LONDON – The Bahamas Maritime Authority is conducting an investigation into the fire onboard the Bahamian registered passenger ship, CARNIVAL TRIUMPH.
The incident occurred on Sunday 10th February 2013 whilst the vessel was on passage approximately 150 miles off the coast of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. At the time of the incident, the vessel was carrying 4,229 passengers and crew on a four-day cruise from Galveston, Texas.
The fire originated in the vessel’s machinery space and although extinguished by the onboard fire system, the vessel suffered a loss of power and as a consequence completed its voyage to Mobile, Alabama under tow. There are no reported injuries to the persons onboard nor is there any report of pollution from the vessel.
The Bahamas Maritime Authority (BMA) is conducting its investigation in conjunction other substantially interested parties, including the United States which is represented by the United States Coast Guard (USCG) and the United States National Transport Safety Board (NTSB).
The BMA’s investigation is at an early stage and is being conducted in accordance with the international casualty guidelines with the aim being to ascertain the cause of and circumstances relating to the incident, on board emergency management and identify measures to prevent recurrence of the similar incidents. A report will be submitted to the International Maritime Organisation on conclusion of the investigation.