Garbage riding in the front seat of the GARBAGE TRUCK! NOW THAT IS A FIRST!

NASSAU| A wicked, nasty, fired FNM Cabinet Minister has left public life, washed in tears and shame, after paying himself some $10,000 to the shock of the nation.
The dangerous MP, who got a BAMBOO beating out of office, was also in the process of building a home in an upscale gated community in Southwestern New Providence.
Last week’s defeat at the General Elections saw the MP not just without a job, but without a vehicle and he had to return to his two-room apartment in the community of Stapledon almost on foot.
The MP with a house full of “churrin” was known for his nasty disrespect for innocent jobless women, who often climbed the steps of his office in search of a job. The disgraced minister would slam a condom on the desk before begging for sex, asking his victims, “How bad do you want this job?”
Four years of horrible service to the public has ended. Now the disgraced shameless axed MP can return to the church and seek penance.
One FNM told BP the axed MP was seen catching a ride in a garbage truck this week, a truck that he helped his uncle secure in a loaded government garbage contract. That’s something eh? Garbage riding in the front seat of the GARBAGE TRUCK! Now that’s a first.
We report yinner decide!