Firings At Guardian lead to staff revolt!



The Carter Street offices at the Nassau Guardian.

Nassau, Bahamas – Not a copy of the Nassau Guardian could be found on the streets of New Providence today – the last Thursday before Christmas – as the 164 year-old newspaper experienced “TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES” with its computer systems.

A reliable Bahamas Press contributor at the newspaper told BP that around 6 pm on Wednesday afternoon, every server in the Guardian abruptly shutdown, failing to read information. Our deep throat in the Guardian said, “It was the perfect hacker’s hand at work. No one in any department could access information from outside the building nor exchange information within departments at the office.

“The incident threw us back into a time warp like in 1844 I guess and well we are now doing everything the old way now, faxing and physically moving information within the operation. We cannot access the internet, also articles and ads cannot be accessed into our offices at this time,” the deep throat told Bahamas Press.

The Guardian’s morning problems occurred just after the company FIRED all the staff of  its computer IT department, according to the source.

“They just fired everyone in that department, reporters are resigning and with downsizing already talking place at the business, soon it will only leave the management in the building all to themselves,” the source said.

Vendors were upset this morning as only the GUTTER ‘TOILET Paper’ WAS ON THE NEWSSTANDS Thursday morning (STINKING UP THE AREA).

The Colina boys bought the Guardian sometime back around 2004 and attempted to slaughter Jones Communications by STEALING many of Jones talented employees. Today that move just might have backfired as the Guardian is having problems printing paper these days. Let’s just see if there will be newspaper tomorrow and if the management will give readers STRAIGHT TALK as to how they came out after 10am on the biggest advertising DAY of the year. And if they don’t, you heard REAL NEWS here on Bahamas Press first AGAIN!


  1. The problem Drama King is that you are of a political persuasion which prescribes to the theory of “late again, late again”. The delivery boy had mine in hand on time.

  2. The Guardian is a wicked, wicked place. All hell is going to break loose on those Colina boys one of these days.

  3. Morehands was seeing something else….but definitely NOT the Nassau Guardian. My Thursday Guardian was delivered on Friday along with Friday’s edition.

  4. I don’t know if the firing story is true but I do know that I bought a Guardian at 8:30am Thursday morning at the Fox Hill parade and on my way to work I saw every street side seller on Bernard Road with Guardians.

    I was trying to buy a Tribune but they all said that it was sold out. I had to stop at the brown shop on Village Road to pick up the last copy on their shelf.

    It sure didn’t look like a Guardian newspaper revolt BP. Your deep throat must have gotten a sore throat and reported the wrong thing to you.

  5. Media they are so embarrassed and they are so used to sweeping their dirt under the rug. At least they could have exhibit some decency and courtesy to their customers by informing them why they were not able to find the Guardian anywhere on the island today. ZNS did not even mention it either, that the way a lot of things are handle in this country. If it was not for BP, we would have thought that’s how good sales were and they just sold out. I could see my poor Grammy driving from store to store looking for the Guardian today, she only buy it on Thursday to see if any of her friends have passed on. I will have to tell her tomorrow what happened.

  6. Big Thursday morning and no Guardian, just because they did not use any wisdom when they fired the technical team. Everybody knows that the technical team is the backbone of these type of operation. A baby could of told them that they were going to be sabotaged. They should of never fired all the technical people days before Christmas, they should know there would have been some resentment and somebody was going to try and screw everything up. All major companies know that you should have the police present to escort person who work in IT Department to their desk to collect their belongings and then escort them of the premises, because these are the people who understand how the system works and they know how to cause permanent to the system. Lastly, you never fired everybody from one department all at once.

  7. Yeah it looks like Alexiou them getting ready to bring out that bloody axe again. That man enjoys inflicting pain on people. If you work for any company that Mr. Alexiou has any dealings with, I encourage you to start saving now, he never put that axe far out of his reach.

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