First-Ever Lobotomy Performed in The Bahamas Considered A Success



Twelve-year-old Kenneth Farrington underwent a successful lobotomy at the Princess Margaret Hospital three weeks ago. Kenneth has been given a clean bill of health and is expected to lead a normal life. Pictured sitting from left: Kenneth’s mother, Pearl Mitchel; Kenneth Farrington and Dr Magnus Ekedede, Consultant Neurosurgeon and Head of Division of Neurosurgery, PMH. Standing from left: Dr Vernard McPhee, SHO Neurosurgery, who was on the surgical team and Dr Geoffrey Pennerman, Medical Chief of Staff.

Nassau, Bahamas — The First-ever lobotomy performed in The Bahamas and in the region was a resounding success.

The exciting news was delivered at a press conference held at the Princess Margaret Hospital (PMH), Thursday, December 10.

“Sometimes you hear about PMH, and you only hear the bad things but a lot of good things happen here, so today, I would like to tell you about one of those ‘good’ thing,” said Dr Magnus Ekedede, Consultant Neurosurgeon and Head of Division of Neurosurgery at the Princess Margaret Hospital.

Dr Ekedede said the lobotomy performed on 12-year-old Grand Bahama resident, Kenneth Farrington, was similar to the procedure made famous by Dr Ben Carson who operated on conjoined twins several years ago in the United States.

“This is a very ‘difficult and tricky’ procedure that if not done correctly, can be devastating and if done correctly, results in the success seen here today.”

The first of its kind in The Bahamas, Dr Ekedede, who led the team of doctors performing the five-hour surgery three weeks ago, said that it was a collaborative effort.

“There were several persons who were involved and so I would like to name Dr McDowell, Board Certified Neurosurgeon; Dr Vernard McPhee, SHO Neurosurgery; Sister Richards and her team; and the anaesthesiologist, Dr Rowe and his team and of course Ms Coralee Adderley who is always supportive.”

According to Pearl Mitchel, the mother of Kenneth Farrington, up to three weeks ago, her son was a ‘normal’ preteen who just fell ill at school due to an epileptic seizure – a condition unknown to her at the time.

“He was never sick like that before so it came in at quite a shock.”

Ms Mitchel said she was called to his school, Jack Hayward Senior where he is a seventh grader, and was told that her son had fallen ill.

Dr Ekedede explained that fortunately for Kenneth – who was initially diagnosed as having a possible ‘malignant’ tumour – it turned out to be a vascular tumour, all of which the doctors were able to successfully remove from the frontal lobe of the brain.

Dr Ekedede said even though it has only been three weeks since the operation it is not premature to call it a success, as complications would have manifested themselves within two to five days.

Medical Chief of Staff, Dr Geoffrey Pennerman also said the operation was a ‘spectacular’ success.

“What is interesting is that the young man is cured. All of the brain does something and you would logically assume that if you took out a piece, that there would be some kind of deficit,” Dr Pennerman said.

“He has no deficit, no loss of memory, no weakness, he walks normally and he can see.”

Kenneth will be periodically monitored over the next year. For now, Dr Ekedede said for now Kenneth has been given a clean bill of health and is expected to lead a normal life.


  1. Well Done to Dr Magnus and Princess Margaret Hospital!!!  This is wonderful news!  We are blessed to have the surgeon and facility to perform such serious surgeries right here in the Bahamas.  Continue the good work Dr Magnus and PMH!  Best wishes to you and to Kenneth and his family.

    • Congratulations to the entire team at PMH especially Dr. Magnus.  I am very disappointed that something as significant and ground breaking as this procedure did not have more press time.  However, to Dr. Magnus and his team, keep pressing on as you make a difference one patient at a time.  My back thanks you!

  2. I am a medical student, I am looking forward to becoming a good doctor.  Dr magnus was one of the first doctors who inspired me, he is very skillful but above all he is loving, caring and professional, he is indded a great man , his patients love him ,THANKS PMH and all who contributed to this news

  3. A man who is blessed with gifted handswho relieves the pain and hurt we cannot standA man who helps and seeks a solution for allA man who listens to our every call.It’s a joy to know that we can speak about such a success in our country from a doctor who stands amongst us all, CONGRADULATIONS to the boy and his family and to the doctor and his team of excellence.

  4. A man who is blessed with gifted handswho relieves the pain and hurt we cannot stanA man who helps and seeks a solution for allA man who listens to our every call.It’s a joy to know that we can speak about such a success in our country from a doctor who stands amongst us all, CONGRADULATIONS to the boy and his family and to the doctor and his team of excellence.


  6. This certainly means a lot of Bahamians with neurosurgery needs don’t have to fly to the U.S for EVERYTHING and the savings are unimaginable. Congrats

  7. Bravo,brilliant my appreciation and respect to the Drs involved.thanks BP for bringing a story that got no press.

  8. Wow, what a wonderful Birthday and Christmas gift for Kenneth and his family. Clearly it’s not the size of the hospital that counts, but the genuine desire and ability to help those who are in need that is important.  Thanks and congratulations to Dr Magnus and PMH.

  9. What a tremendous and monumental achievement for Dr.Magnus Ekedede and for the entire Bahamas.I recall reading in Dr.Ben Carson’s autobiography and seeing in his TNT movie, the ground breaking work Dr.Carson did with Pediatric Lobectomies.It is awe inspiring that the Bahamas has a surgical genious on the level of the world renown Dr.Ben Carson; that has the God given skills and talent to perform such a complicated medical procedure and with excellent results and patient prognosis.Dr.Magnus Ekedede has truly put PMH and the Bahamas medical arena on the world map.Congrats, Sir.

  10. This is an incredible and historic accomplishment for PMH and The Bahamas.  I congratulate Dr Magnus Ekedede and the medical team that assisted in this major operation.  Our nation is blessed to have such a caring, ingenious and skilled surgeon such as Dr Magnus who has been saving the lives of Bahamian babies, children and adults for over 10 years.  Dr Magnus removed a tumor from my uncle’s brain about 4 years ago and my uncle is in incredible health.  Dr Magnus saved his life and improved his health.  Dr Magnus has done so much to improve the lives of Bahamian people that he is worthy to be called a Bahamian himself.  God bless Kenneth Farrington and may he live a long and happy life.

  11. Dr Magnus Ekedede and all the other doctors who a role in the successful outcome of this operation ought to be commended as well seen that this was the first time this type of operation was done here in the Bahamas. I wish Kenneth Farrington and his family a health future and remember once you believe in God all things are possible.

  12. WOW, what a good blessing to him.. and what a great and faithful mother.. God is indeed great..

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