"Fish Fry" vendors and locals OUT, Bay Street Boys and port shippers IN!


arawak<<< Restaurant at Fish Fry on Arawak Cay could be no more. Beaches in the area to close temporarily says Dr. Hubert Minnis, minister of health.

Nassau, Bahamas — Now we know! Finally we know why the Ingraham government is all tight-lipped over the relocation of the port to Arawak Cay. A high-ranking official and deep throat to Bahamas Press in the OPM has leaked to us the details surrounding the move of the terminal to Arawak Cay.

Shocking details confirmed that Arawak Cay’s ‘Fish Fry’, the popular eatery in the western section of the island, will be relocated to a new site to be determined. Now this is news because election promises made by Ingraham confirmed that the government had plans to expand the popular hangout and not shut it down.

Signs which confirms the beginning of the end was seen on yesterday when Minister of Health, Dr. Hubert Minnis, confirmed on ZNS TV that the beach along the area could be closed to the public because of contaminants in the water as a result of the dreading and terminal construction in the area. And this is just the beginning of the government’s move to remove locals out of the area.

TRINIDAD-AMERICAS-SUMMIT-INGRAHAMOur deep throat in the OPM confirmed this much, “The minister’s comments on yesterday is just the beginning of safety measures. We know with the dredging now underway, there will be contaminants in the water and we want to put in place all the safety health measures to protect the residents. So yes the beach will be closed off from the public. This is expected to be a temporary closure however.”

But this is not all. The ‘Fish Fry’ facility at Arawak Cay as we now know it will be no more. “A new access roadway leading into the new port area is to be determined. These would be access roads in and out of the port and as you can see here [pointing to plans], it is the intent of the government to move that roadwork right through the ‘Fish Fry’ business establishments, taking them completely out of the area where they now sit. This would mean those vendor must move to a new location,” our deep throat said.

Now this is incredible news! News, which now unveils the reason why so much secrets are held to the government’s chest over the new port development. Bahamas Press has also learned that discussions have also been held with the vendors on the shutdown of Fish Fry.

Its was just last week when Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham told reporters the port development will bring more business to Arawak Cay. He mentioned not a word about vendors moving from the area. But that’s Hubert!

Do you think Hubert Ingraham and his band of merry men really believe they can move the vendors off Fish Fry site to construct a port terminal for THE BAY STREET BOYS? Maps in the OPM confrim this will be the case. Therefore not only has the Minister of Health come out saying that the water will now be contaminated in the area, but added, conch stalls could pose a problem by delivering dishes of conch poisonous to patrons due to those contaminats. Ahhhhhhh so that’s why the vendors must move?


And when the vendors move, where will Junknanoo practise be held? Where will the weekend [Saturday and Sunday] patrons gather? Where will the tourist go? Atlantis, Paradise Island we guess?

“This must be the biggest rip-off with the taxpayers wealth ever seen in the history of the country! Rich Bay Street merchants, who have made millions and have assets on Bay Street valued in the millions, can get a new port facility within months. Rich shipping companies can use the public money and get a new dock in months. Rich wealthy foreign cruise ship companies could have a new deeper habour ready for them in months. And all of this is being paid for by the Bahamian taxpayers, we the people,” a conch vendor at Arawak Cay said.

“But from Perry Christie to Hubert Ingraham, the poor straw vendors can’t get a new tent to sell their wears in the makeshift straw market, I wouldn’t shout about building a new facility. It taken them years to decide how to do that. They can’t draw plans for that. It tells a whole lot of what they think of us. They are not for us, yet, they want us to trust them?”

And so it’s Bay Street Time AGAIN! “Fish Fry” vendors and locals OUT, Bay Street Boys and port shippers IN!



  1. charliee :
    This is the price we pay for developing a nation that was not planned for in the first place. In all fairness to the government we know those vendors at Arawak Cay are in breach of their contracts anyhow building those restaurants when they know they were only supposed to be stalls. No Bathroom facilities, Im not eating from there. Let the government fix the place up everyone want change but no one want to be affected. We quick to call the FNM uncle TOMS when in fact baystreet has been that way for the time i know myself Pindling had his chance, Ingraham and Perry and no one did nothing. Now Ingraham growing some balls and we crying. I dont agree with all that is being done but if you look out a plane window when landing into the Nassau, Nassau Harbour is the best place to put that new shipping facility everything is in place. Well far as i concern you can vote them out again put the PLP back and ya still having the same results. Perry Christie had 5years to move that port and he joke round, scary leader man. Hope when yall vote Ingraham out THE PLP will have new leadership or we will be doom under PERRY.

    Both “Parties” need to go, plain and simple, Peter no better than Paul!

  2. jt ma :
    you vote FNM this is what you get….U know they were going to sell the country to the white man yet still U voted for them……we need to stand up to the FNM.

    Oh wow only white man hey, get real tiefs come in all colors!

  3. Big time sell out, these crooks have to GO!!! PLP/FNM both the same, time to say goodbye to them both, their political parties all right, having a grand time at OUR EXPENSE.

  4. This is the price we pay for developing a nation that was not planned for in the first place. In all fairness to the government we know those vendors at Arawak Cay are in breach of their contracts anyhow building those restaurants when they know they were only supposed to be stalls. No Bathroom facilities, Im not eating from there. Let the government fix the place up everyone want change but no one want to be affected. We quick to call the FNM uncle TOMS when in fact baystreet has been that way for the time i know myself Pindling had his chance, Ingraham and Perry and no one did nothing. Now Ingraham growing some balls and we crying. I dont agree with all that is being done but if you look out a plane window when landing into the Nassau, Nassau Harbour is the best place to put that new shipping facility everything is in place. Well far as i concern you can vote them out again put the PLP back and ya still having the same results. Perry Christie had 5years to move that port and he joke round, scary leader man. Hope when yall vote Ingraham out THE PLP will have new leadership or we will be doom under PERRY.

  5. you vote FNM this is what you get….U know they were going to sell the country to the white man yet still U voted for them……we need to stand up to the FNM.

  6. Russell Johnson :I have read and weighed in on this conversation and am apalled that Dr Dumbveaux is only now calling a town meeting to update the country.Too little too late.Something stinks and what really got me thinking was the assumption by some vendors at Aerawak Cay that they would benefit from the container port being at Arawak Cay.Fish fry is really a place for families but you put a different class of workers there then you get more rowdiness,drinking and nowhere for tourists or locals to go.A study was already done by a bipartisan committee comprising Norman Solomon and george mackey etc that totally dismissed Arawak Cay as suitable for a port.Can anyone in Govt.say what has changed to bring this site which was not given high marks to suddenly again take center stage.I am reliably informed that the dredging of the harbour will save Govt millions of dollars bcos the sand and rocks can assist in building the extension to Arawak Cay.Special interest in Lyford Cay did not want no container port in their area so much money was spent ot buy the last Gen Elects.As I move about town I notice the people are very unhappy bcos the money they were paid is gone,Govt. is firing anyone they suspect did not support,now they want to make it an offence for man and wife living in the same house and under no order of a Court to be subjected to criminal charge of rape.Well blow me down.Now I see what no turning back meant ,uncle Toms.

    Russell al what is happening out at Arawak cay is a grab for the last fromtier of Bahamian prime real estate …..this government has shown an arogance beyound belief again and they are pressing ahead without any care of what the residence of the effected area has to say nor are they takeing heed to the EIA report…………As I stated before in my pass blogs that this Ingrham Administration committed treason during the Baham debacle they have done it again by committing treason again by endangering the very lives of it’s own citizens ……..lets take a look at what they have done in the pass few weeks the budget for education was cut but yet they have appropiated funds to dredge the harbour….I cry shame on Ingrahm and this wutless FNM government.

  7. @JT

    Last election I was seeing the candidates for my area most every other day and trust me, I did not go looking for them; they were coming to my door. They been here telling me how they are here to represent us and how they are prepared to talk and fight on our behalf and to deal with all our concerns, but they don’t even know what those concerns are, because they don’t even bother to come around to find out anything from us. I refuse to go looking for them; because I feel when they wanted my vote they know just how to find to me. Now I have all kind of concerns about this project and other things, I can’t see them. Election time coming around again though and I will be here waiting for them. In any event, I don’t see Hubert stopping this project despite our concerns. The fact that they are being very secretive about it, tells me he has every intentions to move ahead with this project and by the time they decide to let us in on what they are doing the project will be well on the way. That’s just the way the man is operates.

  8. I have read and weighed in on this conversation and am apalled that Dr Dumbveaux is only now calling a town meeting to update the country.Too little too late.Something stinks and what really got me thinking was the assumption by some vendors at Aerawak Cay that they would benefit from the container port being at Arawak Cay.Fish fry is really a place for families but you put a different class of workers there then you get more rowdiness,drinking and nowhere for tourists or locals to go.A study was already done by a bipartisan committee comprising Norman Solomon and george mackey etc that totally dismissed Arawak Cay as suitable for a port.Can anyone in Govt.say what has changed to bring this site which was not given high marks to suddenly again take center stage.I am reliably informed that the dredging of the harbour will save Govt millions of dollars bcos the sand and rocks can assist in building the extension to Arawak Cay.Special interest in Lyford Cay did not want no container port in their area so much money was spent ot buy the last Gen Elects.As I move about town I notice the people are very unhappy bcos the money they were paid is gone,Govt. is firing anyone they suspect did not support,now they want to make it an offence for man and wife living in the same house and under no order of a Court to be subjected to criminal charge of rape.Well blow me down.Now I see what no turning back meant ,uncle Toms.

  9. @Kim Sands
    This project will not benefit us in any way. A major concern is why this government does not care about the majority. Both Arawak Cay and Saunders Beach are places Bahamians frequent. I just think that this whole venture will only benefit the big boys, but it will cost the small man. Unfortunately, this is a trend under this administration.

  10. I don’t have a problem with adapting to changes right, especially if I could see where it is a change for the best. The Government needs to be more forthcoming about what they intend to do at Arawak Cay and Saunders Beach. The way they have been very tightlipped about what we can expect regarding this project is causing a major cause for concern. If they really felt what they are doing is in the best interested of the Bahamian people why are they not providing too much information about it. They should be all over the airwave and conducting all kind of town meeting explaining how this project will benefit us, but you could hardly get any information from them. Most everything I know about this project is what I read on BP. Thank God for BP, because I would be living in this country and don’t have a clue about what is going on.

  11. rb75 it really sounds like you’re on to the way this country is runned. What I like is, there are still thinkers in this county. Therefore there is still hope. @rb75

  12. @jr
    you don’t strike me as an incredibly stupid person, but it wouldn’t be the first time i’ve been wrong.
    how am i supposed to DISPROVE something that was NEVER SAID?
    minnis said the beach at arawak cay would be closed.
    btw- do you have proof that saunders beach will be negatively impacted?
    Just cause I don’t swallow everything on BP wholesale like you do doesn’t make me blinded by politics, you factually unencumbered doofus.

  13. Mash Up, can you show me anything coming from the government that says that the beach won’t be closed to the public? BP revealed that the section near Arawak Cay will be closed and look what he had to go through to get that information, so where is your proof that the same thing won’t happen to saunders Beach? Call it B*** S*** all you like but when you look at the date of that video, I’m glad someone was out there asking the questions. And thats the Bahamian people talking. Why you think they had to be talked into anything? Can you tell me you know everything about this project? No, so you really need to switch from Mash to Shut as in Shut Up.

    Great job BP for digging on this one. Its too bad people allow politics to blind them to the con job that is happening at Arawak Cay.

  14. Wisdom……you have hit the nail on the head.

    Lets look at what is happening in our country about ten years ago with the coming of Atlantis the old bay street boys and their families began to loose their grips on the economic power in the country …..Hubert did one good thing when he gave Atlantis the green light and that was to start an economic revolution where during the time of Atlantis and until now the Bay Street Boys have lost control of the national payroll ….they could not bully anyone orhold the job hatchet over any one’s head anymore …The 2002 election of the PLP saw their gridlock finally broken when the Anchor project scheme came to light the BSB lost the last hold on the economy and was pushed to the side …..let’s fast forward many of the Bay St Boys or the original set has or is dieing right now and their children will inherit after them but to their dismay the property that they have did not matter anymore and as to them holding the country at bay because they held the payroll that was now in days gone by.
    So what to do,well win the government back ,put a wrench in the Bahama deal ,and finally that last peace of prime real estate that is own by the people must be annexed and put into their hands so that they will control the port whereby leaving a legacy for their families for a generation more……and by the way everyone just think about the events that has been occurring here in our country ……but the one big elephant that they where not counting on was the U.S. economy going to hell and our tourism bottoming out.

  15. No turning back,Christie cried and now we know why.Tyhe PLP will do themselves a great favor by electing as their Deputy Leader someone who will not be afraid to call out demonstrators to Bay St as emnough is enough.

  16. There are some elements in this country that wants to shut down all restaurants that are attracting tourist away from “THEIR” big resorts. I am keeping count; there were three nice restaurants over Paradise Island I frequent on the weekends, the building was flattened into a parking lot. But very few cars are seen in this lot at any time. THAT WAS DONE BECAUSE OF THE SUCCESS OF THOSE RESTAURANTS.
    Also Sbarro and Cafe Johnny Canoe were very successful restaurants on the Cable Beach Strip. They were also FORCED out from their location. I told a friend early this year “DON”T YOU SEE THE TREND” after noticing the thousands of tourist flocking to Fish Fry I said “I WOULD BET YOU THE ELEMENT THAT IS CLOSING CERTAIN RESTURANTS in this country would see to it, that FISH FRY is “NOMORE.”
    To make matters worse, Fish Fry and a Bahamian culture center was the brainchild of Lynden Pindling. The SLEDGE HAMMER WILL COME DOWN ON THOSE VENDORS! Mark my word.

  17. This was a grab for the economic lifeline of the country ,First off the government sold the land illegally without going to parliament appropriated almost 75 million dollars to do this without going to parliament and then will be ignoring reports warning them that to put the port in this area will drastically put the western end of the Island in harms way of tidal waves if there is one ………….this is a disgrace and an insult to our Bahamian people …in a nut shell this was an investment in the future for the good old boys and their new generation that is springing up

  18. I refuse to take sides with any of these parties. I will have to see the completion of the port to decide what effects it would truly have. That is the determination factor. I still believe that Senator Fitzgeralds contiunous uproar about the ‘Safe Saunders Beach’ initiative is the beginning of the peoples voice for all and I also feel its all sour grapes to even believe that the government may be successful.

    I would like to ask the Bahamian public if they really believe that the good Senator would have been so up in arms if it was there party doing taking on this move? Is he really concerned about the residents of Marina Vista? Because like it or not its a GREAT PR Stunt. I know you got to do what you have to do to make your name shine.

    I am also disappointed about the slow response to Grand Bahama. I mean 5 seats, could someone please tell the government of the Bahamas that that is why those people voted for them. They were depressed, they needed help drastically, they have been drowing and are presently breathing in their last breath! HELP THE DAMN PEOPLE, JUST Because the majority of seats are in New Providence you neglect the rest of the bahamas. Yes it is challenging as a archipelagic nation, but that is the reason for MP’s.

  19. What I notice every time Bahamians find somewhere to go for them and their families to spend some quality time together, the government is always getting in the picture somehow and trying to put a stop to it. Money means everything to our government and it doesn’t matter that Bahamian families have very limited amount of places to go for family recreation. While I agree with Finley about most of the stalls at Arawak Cay do not have any toilet facilities or proper drainage, why did not our government made sure these things were in place before allowing vendors to operate there from the beginning. The same taxpayer monies they are using to relocate this port to Arawak Cay they could have uses a portion of that money to fix up Fish Fried and put in the proper drainage and toilet facilities, I am just tried of seeing taxpayer monies being used for things they are not able to enjoy. Another thing, what is so disturbing about this project, they are willing to close down the beach for something that might present a health risk on the Bahamian people and from what I understand this port is suppose to be only operating from there temporary. This is just amazing! The sad part is the Bahamian people don’t seem to have any say in the matter. So many people are protesting the port relocating to Arawak Cay, but the government is just not hearing their concerns and they will be moving ahead with this project.

  20. The difference between Clifton and the downtown redevelopment project is with Clifton HAI gave more details believe it or not. He has learned his lesson and has kept the details of moving the port close to the vest. By the time all the details come out, the project will be to the point where stopping it would do even more harm. Maybe thats what he wants.

    What eats me up is the Bay St boys sat idly for years and allowed Bay St to deteriorate. They didnt invest a dime to fix up or tear down some of those buildings. Why? Because for years, going back to the 80’s, there was talk of moving the port and redeveloping the downtown area by the government. Those talks picked up in the 90’s and escaleted when the PLP took office.

    The Bay St boys knew it was only a matter of time, so they did nothing. Why spend 100% of your money on upgrades when you can get the government to chip in. From what i understand, and media you can correct me if i am wrong, this is a 60-40 partnership deal, with the government paying 40%.

    Elections have consequences!

  21. @thomas finley

    i’m with you on that one. as for that video i find it disingenuous that whoever talked to those people told them Saunders beach would be closing when not even Jerome Fitzgerald has said that will happen.

    there’s a show called B*ll S**t on TV that more people need to watch so they can recognize it when it comes their way.

  22. That site needed to be re-developed.Most do not even have toilet facilities, or proper drainage. If you took a walk behind those stalls, you would throw up that delicious meal you ate from there a week ago. it is a mess, and needs to be re-developed in an orderly, and safe way.

  23. Bahamas Press you failed to mention that while the Bahamian tax payers will be responsible for repaying the 50 plus million dollar loan for this harbour project THE CRUISE LINES WILL BE GETTING A $3.00 REBATE PER PASSENGER IN DEPARTURE TAX.The rebate the cruise lines will be getting each year will amount to millions of dollars.I have always said that mr.Ingraham BELIEVES BAHAMIANS ARE INFERIOR TO FOREIGNERS and because of his belief foreigners ALWAYS get the better deal over Bahamians in ALL AGREEMENTS!!!

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