Fishermen: “…will go down in history as the best August” the industry has ever had


Davis plan to protect Bahamian fishermen working!

Fish and conch vendors at Potter’s Cay Dock.
Keith Carroll

NASSAU| The National Fisheries Association’s (NFA) president yesterday asserted that last month “will go down in history as the best August” the industry has ever had with poaching cut by up to “95 percent”.

Keith Carroll told media, based on his conversations with multiple fishermen, the industry has enjoyed “one of the best Augusts” ever seen due to regulators and the private sector all “working in tandem” to crack down on illegal practices and ensure compliance.

“I would say this August, I think, will go down in history as the best the fishermen have ever had,” he said. “We must give thanks to the Royal Bahamas Defence Force for the job they’ve done in the past six to seven years in the Bahamas. They’ve just reduced the poaching by about 90-95 percent.

“This is the result we are getting from the Royal Bahamas Defence Force doing their job. The Fisheries Department is cracking down on under-sized crawfish, and the commercial fisheries houses will not take them and will return them to you.”

In the Davis PLP Blue Print For Change the Government pledged to modernize the fishing industry, and strengthen RBDF’s capacity to prevent illegal poaching and piracy. Clearly that plan of the Davis Government has worked since coming to office and thus fishermen are boasting of the yields from this successful plan.

We report yinner decide!