Fox Hill Gal in Trouble Residents want Shonel OUT!
Freedom Park, Fox Hill — FNMs in Fox Hill are hot like goat pepper with the Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham for sending them a “top class B*****” after dumping Dr. Jacinta Higgs residents say.
Sources deep in the Association told BP today, “You warned us up here in Fox Hill that the B**** was coming. You told us to beware she was on the way. Now we know!”
The resident, who wish not to be named, told BP of a row that broke out in the Association’s head office days ago.
We are told the candidate and another worker got in a tussle of words after in an arrogant exchange the candidate began to raise her voice at the constituent.
According to accounts the resident from the area had told another campaign worker, “you see how she carrying on around here… just like a top class B**** [potcake].”
Words between the two angry FNMs had no end according to the worker and have left a bitter taste in the mouth of campaign workers.
“We are sick and tired of this ‘lil jungaliss’ whom Papa send up here for us to tackle with. We are not working with her, because though she is from Step Street, she think she better than us.”
The comments shared by Fox Hill residents were echoed just last week Monday when the PLP held a mass mega rally in the community. PLP leaders warned Fox Hill residents that the FNMs running are not loyal to anyone and don’t believe in Bahamians.