FNM candidate attempts to get beating wife cousin off the hook!


NASSAU| Free National Movement candidate for Cat Island, Rum Cay and San Salvador Felicia Knowles is trying to use her influence within the governing party to get her abusive cousin released from police custody.

Glen Rolle was arrested for allegedly beating his wife.

To prevent this family scandal from overshadowing her election campaign, Knowles has made calls to senior party members in an effort to spring him from police custody.

This isn’t the first time Knowles has come to the rescue of her cousin who is known for his philandering ways and abusing his wife.

The last time he was picked up by police, Knowles intervened and got him off.

The insurance executive’s repeated interference in the course of justice has angered friends of the couple who believe Rolle should be held accountable for his actions.

Rolle is also said to be the cousin of Minister of Immigration Elsworth Johnson.