FNM Chairman: Don’t Blame the Rain

Charles Maynard Chairman of the FNM.

June 11, 2012

It is no surprise that the PLP Government is not ready to fulfill its mandate for governance on day one.

The FNM left in place scheduled garbage collection. The most challenging routes were contracted out to the Private Sector: Bahamas Waste, a Public Company, United Sanitation and Impac. Each had defined routes. The Department, with a fleet of 25 vehicles, 17 of which were operational on May 7, collected the rest of New Providence.

The New Minister should be ashamed to find the pitiful excuse that rains caused this debacle of non-collection. This is so contrived and unbelievable; it is another indication of their inability to deliver.

Rain always falls in May and June, but under the FNM administration garbage collection was never suspended nor stopped.

While the rains reduce efficiency, 5 weeks without collection is intolerable! Clearly the offer to deposit garbage at the entrance to the Harold Road Dump in the single bin provided is woefully inadequate.

Is it that the PLP Government has contracted incompetent or non performing persons who will again raid the cookie jar?

Or have they terminated or suspended the contracts of reputable and efficient garbage collection companies?

Garbage in many in New Providence remains uncollected and the danger of rodents, mosquitoes, cockroaches, dogs and general ill health are of real and immediate consequence. The danger they have allowed to flourish by the buildup of garbage threatens the health of Bahamians everywhere.

We will conduct a systematic island wild survey and we will be watching.

Uncollected garbage means more rodents, more flies, more roaches and disease bearing vectors.

It is imperative that we maintain a clean and pristine environment for the protection of the health of all Bahamians and our visitors.

The PLP Government needs to come clean with the Bahamian people and not resort to lame excuses in this vital service to the public.

Charles T.Maynard
National Chairman
Free National Movement