FNM could present a DREAM TEAM Ingraham/Minnis in the next election…


Chairman Duane Sands admits that the FNM is DIVIDED!

Dear BP,

As a dedicated FNM supporter from the 1980s, my mind went wild with excitement at the possibility of Mr. Ingraham and Minnis burying the hatchet and coming together to rescue the FNM from its current abysmal state. 

A one, two Ingraham Minnis ticket would obliterate all competition in the next general election. It would be a phenomenon never before seen in the political history of our region, two former Prime Minister’s leading a major party ticket together. 

I assume if such a move is achieved Mr. Ingraham would probably lead, Ingraham will not play second fiddle to anyone, in fact Ingraham is leading Minnis in the photo.

If my dream team fails to materialize because Mr. Ingraham has lost that fire in his belly, then I sincerely hope he would support Minnis being returned to the helm of the FNM. I was one who voted against Minnis in the last convention and now sorely regrets it. 

Mr. Ingraham, Mr. Minnis, either scenero, please lets make this happen sooner rather than later.


FNM Voter