FNM deal with DNA in Long Island boomerangs on PAPA


FNM candidate set to lose like her father in Long Island. Residents set to reject the FNM.

Butler against Butler? Why did Loretta let Papa use her against her own brother Long Islanders say… – Papa breaks up another family!

Clarence Town, Long Island — Hubert Ingraham, along with Cabinet colleagues, is now convinced that Long Island has turned dangerously away from the FNM.

Polls on the island suggest the Party is set for defeat.

BP was on the ground during a government contract signing in Clarence Town and we can report momentum for the Government has been lost.

Long Islanders tell us they will not be supporting the FNM’s runaway candidate, Loretta Butler-Turner, who – for Papa – abandoned the people of Montagu.

Following a massive PLP rally in Simms last week, the FNM hierarchy are convinced that Long Island is gone. The PLP’s massive event forced Hubert Ingraham to return to the island for the second time in one week, this time to make an offer to DNA candidate, Mario Cartwright. The PM also cancelled his rally planned for South Eleuthera to fish the bait.

He told Mario, as he told Larry, “You either fish or foul. Cut bait or get the hell out the boat.”

Cartwright, we can confirm, was offered a package Papa thought he could not refuse, but in stubborn rejection, he turned down the offer on the spot.

FNMs are now worried that their candidate is not making any headway.

Residents in Bamboo Town were shocked to see Craig Butler's sister ask them to support an FNM candidate in the area. Long Islanders hate to see what Loretta did to her own FLESH AND BLOOD!

One Long Islander told BP, “We don’t want no runaway candidate. We don’t want anyone who has lived in Nassau all their life and has no ties to this island.

“Loretta has no reason to stay here if she was elected. She proved she has no loyalty to Long Island. Look what she did to her own brother, Craig Butler, in Bamboo Town. She went in Bamboo Town to tell the people there to vote FNM! Now if you can do that to ya own flesh and blood, FROM THE SAME MAH AND SAME PAH, what ya think she ga do to Long Island?”

Long Islanders agree Larry Cartwright was a better candidate when he was an independent.

“When he became an FNM, the party treated the island like dirt! And he never consulted us!

“We got more done with Christie than we did with Ingraham. We were loyal to the FNM for more than 30 years and they did nothing for us! Hubert Ingraham fattened Abaco and left this island deserted,” a member of the Clarence Town community said.

Following our visit this week, we at BP conclude: Larry GONE! Loretta GONE and by damn the FNM Party – DONE!!

We report yinner decide!