FNM gat the people of Lizzy hanging their heads down in SHAME!


stuart<<< The now ‘Vicked’ leader of the BDM, Cassius Stuart, has in the sisters of Duane Sands and Tommy Turnquest into the election count room to represent him in the recount. The alleged FNM election spoiler proves BP claims.

Nassau, Bahamas These are some dark, DARK days under this Hubert Ingraham government. The Supreme Court bench is politicized heavily tilted in favor of the FNM from the Chief Justice down. Elections are flatulent, the media are censored and Party democracy has been nurtured like a puppy. If ever there was a time for CHANGE in the Bahamas to excite young people to deliver change, IT IS NOW!

As we speak the going ons at the Thelma Gibson School is nasty and vicious. The FNM has called his all manner of cronies and cousins to stall and stifle Democracy.

Breaking news confirm CarolToniLashley, Tommy Turnquest sister and cousin of Duane Sands is now representing the FNM sponsored spoiler in the race Cassius Stuart.

You would remember how Stuart reported on Gems 105.9 FM how some persons were about to spread rumours on him. However, he did it himself and thus the matters didn’t need to be reported anymore.

Moreover, also representing Stuart is lawyer Diane Stewart, another FNM crony and sister of Dr. Duane Sands. It is alleged that the BDM is funded and supported by the FNM and today’s actions show some merit to the allegations.

Dwane-Sands-1When we look in the room, we see desperate FNMs. They ahev now turned to Rodney Moncur and Cassius Stuart, paid operative in an who are all propped up to take votes from PLP candidate Ryan Pinder. The FNM legal team is fighting the PLP 2:1, however, all have empty heads and shaky hands.

They also have three members of the Cabinet of the Bahamas intimidating members of the Parliamentary Registrar. They also have the man who appointed Jack Thompson as returning officer sitting in the room challenging votes cast in the Tuesday poll. Tommy Turnquest after much protest was advised to leave the recount. He should hang his head down in SHAME!

Bahamas Press’ cries shame of the UNDEMOCRATIC NASTY ASSAULT now being stayed against the voters of Elizabeth, and we further cry shame on their weak candidate, DuaneThiefinSands, who could not deliver the seat to the government.


  1. The Aemada has been defeated by Elizabethans and now its time to count the protest ballots.Despite all of the Bahamaina peoples monry being spent the FNM has been defeated.The wutless FNM Gvot has been exposed for what they are very unscrupulous and nasty.Niw we know why so many young persons did not show as the wutless FNM operatives paid them not to.Thed PLP bwat the FNM at the polls and the 5 protest votes prove this,.Congratulations to the 1505 persons who showed no fear and voted PLP all the way.

  2. Bahamasyouth, do you understand how ignorant your statements are?, come on man “Youth”, grow up, again I hold no brief for anyone, but Ryan ‘s father is a Bahamian ma’boy, the what does that make him Mr. College?, if this was said about Duane Sands I would say the same, stop following the party line, that stupid statement about Ryan being American or Bahamian didn’t work then, you think it’s gonna work now, ……………and election court is everyone’s constitutional right, even if the FNM wanted to go,  stop fighting against democracy,……………and speaking of cow and hustlin’, wasn’t it you who said you sold your vote, your words dude, you have to be a youth for the stupid and hypocritical things you say, you know what that makes you if you sell yourself and as a man to a man,…….. I was young once, but I grew up ma’boy, you need to hurry up, or maybe you thing your funny, with all the “LOL’s” you keep adding to your blogs, grow up Youth, we do not have an official winner yet, like it truly matters, I’m sorry for our Bahamas.

  3. Press StatementByRt. Hon. Perry G Christie MPLeader of the Progressive Liberal PartyRe: Elizabeth Bye ElectionFebruary 19th 20103:00AMLeo Ryan Pinder of the Progressive Liberal Party will be taking steps within the next ten days (being the time prescribed by law) to petition The Election Court to declare that he is the proper and lawful winner of the Bye Election in Elizabeth. The basis of the petition will be that a clear majority of the voters in the Bye Election did in fact vote for Leo Ryan Pinder of the PLP. When all of the regular ballots and protest ballots are properly accounted for, specifically the Election Court will be invited to conduct a scrutiny of the protest ballots that were cast in the Bye Election.Our legal team is satisfied that when the protest ballots are scrutinized in accordance with well established legal principles and judicial precedent, the electorate of Elizabeth will be shown conclusively to have elected Leo Ryan Pinder as their Representative.It is important that the public understand that the present position is that no one is or can be declared the winner of the Elizabeth Bye Election. Indeed the outcome of the Bye Election will remain up in the air until such time as the Election Court rules on the matter.It is of the utmost importance that the proceedings before the Election Court be initiated, conducted and concluded within the shortest possible time so that the people of Elizabeth can be properly represented in the Halls of Parliament without undue delay.We are confident that the legal process that will now be pursued will result in a vindication of our efforts and our determination to secure that Elizabeth, will remain an important part of the PLP family represented in the House of Assembly. In the meantime Leo Ryan Pinder has committed himself to remaining fully involved in the life and affairs of the Elizabeth Constituency. As he said on Tuesday evening past “I am not going anywhere” This remarkable young Bahamian of whom we are so very proud will therefore be busying himself with the continuing stewardship of the Elizabeth Constituency.Finally as Party Leader, let me not only congratulate Ryan on a truly outstanding campaign but also our entire Bye Election team for their heroic performance over the past several weeks and also to our many, many supporters in Elizabeth and those from far and near who have kept the vigil with us over the past three night. I also thank especially our magnificent team of Lawyers and election agents for their untiring efforts on the night of the election and throughout the recount that has taken up these last two days and nights.Progressive Liberal Party supporters all over the Bahamas are feeling exceptionally good about what has happened in the Bye Election. They realize and indeed Bahamians everywhere that the Free National Movement Government days are numbered and the Progressive Liberal Party is now solidly on course to win the next General Election. Such a conclusion is inescapable when one considers that the entire power and might of the Government were solidly thrown into Bye Election and yet they could not win.

  4. ELECTION COURT…. Theres no need for a ELECTIONS COURT. I guess The PLP’s cant come to reality that all the noise in the market dont mean nothing when they have the same LEADER and a ALL-AMERICAN representative. The main reason why I feel there SHOULD NOT BE THE NEED FOR ELECTION COURT. Because ONE elections right round the corner let Sands MAKE OR DESTROY HIMSELF in this area. Two- The reason why RYAN Lost was because they didnt have sufficient votes and because their voters DONT KNOW HOW TO CORRECTLY VOTE…… YES I SAID IT….. PLP have some smart people and they have some IGNORANT PEOPLE prime example BLUE HILL RD. STREET HUSTLING COW LAURA. YOu do not use your thumb to put ex on the ballot thats plain stupidity. BUT HEY im not surprise lol

  5. Latest update FNM has 2 votes lead when all the divisions have been recounted. FNM IS THE WINNER! However not sure yet if any election court challenge is going to be filed over the protested votes.

  6. Altec no the PROTEST VOTES are not being counted. I personally think if they was THE PLP Wouldve won. But Let me make it clear The protest votes ARE NOT BEING COUNTED. Both the Free National Movement and Progressive Liberal Party have to AGREE ON A PROTESTED BALLET for it to be COUNTED. Example: If a voter put the X for Dr. Sands and then scratch Dr. Sand’s name and put Hubert Ingraham then IT CAN BE CHALLENGED. BUT IF THE PLP and THE FNM agree that the voter obviously voted for the FNM then it would be pass.  LET ME REMIND YOU THAT IT IS DIFFERENT WHEN A VOTER PUTs a X BY THEIR INKY FINGER which a number of voters Mainly PLP’s did THE VOTE WOULD BE CANCELED.

  7. Diehard they are doing the LAST DIVISION FNM has a 2 point Lead….. From Start to finish The FNM always was either TIE or IN the lead. PERRY CHRISTIE HAS TO GO!

  8. ok, i’m back.  everything seems quiet at the school but parking is hard to find – big crowd.  i don’t agree with having supporters at the recount…just seems wrong to me.


  10. Really??? i am out east, i’ll drive by right now and report in a few…u see what PAPA has caused due to his rank ego, what a travesty…tsk, tsk….back in a few!

  11. i am reading the online coverage by the Tribune and i must say the writer is going out of his/her way to paint the PLP supporters gathering there as uncontrollable and the FNM supporters as calm and saintly.

    If I were to take what is being written as accurate, then it looks like a riot is about to break out in Lizzy all because of the PLP supporters!

    Its so sad the the that tone is damping what has been for the most part good coverage by the Tribune and God knows i dont give them to many compliments.

  12. and Cassius Stuart and Rodney Moncur now have to rush off to Bimini – what da hell for?? they run something in this country? who would call them?? yeah, stuart already talking bout stepping down as leader of his party and possibly joining someone…moncur get the same talks…rollins is funded by tennyson wells and algernon allen.  what a bunch of nonsense that goes on in dis backward country.

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