FNM is concerned about BEC and says nothing about the failures of BTC!



June 18, 2012

Dr. Hubert Minnis and FNM team at press conference.

The Free National Movement joins with thousands of irate Bahamian home-keepers, and business owners in expressing grave concern about the apparent great inefficiencies which are plaguing BEC over the past several weeks. Today Bahamians suffered through the second unexplained island-wide blackout in as many weeks.

So severe was this morning’s blackout that it apparently served to knock-out all cellular and mobile communications over BTC’s network for several hours as well as significant landline communication facilities of BTC and Cable Bahamas. This is not only a personal security concern, but is also a National Security concern.

For a Government which campaigned upon the promise that it would be “ready on day one” the travails inflicted continually upon the Bahamian people by BEC is inexcusable. It is inexcusable that BEC’s electrical generating plants are presently chronically short of fuel. It is inexcusable that a full Board of Directors for BEC, with a Chairman, has not yet been announced and constituted by this government; a government, supposedly ready on day one!

The Party notes that certain Press reports in a newspaper today stated that Prime Minister Christie made some sort of half-way announcement of some un-finalized intention to appoint Leslie Miller, MP, as Chairman of the Board for BEC. If so, the “ready on day one” Prime Minister seems to be a month and a half late, and two island-wide blackouts shy of seriously addressing the chronic problems which are besetting BEC.

The Bahamian People deserve better than a half-baked half-way announcement by the Prime Minister at a Funeral Service. The business community deserves better. All persons suffering in the sweltering heat of summer deserve better.

Bahamian housewives, children and business persons deserve a government that is prepared, from day one, to give full attention to every single problem afflicting our country, especially the really big problems which affect the single source of supply of such a vital human and economic necessity as electricity.

The Free National Movement calls on the government to move immediately to appoint a functional, effective and responsibly-led Board of directors of BEC; so that Bahamians can experience some relief from the devastating inefficiency now being inflicted upon them by the PLP and a leaderless and rudderless Bahamas Electricity Corporation.