FNM Landlord locks government out of its rented space on the island of Exuma for unpaid rent!


Island MP and PLP VICEROY I. Chester Cooper warned government that scores of vendors remain unpaid!

Road Traffic Locked out of its offices in Exuma for the Government’s failure to pay the rent!

EXUMA| The Government of the Bahamas has been locked out of its space on the island of Exuma for its failure to – GET THIS – pay its rent!

Free National Movement supporter and landlord in Exuma locked the Bahamas Government out for unpaid rent!

Services for Local Government and Road Traffic Departments came to a halt on the island as a result. It is understood that Ministry of Works, who is also in the same Darville’s Plaza, will be the next agency kicked out for failure to pay the rent.

Readers on Bahamas Press should note that this has never happened before – even under a PLP government!

You would think that, now that there is a Prime Minister’s office in Exuma [which is supposed to be doing its job with a fulltime staff on the payroll], this would not happen.

Perhaps the salaries paid in the PM’s Office on the island would be better used by paying the owed rent!

You would recall how MP for the Island, Chester Cooper, warned the government in his recent budget contribution last week that meeting its deficit was as likely as “pigs flying” since vendors, contractors, mail boat operators and scores of lunch vendors across the country remain unpaid.

Bills are piling up under the Minnis Government with more than $2.5 billion borrowed since coming to office. Every citizen must wonder where did all of that money go?

We report yinner decide!