FNM Leader Michael Pintard taking no prisoners and is set to reject nominations for Minnis, Bannister, Wells and McCartney!

Former PM Hubert Minnis to be denied his nomination along with Desmond Bannister, Renward Wells and Branville McCartney.

NASSAU| Opposition Leader Michael Pintard is set to axed four potential candidates seeking nomination in the FNM for the upcoming General Elections before they can write their letters. 

Pintard taking no prisoners told the Candidates Committee recently that former PM Hubert Minnis, Former DPM Desmond Bannister, Former Health Minister Renward Wells and former DNA Leader Branville McCartney shall not get any nomination in the FNM as long as he is leader of the party.

The decision has created a dangerous split inside the FNM caucus which is attempting to urgently ratify candidates in order to prepare for a snap General Election.

Minnis told reporters this week he will be running in the upcoming election but the question now is with which party? Will Minnis be running under his funded COI GROUP?

The former PM is the sitting MP for Killarney and is solidly backed by his constituency branch who this week rejected any party programme for election training.

Former DPM Bannister is also actively campaigning on the ground in Carmichael seeking to return to Parliament. Last week BP saw three of Bannister’s general in them “dutty dingy” red t-shirts looking like criminals on-the-run actively campaigning.

All this commotion deep inside the FNM spell trouble as Prime Minister Philip Brave Davis KC has already placed PLP Generals into election readiness mode; closing the party’s module programme last week and actively holding branch meetings in some constituencies this week.

War is coming to the Free National Movement and all we say is this; when war breaks out on that side of the political spectrum the PLP will dance to a second term victory.

It ain’t long nah!

We report yinner decide!