FNM Leader to drop two ratified candidates and block two more from running in upcoming General Election… But will Minnis survive?


Senior Tourism Cabinet Minister and MP for FreeTown Hon. Dionisio James D’Aguilar not to run anymore… He could become the first to resign from the Minnis Gov’t as a violent civil war erupt deep inside the Minnis Cabinet!

Soon to be former PM aka Competent Authority Hubert Minnis and Dionisio D’Aguilar

Six FNM MPs could resign from the Party and force a General Election to topple Hubert Minnis!

NASSAU| If you believe there was just plenty of craziness going on in the Minnis Government, just take a deeper look at the craziness going down inside the Minnis-led FNM party.

A secret conclave by the party leadership over the weekend now reveals at least two FNM MPs ratified for the upcoming General Election will now be dropped by the Party.

Bahamas Press can confirm Minister for Tourism and MP for FreeTown Dionisio D’Aguilar – who conveyed his intention not to run in the upcoming election last year – has held firm to his word. He will not seek re-election although the party – in a surprise ratification a few months ago – confirmed he was running and published him as a candidate. He will be dropped.

Also not running for the FNM ticket, although ratified, is the MICAL MP Mrs Miriam Emmanuel. She will join former Cabinet Ministers Lanisha Rolle, Peter Turnquest, Brent Symonette, and MPs Reece Chipman, Fredrick McAlpine, Brensil Rolle, Speaker Halson Moultrie and Mark Humes, all axed and plucked from the list of MPs.

BP is also learning another senior Cabinet Minister and at least one other MP will also not get the chance to debate their intention to run as Minnis organizes the FNM for the greatest political defeat of a lifetime.  

FNMs were in a long secret conclave over the weekend with their Leader Hubert Minnis. And all is not well inside the party.

A message to sitting FNM MPs all axed by Minnis to resign from Parliament is being encouraged by a senior former member of the Cabinet. Standby the situation is about to get nasty inside the governing FNM Party!

Now this is amazing – YOU IS FNM and didn’t know ya party was in conclave? DAS SOMETHING, EH?

Well, it’s a good thing BP is a fly on the wall around here  – or you would never know.

We report yinner decide!