FNM leadership search begin, Allen and Wells offered the top post



Tennyson Wells, Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham and Algernon Allen.

Nassau, Bahamas – Aaron ‘kiki’ Knowles jr., the Bahamian who became American Classified Intelligence Agent (CI-0827) and now FNM political strategist is once again fishing for new leadership to take over the Free National Movement.

Members of the FNM are not telling all to the public, but we’ve learned that the party is getting ready of a political transition at its leadership level. On Saturday, just hours after our announcement of a looming by-election, members of the organization confirmed in the Nassau Guardian, that the party is preparing its national convention for the first week in November.

Knowles who was the ‘mastermind’ behind Ingraham’s return to the FNM leadership in 2005 has already met with former Housing Minister Algernon Allen, and former Attorney General and Minister of Agriculture Tennyson Wells in a bid for either men to run for the leadership in the FNM.

Bahamas Press was informed that both meetings took place separately on last week. The offer being made by Ingraham’s man [Knowles] confirms what BP reported on April 6th. [www.bahamaspress.com/?p=3886]. In that article, BP confirmed that Prime Minister announced his intent to not run in the 2012 general election and confirmed to his Cabinet colleagues that a leadership transition is imminent.

Bahamas Press however is concerned with those characters now being courted by agent Knowles. And we ‘ll explore this character Knowles more closely and will confirm that this “political strategist” is not only an enemy within the FNM, but is also an enemy of this country.

Your Bahamas Press has now attained documentation, which confirms that not only Knowles, but also Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham colluded as agents in the United States in passing information to federal agents on the Bahamas. WHAT WICKED TRADERS OF THIS STATE! BP is determined to deliver this and much more to our global readers, letting them know just why neither Ingraham, nor his henchmen gives a rat’s foot about Bahamians! They care nothing about the soon unemployed workers in Exuma, nothing about the CLICO policyholders andcan careless what happens to the thousands who are unemployed and are walking the streets in this country.

And if Knowles becomes concerned with our fact-findings and ponder its authenticity, someone please point him to that beautiful Trinidadian girl who he spoke with often. She was employed in the White House. Now it is certain he knows just where we’re headed.


  1. Dibbles :Good afternoon Objective Thought and Kim Sands you are so right that’s another CLOWN talking about we are one,we are one,One Bahamas,get lost Bulgie.The PLP should have dump you long time.

    Good afternoon Dibbles, every time Bulgie used to talk about the little darlings and the precious pearls he sounded like he wanted to laugh. The Little Darlings and The Precious Pearls were his meal tickets for awhile because many people brought into it. People started to pick up on him after he started jumping from party to party. They quickly began to realize he was not faithful to any one political party or their supporters. He had his own interest at heart.

  2. Good afternoon Objective Thought and Kim Sands you are so right that’s another CLOWN talking about we are one,we are one,One Bahamas,get lost Bulgie.The PLP should have dump you long time.

  3. Even before Bulgie left the FNM to go over to the PLP, for some reason I never trusted him. He just has a cunning appearance. I was kind of happy when he disappeared out of the spotlight for a while. Now to hear he may be back is somewhat disturbing.

  4. @Dibbles
    I thought it was just me!! FAKE, FAKE, FAKE!!I have tried listening to his shows several times because I use to really like him as a politician and was about to support him back in 2002…

    Can you imagine that irritating voice as the voice of our PM??? “I would like to wish all the little darlings and precious pearls of our country a happy new year”…. NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!

  5. Objective thought :@Dibbles Do you listen to his show on Love97??
    He tries to talk about politics as least as possible.. He hates to talk about the past and is always promoting this one Bahamas thing!!
    I wonder where was he and his one Bahamas when the PLP was in office and he was dancing around the place with PC???

    No Objective Thought I really don’t listen to his show he don’t come across me to be real.

  6. Russell Johnson :Spoke with an FNM buddy of mine who went ballistics when I mentioned this story to him.He cussed out Knowles who he says only comes to Council meetings when HAI shows.Says Allen and Wells have to get to the back of the line like BJ Nottage.So whatever is cooking only HAI and Knowles seems to know.Who cares anyway as even the rats are deserting the ss FNM.

    You right, Russell. Did you see the Tribune today with the burning of the FNM t-shirt by that contractor? People are sick of the FNM and their lies etc. Kikki is a gangster who cant be trusted. Bulgie is a traitor or hater…which ever one and Tennison is making his money elsewhere so I doubt it that he is interested in revisiting that turf.

  7. Spoke with an FNM buddy of mine who went ballistics when I mentioned this story to him.He cussed out Knowles who he says only comes to Council meetings when HAI shows.Says Allen and Wells have to get to the back of the line like BJ Nottage.So whatever is cooking only HAI and Knowles seems to know.Who cares anyway as even the rats are deserting the ss FNM.

  8. Objective Thought, you hit the nail right on the head. The Bahamain people need to stop doing that. In fact the Bahamian people pick political leaders just how the Bahamian women pick their man. The one who looks good, but will ‘big them up and leave them’. And if that was not enough, they do it again and again til they gat seven children and no daddy for none of them. Need I say more. Raw just like that!

  9. The leader that is chosen means everything in the Bahamas!! No political party here in the Bahamas can win an election if its leader is not liked by the majority!!

    When it comes to election, we first look for the leader that we like then we see his party and we really don’t care who that leader’s party’s representative is for our area!!

    That’s the main reason why we end up with many misfits in parliament!!!

    What you say to that Media???

  10. @Dibbles
    Do you listen to his show on Love97??

    He tries to talk about politics as least as possible.. He hates to talk about the past and is always promoting this one Bahamas thing!!

    I wonder where was he and his one Bahamas when the PLP was in office and he was dancing around the place with PC???

  11. I have always, since May 2nd 2007, said that HI will choose his real deputy in 2 and a half to 3 years..

    I have noticed that Brent has been quite quiet in parliament except for when he is in his seat.. That’s because he knows that his time as deputy will soon be over!! HI has now done what he promised those “dark forces” that PC talked about during the election campaign, well, atleast part of his promise.

    Everyone has been talking about the deputy leader race in the PLP later this year but I also suspect that their will be a hotly contested deputy race in the FNM at their convention later this year!! I don’t expect Brent to offer himself though…

    So when are we going to see stories about that in the various media outlets???

  12. @canesfins
    Funny you should mention the name Ryan Pinder. I feel this young man is destined for greatness whereas politics is concerned.

    If one studies him, he is a chip off the old block. Pinder is definitely his father’s son. And, for those who dont know, Pinder is the son of former PLP Cabinet Minister, Marvin Pinder who was an excellent politican and Member of Parliament. A decent man is Marvin and he raised a son to be just like him. I wish Ryan well and I know he will do a good job whereever he is.

  13. Stop the boat and let me off.HAI who has not done a business seminar in over thirty years has put the country in dire straits.Now he wants to jump off like me?I say no my bruther you are to blame so face the angry people.HAI is not in control of the FNM thus the reasons for this ineffective Govt.Tommy T is in charge and he only pushes party politics.The FNM council had decided that the EMR scandal would not be sent to a select committee.After pressure from International agencies HAI convinced them that it was in the best interest of the country.Despite this all of the GB FNM representatives spoke out against the appointment of the select committee and the representative for EMR showed she really had no interest in having the matter aired.In council HAI has no say as persons there have determined that they will not let any Minister say what he wishes without some say from council.

  14. I had trust Bulgie been with the PLP,he was the Judas to the PLP.Now the FNM are now taking him back into the party he’s never to be TRUSTED never again.

  15. A major meeting IS CALLED FOR WEDNESDAY NIGHT by the Chairman of the Party! All council members, all organizations and EVERY BODY WHO ARE AND WISH TO WEAR RED SHIRTS! Ain’t LONG NAH!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  16. Why was Kikki courting Bulgie? I thought Bulgie had crossed over to PLP country and it was “no turning back” for him.

  17. BP these are some serious allegations here. Kikki is going to bring out every gangster under his belt to flush you out. Be prepared. But I know you aint NEVAH SCARED!!

  18. Can any of the above-mentioned names put their interest in Country before their interest in Party and then their interest in Self and in that order? That would be the person we want to lead us. And how do we make the assessment? We can only do that if those interested in running for election are willing to put themselves before the public NOW! We, the voters need to be able to respectfully ask questions, in a very public way, not only to be able to hear their answers but to discern their honesty, personality, background and indeed charisma.
    On a lighter note, I will vote for Russell Johnson for P.M. ; T.P. for DPM and JR for House leader. And Why not!

  19. Desmond Bannister is a quiet unassuming gentleman. I forgot about him, in my opinion, he is one of the bright spots in the fnm. Very fair, and honest. As for Dr. Darville, he has freeport more on his mind than all it’s representatives, in the senate, in the house, and in the cabinet.

    Johnley (I am amazed was a teacher) ferguson is out of the loop all-together

  20. I forgot to mention that Dr Michael Darville oiut of GB has plenty fire in his belly.He seems to have been waiting to get in the Senate and spit out water thats putting out fire.I enjoy watching Johnley Ferguson cowering with fear lol lolo.In the short space of time thats he has been there he shows lots of readiness.Desmond Bannister is an enigma right now who I just cannot figure out.Maybe after going into opposition in 2012 he can be ready for a shot at leadership in the future.And yes TP and Marly he is not vicious like me and others on the FNM front bench.

  21. rb75, I agree with you.
    And like the USA change may have to come from the outside. Maybe a Hatian desendent, who would teach Bahamians how to live in a land tax free.

  22. Folkes ….In my opinion Mitchell or Sears or Nottage in my view have had their time we need a new fresh vision for our Nation and the old faces of the past must be made to go ….we need young liberial leaders who have a feel of the people not pretenders who just want to do things just to get their name in the press……Paul Moss in my opinion is not a genuine person and he sames to be just makeing noise to get his name in the papers.

    A change will come but it will come from where no one in this nation would off expect the change and leaders to come from …..our nation is at odds with itself right now we find our selves on the cross roads and we will make the right choice on who can take up the mantle of leadership

  23. Thats a nice picture of HAI.Who cares who becomes the leader of the FNM.Like the famous wrestler the ‘ROCK’ normally say it dosen matter who is the the leader.The PLP would once again in 2010 become the government of this country.

  24. Yes canefish ,Ryan Pinder.Interesting that I inadvertently left out Paul Moss a lawyer but one who understands finances.Fitzgerald should also be mentioned in the list of potential future leaders.If the economy continues to go bust a third party is bound to emerge and could actually play a factor in the 2012 Gen Elections.It cannot be the same old same old.Despite what others might think am really an Independent voter who only wishes for whats best for our country.Once you are in power I will keep your feet in the fire.Am apalled that the President of the Bahamas Court of Appeal is lambasting Senior Justice Allen for the comments she made concerning Justice Lyons.Thats why I hate being a part of any organization as it is expected that you tow the party line.Thats not for me I try to call a spade a spade.

  25. I see a none mp being in parliament. i actually like paul moss because he seems to fight for bahamians. of course the plp thinks he is fnm and mother pratt hates him. but he does have lots of support and the country needs a person that sees onwership for bahamians and a better educational system for the advancement of all bahamians.

  26. After HAI the next potential leader will only have to reassure voters that he has no intention of victimising any Bahamain and persons would cross party lines in order to elect him.Unfortunately Kim I do not see any new face emerging in time for 2012 but in 2017 a leader who is presently not in Parliament will come to the forefront.Many young economic experts support both parties and I see them coming forward to lead the country.This economic slowdown will be around for a while and will prove to be the panacea for a non lawyer to be PM.Earl Deveaux is in trouble in Marathon so the overtures to Bulgy Allen.Believe it or not but there is a very strong presence of PLPs in Bamboo town so the overtures to Wells who is still strong down there.PLPs however will return to their base so the Wells factor would be minimal.Faces to look for include Ryan Pinder and Darren Cash.Tommy blew his chances and might again have trouble being re-elected.THe vibes on the streets are anti Govt.I hope the FNM bring a contingent to rake part in the Labour day march to backup Minister Foulkes who will surely need them.My my my the country demands a change in leadership but as I aforesaid not until after 2012.However cheer up my friends as the next PM will be a lame duck who might not even last the full term.

  27. Ronica7 you are right on. Tommy=tired!! Laing=jackass(for saying “we don’t need to diversify economy”) Branville=wishy washy(wiil go with whatever party as long as he gets to be on tv(was prepared to walk across the floor with Neymour and Maynard(the dullest M.P. in the history of Bahamian politics)

  28. Allen and Wells better go sit down, because I am not feeling them either. I see them as two blasts from the past and that’s just where they belong in the past. Someone who forgot to take their medication today mentioned Leslie Miller for the PLP; I would not trust Leslie to lead me off my front porch. The only thing Leslie has going for him is a big mouth.

  29. We really need a change. It seems as if Bahamians think that there are only two people who can run this country. As long as we keep that mindset things will not change. The only thing that will change is the faces; PlP one time and FNM the next. I am still waiting for a leader to emerge who can deliver and bring real change. But even when one does we have enough die hard PLPs and FNMs to out vote that person. And then we want to complain when things don’t go the way we want. It is a shame. What kind of example are we setting for the youth to follow?

  30. The PLP or FNM don’t move me right now. if they were to call a general election today with the current leaders for both party still being the leader, I know I will not be voting. Something really has to give, because I am sick and tired of these two men. Ingraham gone and cancel all those projects and cause this country to be in a dilemma. Christine and Johnny’s on East Street what being around since my mother was a child had to close their doors. It really bothers me to see so many businesses that I knew were striving through out the years, suddenly closing down. Then when I think about how indecisive Christie was as Prime Minister, I am not sure if we would have been doing any better or worst than what we are doing today. It’s time for these two old heads to step aside and make ways for someone who can get us to the next level. We need change and we need it bad!

  31. Thomas Finley :
    The establishment does nt want a Young warrior to take over the FNM because they wat to keep their boots on our necks! Tenny and Bulgie represent the status quot, with less talent and ability. Those two will not taste Parliament ever again however due to their previous treachery. What deep bench the PLP have? We need a leader with common sense, vision and nuts.On the PLP side, that is Leslie Miller. On the FNM side there are Minnis, Zhivargo, Branville, and Kwasi.

    Thomas no disrespect, but what you smoking? Leslie Miller? Leslie Miller? Boy you must be dead high. Minnis, Laing, Branville and Kwasi dont tingle nobody’s toes. They are DOA (dead on arrival). You must be related to one of those men mentioned

  32. ronica 7 I agree with you. we need generational change and the the new leaders need be not more than 45 years old. Ingraham is tired as most of them that sit in parliament

  33. Finley you are still in denial. I pointed you the other day, to Fred Mitchell, Alfred Sears, Bernard Nottage, Allyson Maynard, Glenys Hanna,
    on the senior side

    On the junior side I showed you Paul Moss, jerome Fiztgerald, Micheal Halkitis, Picewell Forbes, et,al.

    You still talking foolishness about zhivago Laing. A Fred Mitchell, Alfred Sears combo would blow anyone the fnm sends out of the water

    The fnm as a party could attract more of the country’s elitist,
    because alot of these persons think that they have arrived, so they will not support a party that has over the hill smut on them

    But when it comes to the brightest and more intellectual to run for parliament the plp attracts more. And thats a fact. A Brensil Rolle, a Neko Grant, a Kenneth Russell, those guys should be in some government department, and not as managers either.

  34. Unfortunately, the PLP has proven it is good at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. This will be a real challenge for this country if we end up with having to choose the lesser of the evils. Where is our Obama again?

  35. Now Iam not an insider nor do I know any of these men personally but I can speak from an average Bahamian point of view.

    If any one knows a little about history we all know that one is always doomed to repeat it and it looks like HAI and his cronies are well on the way not just only to repeat it but if this pans out then the FNM will loose bigger that they did in 2002 …folk es the FNM and Hubert is on their last leg they have done a good job with the smoke screen by first the now smear and jeer campaign against Sir Lyn den followed by the smear and jeer against the leadership and infighting in the PLP and also throwing scandal after scandal at the PLP from BTC hiring fiasco to oweing ZNS money so what is it next they have played all of their hands and to the dismay of it’s leadership same to have no effect on the mode of the country.

    You see Hubert Ingraham gamble is not paying of because of his stop and review and his handling of the economy what he attempting to do know is to get a false sense of an economy going by starting the straw market
    the airport and then finally starting the road works …Yes Ingraham is the lion in winter but this time it will be his undoing …now as I stated on this blog in the past if he calls a snap election then it will be the PL P’s to loose .

  36. Finley, you clearly have no idea what you are talking about. Leslie Miller is all bark and no bite and he has dirt on his hands so he’s a no no for the PLP. I don’t believe the FNM would go back to Allen or Wells but what do we know. All I know is that the idea of Leslie Miller leading the PLP is just far out crazy.

  37. The establishment does nt want a Young warrior to take over the FNM because they wat to keep their boots on our necks! Tenny and Bulgie represent the status quot, with less talent and ability. Those two will not taste Parliament ever again however due to their previous treachery. What deep bench the PLP have? We need a leader with common sense, vision and nuts.On the PLP side, that is Leslie Miller. On the FNM side there are Minnis, Zhivargo, Branville, and Kwasi.

  38. @Altec
    Now Altec we cannot say where Bodie got his news from, but we have very little interest to such shows. We know what we reported and we stand by that. See earlier post.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  39. BP there is a saying, “where there is smoke there is fire.”

    I was listening to Ortland Bodie this morning and he said he knows that there will be a cabinet shuffle concerning 4 ministers in a few months and that of the 4 cabinet ministers two are prominent ones and 2 are junior ones. he also said that 2 of the 4 will be removed from cabinet altogether. Can you confirm that you have you heard similar rumblings BP?

    Concerning the FNM leadership where is the Tribune on this story? For all their reporting about the PLP leadership issues they are noticeably quiet about the FNM internal leadership challenges. You mean to tell me that the Tribune has no “sources” inside the FNM? I bet you 2 kalik BP that within the next 2 weeks the Tribune will run a titillating story about the PLP leadership in an attempt to deflect again from the FNM’s leadership issues.

    BP i honestly believe that the FNM leadership issue is a more dire one than the PLP and will even be nastier. At least the PLP has a bench of young talent, the FNM has no bench only retreads.

    The FNM establishment met with Wells and Bulggie? what does that say about how the party’s establishment views Tommy, Brent, Laing, Dion, and the ambitious one Branville? Not good, not good.

    For them to contact veterans like Wells and Bulggie tells me that the FNM has made the calculation that PC will be leader of the PLP and they dont want to put a novice up against PC, ie, they dont what a repeat of 2002.

    It aint ling now……..

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