FNM MP Duane Sands fires maid now charged in court for stealing money and gift card!


Maid told Magistrate She stole buy food for her family due to the hard times…She have five children!

Duane Sands

NASSAU|A maid employed by Elizabeth MP Dr Duane Sands and his wife stole from the couple to buy food, a court heard.

Gina Nottage, 42, helped herself to $1,200 and a $200 John Bull gift card, belonging to Laurika Sands, between November 21, 2020 and January 21.

The mother-of-five children, aged five through 17, pleaded guilty to theft when she appeared before Assistant Chief Magistrate Subusola Swain.

The single and now unemployed mother told the court that she stole the money and gift card to buy food for her family.

The court, however, said that Nottage had a previous history of theft while working as a maid.

As a result, she was fined $500 or six months in prison. Additionally, Nottage has pay $1,400 in compensation to avoid spending another month in prison.

Nottage said she didn’t have the all of the money but would pay some money towards her fine today to secure her release.

Now what does this tell you about HEARTLESS SANDS? Ya think he couldn’t just resolve this? HEARTLESS!