FNM MP for West End and Bimini say she want Bimini lockdown for two weeks! I tell yall these people don’t like yinner!


FNM MP says she wants Government to further ABUSE ITS POWER in the fight of COVID19

Alice Town Bimini

NASSAU| Pakeisha Parker-Edgecombe suggested the 24-hour curfew and weekend lockdowns extended until May 30 may not be sufficient for Bimini, given the size of the community — approximately 2,000 people.

She said during the proposed two-week lockdown, nothing should come in or leave the island unless in circumstances of an emergency.

The Free National Movement MP also called for additional law enforcement officers to be deployed to the island during the lockdown period to ensure compliance and said expanded testing must continue on the island, particularly among people associated with identified cases.

Additionally, she called for the island to be sprayed, similar to cleaning undertakings in New Providence.

On Sunday, Minister of Health Dr Duane Sands said Bimini has emerged as a COVID-19 hotspot in The Bahamas, as he underscored cases on the island had surpassed Grand Bahama.

As of yesterday, there were 80 cases of the virus in the country — 64 in New Providence, eight in Bimini and seven in Grand Bahama.

We at BP wants to remind the MP for Bimini that an emergency lockdown order is already in place across the Bahamas. Had the Bahamas Government taken sound advice and test residents on Bimini immediately following the first COVID19 case, Kim Johnson-Rolle, perhaps there may be no cluster on the island. But they didn’t take any advice seriously nor did they test anyone.

And as planes were permitted to arrive and leave on CAT CAY no one monitored that situation where two women were infected. But ya want to lockdown Bahamians. Why ya didn’t block that doctor on Cay Cay who came with the virus?

And what gets us is how this is the same MP who suggested no alarm following the death of Kim Rolle back in March.

What you mean lock the place down for 24hrs and the island and country are already under such orders?

So Parker-Edgecombe thinks our Constitutional Rights should take a backseat to her paranoid delusions? With no formal training in Infectious Disease Management, this news-reader dares to instruct citizens to their detriment and potential deaths? Minnis, you better-come deal with their wild animals you have representing your OUT OF CONTROL GOVERNMENT!

We report yinner decide!


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