FNM MP Sidney Collie described as the “Houdini MP” following his neglect in Blue Hills


Ambassador HE Sidney Collie has abandoned Blue Hills like the disciple left Jesus.

Nassau, Bahamas — While Branville was invisible at the Free National Movement Rally last night, ZNS’ quick editing could not save the shot, which showed the ‘NO SHOW’ MP for Bamboo Town, and that just a hint for another story.

The vote on the sale of BTC will be historic this week, and we could see it now; The vintage looking pictures of the 10,000 plus protesters against the sale in down to Bay Street looking down the halls of Parliament this coming Monday morning. No matter what theme they give the rallies these days, the fact remains the FNM REGIME is headed out of office. But how we know this?
Bahamas Press has learnt another MP will not make the lineup to not run for reelection when Papa rings the bell this November.

BP is advised MP for Blue Hills, Sidney Collie, the newly appointed Ambassador will join others in giving up their seat for a younger political juggernauts. We are told playwright and senator, Michael ‘Retard’ Pintard, will replace him in the area.

Residents in the constituency have filed complaint after complaint into the headquarters of the FNM against one-term Collie, and now he will fold up his political tent for good.

Sadly, Collie you would remember was the first MP to be forced to resign in the FNM following victory in 29007. Pressured by PLP political giant and BP’s Giant Slayer, Glenys Hanna-Martin, Collie was sited for having called elections without due and proper notice around the country as the Minister with responsibility for Local Government.

You would remember Collie attempted to hold local government elections in the family islands without notices posted in the prescribed time at local offices. Ingraham said nothing at the time, but Hanna-Martin cited this major “UNDEMOCRATIC” infraction; referring to sections of the law which prohibited the actions of the minister and took she took the government to court. She won! And the rest is forever etched and documented in history.

But this is not all.

Collie by some accounts is the second worst MP according to our meritorious member source deep inside the belly of the FNM. The FNM source said, “It is clear from our assessments in the Blue Hills constituency, Collie had not been pulling his weight and had become the Houdini MP of the FNM; abandoning his constituents like the a disciple who abandoned the Master on his way to the cross. He has been most neglectful and Papa has good and valid reasons to fire him!”

Bahamas Press wishes Collie every success as an Ambassador, as he closes another chapter in his career as an MP.


  1. I understood (I was not there) that there were about 20-50 gold shirts in the middle of the FNM crowd. If this is true, I would like to hear their description of the handful of gold shirts.(Just thinking back to the 20 gold shirts that showed up at the first demonstration and it was called a PLP demo).

  2. I used my magnifying glass to count the persons and am stuck on 1500 lolo lolo lolo.To be certain about how disappointing the crowd was no speaker said’,” look at the people’ lolo lolo.Am going to church to askthe Lord to forgive me for laughing at the folly of the FNM Govt.Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us…..

  3. lolo lolo lolo the crowd was so small that Collie was spotted at the rally at Clifford Park.ZNS tried hard to give the impression that many were at the failed rally but Rodney Moncur took still photos which show that een nobody show up.Many of those who showed were from the Family Islands and their disbelief could be seen in their faces.The crowd was so small Papas motorcade was able to almost drive him to the podium.What a difference a day makes.Loretta Butler (plagiarist)got so desperate she asked persons on the outskirts to come forward.I laughed bcos like the others in cars we came to see the CROWD but due to its minuteness we were able to identify everyone there.lolo lolo I hope Papa got the message bcos Nassau is saying begone from me as you have betrayed our trust.

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