FNM party circular suggests C. A. Smith is not being paid one dime for being the Deputy to the Governor General and we say THAT, TOO, IS A DAMN LIE!


It was the Minnis-led Government that loudly proclaimed that there will “be no renewal of contracts for emoluments which exceed $100,000 per year.”

Ambassador C. A. Smith

Nassau – For the last few weeks now, from every circle and quarter, a barrage of attacks have come up against your Bahamas Press for our skilful, accurate blasting online news.

From the Cabinet Room we told you that Brent Symonette was about to pickup that $900,000 juicy contract with a lease for the Post Office. We told you from that same room how NHI was coming in January 2019 with a 2% tax. We don’t make news – Everyone and dey mah knows we BREAK NEWS!

From Parliament to the voice notes circulating from a muffin ball they all have together made BP the centre of an orchestrated plan of attack. Some daily coming from the wutless corrupt FNM, and at times some attacks come from “OTHERS” deep inside the slippers dragging PLP. Together, their no-good operatives have sought to deliver injury to TEAM BP.

We serve the People of the Bahamas – and no one else. This is why more than 85,000 daily global readers on our popular online networks feed on our information. They trust what we say! They know we are believable, credible and trustworthy.

Now, Earl Thompson, the political hack of the FNM who now has a handsome contract to walk in and out the bathroom at ZNS and buy KFC for girls who catch his eye, circulated some response to an article from Bahamas Press where we exposed the Deputy to the Governor General and Ambassador to Central America, C. A. Smith. He we know occupies an office inside the C. A. Smith Complex on Grand Bahama Island.

We reported how Smith was being employed as a consultant in the Passport Office, which the circular vigorously and vehemently denied. Good for him so be it. He confirmed, though, that he was indeed being paid a $60,000 annual salary as the Non-Resident Ambassador to six Central American counties. The communication circulated from the FNM never outlined who he has helped or what interventions he has made for the Bahamas since being appointed more than one year ago. And we wonder:

1) How many persons has his office assisted from those places that he serves as the non-resident ambassador?

2) [AND] With ‘Freeporters’ leaving that barren and economically challenged island, how many persons from Central America are interested in Freeport since he was appointed? Just name one – OBAN does not count!

3) Also, why is the office for the Non-Resident Ambassador on Grand Bahama and not in the capital? These are things that make ya go HMMMMMM!

The FNM circular never once mentioned what was/is Smith’s salary with respect to the post appointed back on July 8th, 2018 where he serves as the Deputy to the Government General. We know that role is not served for free. Every other past Deputy to the Governor General [DGG] in the Bahamas was indeed paid by the Treasury – just ask the Hon. Oswald Ingraham and he would confirm that fact. But ya know these people think we are stupid or dumb like them!

And so we put it to Mr. Smith, if what the statement circulated through the apparatus of the party says is true – with the suggestion that you are not receiving a cheque for that position [DGG] – then someone is collecting your pay. It just may not be you on the receiving end.

We at Bahamas Press though, do not want readers to lose the point shared in our article which strikes sparks in this loud row. It was current Prime Minister THE MOST Hon. Dr. Hubert Minnis who argued how former governments appointed and reengaged retired persons on the public dole, again and again. He promised young Bahamians to end the practise. THAT we now know is a lie!

It was PM Minnis who went to Parliament back in November of 2017 and attacked the former government on the engagement packages of retirees. It was this same FNM Minnis-led Regime that loudly proclaimed that there will “be no renewal of contracts for emoluments which exceed $100,000 per year.” And it was this present Prime Minister Dr. Minnis who talked about sending home retirees who has served their time and collected their benefits from the public as he make room for young people.

What has indeed happened, though, is the fact that those with a special last name or association to the Governing party have returned! Ambassador C.A SMITH being one. A man who has been on the public payroll since becoming a Customs Officer some SIXTY [60] odd years ago! And a man who today is now in his 80s still sucking on the nipple of the public purse! And he is doing so while thousands of young, poor, disadvantaged contract workers were sent home in droves following the election of this corrupt, criminal, uncaring, lying ‘wutless’ administration! Boy, yall ga start an unholy political war with TEAM BP!

And, while minimum wage young workers were sent home, we know of several individuals known to the PM who are immensely enjoying what he promised not to do if elected. Some are right now making over $100,000 – with a specialty of bedwetting. Some have ran off with more than $100,000 and guess what – they are relatives of the PM! Stay tuned!

For those who missed the point – including those inside the FNM machine – it is the duplicity of the administration, which triggered our article on C. A. Smith. And it that point we at BP will not allow anyone to ignore.

We report yinner decide!