Nassau| FNM Chairman Carl Culmer wasted money as FNMs gathered at the Party Headquarters as they awaited the Shane Gibson verdict.
FNMs gathered at the Party Headquarters hoping to celebrate on Wednesday. BP warned the politically desperate that a verdict would come Wednesday from early in the week and we told you that a great celebration for Gibson was about to come.
As Brave Davis told the nation, the case should have never gone to trial. Crimes by officers were committed to putting an innocent man in prison. What a wrong motive! A duly elected government on a path to persecute its citizens will commit crimes to achieve the goal. Boy, this will not go down well for some who risked their careers to participate in the lie.
And, while FNMs were gathered as if it was election night on Wednesday with plenty -plenty food on standby to eat, guess what happened? Nine ordinary men and women saw right through Prime Minister Minnis’ persecution against Shane Gibson and agreed he was innocent!
Well, look here! Two days later and the FNM party headquarter’s bathroom is still clogged! These some ‘wicket’ FNM eh?

We report yinner decide!