FNM Politician will not be returning to frontline politics after doctors diagnosed he collected a deadly condition from his lawyer sweetheart!


PLP set to run away with a strong FNM seat in the Family Island!

FNM MP set to not run – file photo

NASSAU| Boy, BP is warming up as the election season heats up in the capital amidst all this social distancing, lockdowns, and curfews.

A senior FNM politician has been given a death sentence after his lawyer gal pal delivered “DA NINJA GITTENS” diagnosis on the politician. The politician has vanished like Houdini since the verdict was read on him.

The sweetheart is employed by the top White Knight firm, which is in one heap a problem with the Americans after dangerous land rip-offs were allowed to happen to its citizens by the firm. We expect these revelations to become louder nearer to the General Elections.

The politician’s wife, who is from a deeply-rooted Christian family, left the FNM politician sometime back, but, in a bid to kiss and make up, returned to nurse the man she promised to support in sickness and health back to life in another health scare. But things have now gone downhill.

The FNM politician, after feeling some strength some years back, kicked the wife out of the marital home, all to welcome in the unhealthy sweetheart, who also sits on a government board. Ahhh, look at the kiss a death!

Anyway, BP is learning the politician has broken the news to one of his colleagues who has spread the news around the counsels of the Party.

It so happens the politician will no longer contest a seat in the upcoming election.

Meanwhile, a major shuffle is underway inside the FNM where some 10 candidates will be dropped from nomination and some MPs will not run in their current seats. In fact, one MP, who BP is using as a political punching bag these days, will not be returning to his family island seat.

We at BP understand the MP, who does beat women and pull gun on his ex, will be rewarded with a special “cut-you-know-what-we-want-say” seat on New Providence. The seat sits southern New Providence community.

The powers inside the Governing Party believe that island nomination should be given to a more deserving loyal hardcore loveable politician. In fact, the islanders have warned the PM that if they send the JACKASS back in that seat the PLP will run away with the seat like!

We report yinner decide!