FNM Vice Chairman dropped-kicked out of the FNM! PINTARD CUTS MINNIS SUPPORTERS OUT


NASSAU| Richard Johnson (aka $80,000) and Hubert Minnis are NO Longer in charge of the Free National Movement!

RICHARD Johnson dropped kicked out of Council Meeting and told not to return!

PARTY Officials in a special called meeting at FNM Headquarters last night removed Johnson from all future council meetings of the party as vice chair of the organization.

Former PM Hubert Minnis was present and sat quietly as a lamb as officers one by one agreed that the Minnis era in the FNM was over.

The move to cut Johnson came following a series of voice notes declaring war on the Party.

And while axing was taking place inside the meeting outside operatives who beat the blood out the head of Hiram Kelly just a few weeks ago (supporters of Minnis) were vocally attacking the party leader and chairman; calling them snakes in the FNM.

Minnis though is still organizing as he sets the stage of round two on Duane Sands who is prepared to rid the organization of anything which looks like former PM Minnis.

We report yinner decide!