FNM Welcomes Kenyatta Gibson


Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham being led through a political rally crowd at R. M. Bailey in 2007. FNMs welcomes the GIANT OF KENNEDY Kenyatta Gibson to the party!

Prime Minister Rt. Hon. Hubert Ingraham welcomed the MP for Kenyatta Gibson to the ranks of the Free National Moverment. Here is a full text of Mr. Ingraham’s statements.

Statement by Prime Minister and FNM Leader Hubert Ingraham:

MR. INGRAHAM: It is with great pleasure that I extend to Mr. Kenyatta Gibson, on behalf of my parliamentary colleagues and all the officers and members of the Free National Movement, a warm welcome to our parliamentary contingent and to our party.

In making his decision to cross the floor, Mr. Gibson follows in the footsteps of many distinguished Bahamian political personalities who, over the years, came to the conclusion that their membership in the PLP was no longer tenable.

He has obviously come to the conclusion that the people of the Kennedy Constituency and the wider Bahamian community would be better served by his membership in the Free National Movement.

In keeping with the tradition of our party, I should like to assure Mr. Gibson that he will find a warm welcome at all levels of our party and that he will immediately be accorded all the privileges of full membership.

We look forward to working with him to further the interests of the Bahamian people whom we have the honour to represent.
Statement by Kennedy MP Kenyatta Gibson:

MR. GIBSON: I wish to publicly announce that I have today informed the Speaker of the Honorable House of Assembly by hand delivered communiqué, that I have joined the Free National Movement’s Parliamentary Caucus.

This decision was arrived at after a carefully conducted consultative process, during which I listened to and deliberated with residents of the great Constituency of Kennedy throughout the length and breath of the Constituency.

Every effort was made to weigh all possible options in the balance. Indeed my paramount consideration was to act in the best interest of the people of my Constituency.

The founding fathers of this Commonwealth had in their ranks great Bahamians of different origins and different creeds. In their midst were men who proclaimed themselves members of different political parties. Some were loyal PLPs, others pledged allegiance to the FNM.

Yet through their partisan differences, their love of “Country First” was the principal and overwhelming theme. It is in the best tradition of those framers of our constitution and co-architects of the modern Bahamas that I have made this decision. Rightly, I have put my Country and my Constituency above my former party.

As such, I have no reservations in stating that I believe that my decision to join the Free National Movement at this point in time is in the best interest of my Constituents and my Country. In this regard, I shall make a full and plenary statement at the next sitting of the Parliament of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas.

May God continue to bless my Constituents in all the Communities of Kennedy and the Commonwealth of the Bahamas.


  1. BP , WOW

    I do not know if the rest of the country listend to this man this afternoon I was shocked to here the PM make such a statement against an organisation like S&P this is just plain madness he has just put the Bahamas in a place where we should not be….He should know that it is S&P and other such groups that investors go to before makeing a huge investment in any country this man gat to be crazy.

  2. Rb75 that is the same attitude of Ingraham that has caused The Bahamas in this problems we find ourselves in. The attitude of a TYRANT, A MUGABE! It is that same behaviour that ran Baha Mar investors and now has The Bahamas in the state it is IN. Now we all must suffer, cause we have a PM who don’t know how to talk to people!

    When we heard he was speaking at the OUTLOOK this year, we cancelled our appointment to attend. INGRAHAM IS BAD NEW FOR BAHAMIANS, HE IS BAD NEWS FOR INVESTORS and his STINK WUTLESS ATTITUDE IS BAD FOR THE BAHAMAS!

    Bahamas Press/ Editor

  3. HI could always send Kenyatta to fight S&P… lol. Once they only have women on their staff that is.

  4. Media ,

    That is so true I will be willing to start striking up the band and striking loudly….I heard the PM on news today speaking at the outlook forum and condeming S&P saying that S&P took notes from the opposition in crafting their recent report on the economy of the Bahamas then he took the steps to lambaste S&P saying that he does not believe the report…..This is the words of a mad man and tyrant if HAI thinks that S&P will take his words laying down I fear that the blow back for our country will be a cat 6 hurricane and earthquake.

    This is another example that HAI has gone mad and is out of touch with the way to do business and handle international politics he is worse than G.BUSH at least bush had a war to blame what does HI and the wuthless FNM has to blame.

  5. Wow,

    I totaly agree with you this is a bunch of B.S the crossing of lines by Kenyatta and supposed to be Adderly next is just the other shoe dropping the last 18 months was the worst in Bahamian history the country is going bankrupt and people are loosing their jobs and homes and the only thing we have to look at is if PC will be the leader of the PLP well I say that is just foolishness we have to blame HAI and the FNM we have to lay the blame at the feet of Hubert and no one else he is the Prime Minister he is in charge.

    Too Media I say that the time for change in our nation has come and gone and will come again…..when elections are called and when the bell is rang the entire country will be ready to throw the FNM out of office.

  6. media :
    This decision was arrived at after a carefully conducted consultative process, during which I listened to and deliberated with residents of the great Constituency of Kennedy throughout the length and breath of the Constituency.
    Every effort was made to weigh all possible options in the balance. Indeed my paramount consideration was to act in the best interest of the people of my Constituency.

    Those lines right there make this the greatest load of B.S. spewed onto the Bahamian people since HI told Tommy he wasn’t coming back.

  7. media :
    WOW, you all really think and believe your party can win an election in this country with a CHRISTIE? Come on, that’s like saying another Bush will beat Obama in 2011. IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN, the PLP NEEDS CHANGE before it can bring CHANGE TO THIS COUNTRY!
    Bahamas Press/ Editor
    PS: And I say this because whilst there are many persons in this country dissolusioned with the FNM, we know of not one FNM friend of ours that has renounced their party. NOT ONE, the are all still wearing RED shirts, although they are carrying a silence.

    BP, that is exactly what causes parties to lose elections. They may not “renounce their party”, but they are not going to put in the extra effort to stand in the hot sun on long lines to vote either.

  8. Media,

    I must disagree with you on this one….The nation can look toward the PLP and PC once again when you take into account what the Nation looked like under PC’S administration and then look at HAI there is a real differance here and anyone that is blind can see that …..The Fnm is now on borrowd time 5 years is a lot of time Media.


    MR. GIBSON: I wish to publicly announce that I have today informed the Speaker of the Honorable House of Assembly by hand delivered communiqué, that I have joined the Free National Movement’s Parliamentary Caucus.

    This decision was arrived at after a carefully conducted consultative process, during which I listened to and deliberated with residents of the great Constituency of Kennedy throughout the length and breath of the Constituency.

    Every effort was made to weigh all possible options in the balance. Indeed my paramount consideration was to act in the best interest of the people of my Constituency.

    The founding fathers of this Commonwealth had in their ranks great Bahamians of different origins and different creeds. In their midst were men who proclaimed themselves members of different political parties. Some were loyal PLPs, others pledged allegiance to the FNM.

    Yet through their partisan differences, their love of “Country First” was the principal and overwhelming theme. It is in the best tradition of those framers of our constitution and co-architects of the modern Bahamas that I have made this decision. Rightly, I have put my Country and my Constituency above my former party.

    As such, I have no reservations in stating that I believe that my decision to join the Free National Movement at this point in time is in the best interest of my Constituents and my Country. In this regard, I shall make a full and plenary statement at the next sitting of the Parliament of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas.

    May God continue to bless my Constituents in all the Communities of Kennedy and the Commonwealth of the Bahamas.

  10. Media, be real, Ingraham is the “Bush” in this situation. He is the incumbent government leader, he is the one making a mess out of the country, and he is the one out of touch with the people.

    The FNM Parliament team is already a bunch of non-cohesive, conflicting personalities that are loosely held together by the pay-off of political appointments and a fear to speak ones mind in the presence of HI (behind his back is another matter). Now they go and add a Kenyatta Gibson to the mix? That is like throwing a container of gunpowder into a fire my friend, there is no doubt it will explode, the only question is when.

    And read my post clearly, back to front and front to back. I never once mentioned who the leader will be when the PLP wins.

    Ps. I can’t wait to start hearing all the inside FNM info that Kenyatta is going to be providing. HI has allowed a “Trojan Horse” into the city to further ensure the FNMs downfall.

  11. WOW, you all really think and believe your party can win an election in this country with a CHRISTIE? Come on, that’s like saying another Bush will beat Obama in 2011. IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN, the PLP NEEDS CHANGE before it can bring CHANGE TO THIS COUNTRY!

    Bahamas Press/ Editor

    PS: And I say this because whilst there are many persons in this country dissolusioned with the FNM, we know of not one FNM friend of ours that has renounced their party. NOT ONE, they are all still wearing RED shirts, although they are carrying a silence.

  12. It ain’t long now! Yeah, till the time bomb they have “welcomed” into the fold blows up in their face. I will sit back and enjoy the carnival show.

    In 2012 when the FNM is licking their wounds and wondering what caused their election defeat, January 12th 2009 will be one of the dates that stands out.

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