Nassau, Bahamas — Breaking News now coming out of the Free National Movement tell us the dance of election fever is closer than we believe and come November 2nd a grand national convention is being planned.
“No man knows the day or the hour but one,” said Hubert Ingraham as he warned voters earlier in the year to get registered.

According to a source, “We intend to outline our plan to the Bahamian people and provide a national plan to restore jobs throughout the country. What voters will see at this year’s Convention is a well organized, vision orchestrated plan for the Bahamas; A blueprint if you will presented by a fresh slate of candidates.”
The conclave we are told will showcase some 12 new faces to frontline politics. The team is expected to take centre stage at the event, and is promised to deliver a cannon fire to a fired up FNM leading into the election campaign.
BP has also been given an idea of the new boundary changes, which we understand will resemble cuts of 1997 general elections. In that election, voters would remember the FNM collected seats across the country as the Party was delivered a clear mandate over the PLP; diminishing the opposition to a mere six seats in the Parliament. Pindling later stepped down and the PLP also lost its solid South Andros seat.

“We believe history will repeat itself, and we warn the present MPs in all of Andros to know, where they now sit will soon be no more,” the source said.
In 2009, Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham told delegates to meet him in the convention the following year [2010], however, a struggling economy of global proportions forced the event to be cancelled and deferred to a date to be announced.
When quizzed about the momentum by the DNA, having taken a huge block of the FNM base the source hinted, “BP, we want you to investigate one of the recently announced candidates for that Party. From our intel, the young man has made a living prostituting himself as a male stripper. We join BP in asking the Party, ‘who is vetting these candidates’? and on that we say no more.”
It appears Papa finally has a brand-new bag, and come November, even disgruntled Public Servants will see what is in it.
I have noticed that a lot of PLPs and FNMs in Grand Bahama are now vowing to support the DNA.I don’t want you people at BP to comfort yourself by thinking that this new party is only going to hurt the FNM.That will not not be the case.PLP supporters here in GB are also leaving the Opposition in droves.We have had some 44 years since Majority Rule.The PLP has governed The Bahamas for 30 of those 44 years.They had more than enough time at the helm.I don’t think many people are thrilled with either the FNM or the PLP anymore.I used to say that the DNA will only get former disgruntled FNMs.I was wrong.I saw a dyed in the wool Pingdomite at the DNA’s launch in Freeport several weeks ago.He was cheering Branville MacCartney on as he addressed the crowd.Don’t fool yourself into believing that the PLP has an overwhelming amount of support in GB.The DNA is making significant inroads here.
Yeah and the world is green hey. IF YOU BELIEVE THAT THEN GOOD FOR YOU KEVIN!
Man BP don’t do it. Male stripper for the DNA lol. Well that should get the female vote LOL.
Perhaps it would. But are you ready for the DNA to have Drag Queen and Male Stripping event? Don’t do it! Something is terribly wrong with the vetting process.
Well we already have homos, lesbos, adulterers in the house in both parties….Who vetted them???
If that stripper has the best interest of the country at heart and can do better than my existing rep, he surely will have my vote!!!
I understand a lot of them were in Seabreeze last night!
It appears the DNA is attracting a lot of gay persons – I guess when you look at their candidates what else can you expect!
BP, any idea of the connection between a Catholic candidate and a male employee at the theatre?
you should be ashamed of yourself – it’s this same kind of evil thinking that is destroying our country. Black crabs all around and no one is moving forward.
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