Former BTC CEO fully supports David Shane Gibson’s appointment to BTC Board…


Dear Hon. Phil Galanis,

Hope you are well and enjoying this New Day.

I was listening to the News tonight and I am not sure I heard you endorse Hon Fitzgerald for his Senior Policy Advisory Post but not Hon. Shane Gibson for Deputy Chairman BTC?k

Knowing the present Condition of BTC, the person I would recommend for Deputy Chairman is Hon. Bradley Roberts but he is peacefully laying in his grave.

I endorse Hon. Shane Gibson ?%.

He is a Degreed Engineer who worked in the Technical Division at BTC and he understands the BTC Network.

As a former BCPOU President, he has a relationship with the Staff and is well respected by them.

Cable & Wireless/Liberty Global has sent more than 1,000 well paid, middle class Bahamians home since it’s acquisition of BTC. And is in the process of sending more home as I’m writing this. The Cost of their disengagement has increased the Pension Fund Deficit from a Surplus of $6 Million to a Deficit of $150 Million. This Deficit is added to the P&L of the GOTB, since it is solely responsible. It does not impact C&W/Liberty at all.

*Not only has Cable & Wireless/Liberty outsourced The Call Center (914 & 916) to Jamaica and Trinidad but they are doing the same thing with Finance, IT, TV, HR & Cellular. Eventually, there will be only a Shell in The Bahamas and the GOTB will own 51% of nothing. *

*Cable & Wireless/Liberty had no respect for Dave Hanna Deputy Chairman, Marlon Johnson, Joshua Sears, Melissa Sears or Parkesia Parker. *

They declared little or no Dividends. While Hon. Bradley and Rowena Bethel were there, they told C&W what the GOTB expected.

C&W have not fully restored Abaco from Hurricane Dorian.

Staff morale at BTC is in the Toilet.

Multi National Companies resident in The Bahamas no longer pay their Bills in The Bahamas.

Since I and Bradley left, C&W/Liberty has made little or no Capital investment in the Country. They are just milking the Assets they found in place.

*If I am reading the Tea Leafs correctly, Liberty is about to flip BTC. In their eyes, The Country is too vast and the market too small. I have watched their MO when they exited the EU and came to the Caribbean. *

If this happens, the PLP’s Agenda to Digitize The Bahamas is DOA.

Cable Bahamas/ALIV has no Submarine Fiber Optic Cable connectivity south of Eleuthera.

Liberty needs a SHOCK & AWE TREATMENT.

I feel Confident that Hon Shane Gibson can deliver the SHOCK & AWE TREATMENT they need.

Just my Five Cents.
