Former Cabinet Minister Honoured in House Foyer



Governor General, His Excellency the Hon. Arthur Hanna views the body of former Cabinet Minister, Dr. Curtis McMillan on Friday January 18, 2008 in foyer of the House of Assembly. Dr. McMillan will be laid to rest on Monday, January 21, 2008. (Photo/Patrick Hanna)

PLP Mourns the Passing of Dr. Curtis

Published: Wednesday January 16th, 2008

The Progressive Liberal Party is saddened at the passing of Dr. Curtis McMillan.

Dr. McMillan served as the Minister of Health in the first Majority Rule Cabinet in the 1967 government. He was an early participant in our Party’s championship of the principles of social justice and the creation and maintenance of an equitable society. His contributions to public life will be missed.

Leader Rt. Honourable Perry Christie and Mrs. Christie join the officers and members of the Progressive Liberal Party in expressing condolences to the McMillan family.