Former DISGRACED NIB Director Algernon Cargill set to jet off on a cozy expensive government trip to Zurich Switzerland this coming week!

Director of Aviation and GM for the Airport Authority Algernon Cargill

NASSAU| Bahamas Press is with great attention to the country is watching to see how long it will take for the Davis/Cooper Government to get rid of some known CORRUPT and politically biased characteristics deep inside their government.

For example, we know this week the Director of Aviation DISGRACED former NIB Director, Algernon Cargill, who also holds the position as General Manager for the Airport Authority appointed by ousted former PM Hubert Minnis, is set to fly high FIRST CLASS into Zurich, Switzerland this coming week.

BP is still shocked by the fact that the man who was appointed by Minnis, who wrote much of his lying text leading into the 2017 General Election and was paid over $400,000 following his return to suck on the nipple of the public purse can still earn more in salary than the PM and DPM! WHAT IS THIS? WHY IN THE HELL ALGENON CARGILL STILL SITTING IN DAMN OFFICE?! WHY?

Cargill recently flew into Japan on the Government dime to attend the 2021 Olympics in the summer. Another expense to the Bahamas Government!

When will the Administration GET IT! This is EGREGIOUS and dangerously to the base supporters (AND BP WHO IS DISGUSTED BY IT!). Hundreds of supporters of the NEW DAY have been told to wait deep into next year before they are even considered! WAIT WHEN CHRISTMAS COMING AND YINNER GOOSE IS GETTING COOKED!

We ga say it again! What will loyal die-hard PLPs suppose to do in the next election? WRITE ON THE BALLOT “WAITING”?

We ga report and let yinner decide!