Former leader of the Vangard Party Dr. John McCartney has died


The late Dr. John McCartney in a spirited presentation to his Lafayette political Science students of politics in the Caribbean. The school is located in Indiana.

Bahamian Professor Dr. John McCartney Dies

Nassau, Bahamas — Breaking News coming into Bahamas Press confirms the death of Dr. John McCartney.

Dr. McCartney was a professor and former leader of the Vangard Party of the 1970s. A citizen of the Bahamas, McCartney worked tirelessly to reform the Bahamian government after it gained independence from Great Britain in 1973.

He was a two-time candidate for Parliament and helped form his Socialist political party that challenged the ruling majority of Prime Minister Lynden O. Pindling.

He also met with the former leaders of Jamaica, Barbados, and Brazil as well as Cuba’s Fidel Castro. He left the Bahamas almost as one in exile and he made a way to survive. He was a political science professor for many years at Lafayette, Indiana. May he rest in peace. Amen!

BP can also report at this hour the death of attorney Dawson Roberts.