Former PM may stay in North Abaco seat citing Party’s challenge to win


Hubert 'Papa' Ingraham reconsiders his surrender as a Member of Parliament.

BP’s SUNDAY SPECIAL >>> FNM financial challenge will stall a by-election in North Abaco as Ingraham is expected to stay in Parliament

Nassau, Bahamas — Bahamas Press’ CEO Alexander James is considering stepping down from the bridge at the operations here to allow transition for the number one website in the Bahamas.

The decision of the move is to handover control of the website to more skilled hands, with youthful influence at the helm. We believe the day has come for Bahamas Press to go to the next level.

That said, what is equally interesting is the fact that the FNM is now in the same boat. The party is tired, weak and in debt like the woman who lived in the shoe. They just don’t know what the hell to do.

And it gets worse.

Breaking news coming out of North Abaco suggests that the former Prime Minister, Rt. Hon. Hubert Ingraham, may be reconsidering his surrender of the FNM.

Deputy Prime Minister Philip 'Brave' Davis raises charges of bribery on the former administration and calls on the AG to look into the matter.

Following Prime Minister Rt. Hon. Perry Christie’s announcement of a time line to begin talks to return control of BTC to the Bahamian people, calls have saturated Ingraham’s law office from powerful players behind the sale in the Exumas.

BP has been reliably informed the aristocrats have also had telephone conversations calling on the maximum leader of the FNM to reconsider his position announced following the general elections.

Further, concerns are growing within the Party as to the direction of its leadership. This past week’s showing on the Labour Day parade by representatives of the FNM was dismal to say the least – few came!

In fact, there was no showing at the Parade by former Fort Charlotte Candidate, Zhivargo Laing and former Carmichael MP Desmond Bannister.

Others defying the Chairman’s request to attend the parade were former bad Elizabeth candidate Duane Sands [who also wants to be leader] and Deputy Leader of the FNM Loretta Butler-Turner [ the powerful deputy who has brought sexy back to the FNM].

Sources deep in the party tell us only Hubert Ingraham can raise the necessary funds to put the party back online financially and galvanize a new direction to the future.

“Then and only then should a transition of power should be made thus putting the organization in the right direction politically,” the source said.

The former Prime Minister we are told is also angered by the charges of bribery being levied against him by PLP Strongman and Deputy Prime Minister Philip Brave Davis.

Mr. Davis in the Parliament this week took his support for a Commission of Inquiry on the Ingraham government further as he suggested a file has satisfied him as proof of incidents which may have violated the Bribery laws of the country.

In wrapping up the debate, Prime Minister Christie added that, “What we saw in the last election was nothing short of corruption.”

The charges by the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister have raised concerns for those hopeful of Ingraham’s return, however, knowing the former Prime Minister, every goodbye is not gone.

Some close to the man who ran the country for 15 of the last 20 years tell us, “Everyone knows Hubert Ingraham. He is an action man. He backs up his words with action. Those charges levied against the former PM are yet to be proven and for the sake of things he just may stick around to see if anyone will proceed with those charges.”

Meanwhile,we are told meetings are already underway with the former PM and his WUTLESS GUTLESS media sympathizers to play his political game from the pages of the press against the PLP government. So stay tuned for that!

BP’s CEO telephoned the former Prime Minister to see if we can get a word in on these developments, but he quickly declined a comment.

We report, yinner decide!