Former Prime Minister and PLP Leader Perry Christie Expresses His Regret


Rt. Hon. Perry G. Christie/ Leader of the opposition Progressive Liberal Party.

Nassau, The Bahamas – Former Prime Minister and leader of the opposition Progressive Liberal Party Rt. Hon Perry G. Christie, expressed his regret over the death of Mr. Kevin Milford on the island of Exuma to his family, along with loss of property around the family of islands as a result of the passage of Tropical Storm Noel that has impacted the country.

“We have been receiving reports throughout the day on the impact the storm has had on Bahamians throughout the country.”

“We want the people who have been adversely affected by the storm to know that our thoughts and prayers are with them in this time of distress.” Mr. Christie said

Mr. Christie assured the country that his party would continue to monitor the developments. “We advise all that even in the aftermath of the storm it is important to continue to exercise caution and to approach the clean-up with the same caution that was exercised in protecting life and property during its passage.” Mr. Christie said.

The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) also advise persons living in areas of The Bahamas in which there have been significant flooding as a result of Hurricane Noel that they should take all the necessary precautions to remain safe, despite the “All Clear” being given by the Department of Meteorology.

The agency (NEMA) cautioned citizens in the affected islands that they should stay indoors as much as possible and not venture into areas where flooding still exits to avoid potential injury as a result of electrical or other hazards.

At last report on Friday roads leading to the airports in Rum Cay and Exuma were blocked off with massive water swells. On Long Island where much of the flooding caused settlers to evacuate their homes, residents encountered impassable roadways to the north  on that island. Long Islanders had been sufferings flooding due to heavy rains three weeks prior to Noel, thus the passage of storm exacerbated that island’s flooding problems.

Ms. Kaye Wilson reported from Rum Cay, that whilst the sun was out late Thursday after three days of rain on that island, the airport was still with flood water. She also noted that one aircraft parked on the runway stood in what was waist deep flooded water. The aircraft she noted was pushed to the center of the runway that was as of Thursday, in two feet of water.

On Friday Ms. Wilson also said, “The sea is still pretty bad with large swells, our mail boat the M/V Lady Francis has been here in the dock since Tuesday, we think they might be able to leave later on the weekend.”

 Below are photos of the flooded runway at the Rum Cay airport.

