Former Gov’t ran NIB like a jungaliss with a stolen credit card – FUNDS SQUANDERED!
Nassau, Bahamas — Bahamas Press is agreeing with the staff at the National Insurance Board and is calling for the resignation of Algernon Cargill as the Executive head of the Board.
Now everyone and they ‘mah’ knows Cargill and BP are no friends. We know the Fiji Water-drinking director very well. He is the man who splurges the Board’s money to wine and dine at the finest club houses while mothers gata beg for their benefits.
You know little has been done in the last administration to INVESTIGATE the Board and its alleged CORRUPT practices. Here are just some:
You will remember how back in 2010 BP’s exposé of the Board led to a heated debate in Parliament.
In that report we cited how Winston Rolle, a former Director of National Insurance Board, who was an advocate against the National Health Insurance, was positioned around the table. That was payback #1.
Rolle was sent to Jamaica to assist with the negotiations for the computer software company for the National Drug Plan. Reports are Rolle not only negotiated for NIB but mainly for himself.
Since he has been greased and oiled, he has now handed in his resignation and has received the full blessings of a contract issued by guess who? Algernon Cargill and Patrick Ward, the director and Chairman of the Board…VELL MUDDOS!
Rolle presently leads the Bahamian team in a partnership for (Advanced Integrated Systems) AIS, Jamaica. The company was awarded the Systems contract by NIB.
But there is more.

Just after that deal was struck, we were advised, Cargill had arranged for the rental of one of his cousin’s apartments in Sandyport for the AIS consultants to the drug plan.
The Board, we knew at the time, was also paying for that rental.
In our quest for truth, BP dug deeper and we found out that Philip Kemp was the second board member of NIB having knowledge of its full workings who received a contract from the Board.
Kemp resigned from NIB and was later issued a sub-contract from Telco Enterprises at the Sandilands facility being funded by NIB. The contract has cost the taxpayers of the Bahamas a whopping $8.6 million. [You heard about it extensively during the last campaign].
In a session of Parliament following questions to the Minister with responsibility for NIB, Hubert Ingraham, the then Prime Minister told Parliament: “I will read what they say. I will listen to what they say, and I will speak after that.”
Readers would remember how Shane Gibson and PLP strongman Philip ‘Brave’ Davis called for a probe into NIB in 2010 as they exposed in Parliament the SCANDALOUS squander of public money at the Board.
Boy, this getting hot!
However, despite the exposed litany of abuses of public money at NIB, the Prime Minister at the time had yet to honour his word and speak to the matter or answer claims of SQUANDER unfolding at the Board when he was kicked out of office by the Bahamian voters.
Mums the word!
Bahamas Press demands a Public Commission to investigate the SCANDALOUS OPERATIONS at NIB. INCLUDING THE CONTRACTS TO KENUTH Knowles, PORKY DORSETT, IRAM LEWIS, Charlton Morley AND Jeffery LLOYD, just to name a few.
We believe these latest events are blatant conflicts of interest and represent an assault on the backs of the Bahamian people, many of whom cannot collect a dime from NIB.
We again ask for the resignation of NIB director Algernon Cargill.
Bahamas Press can also confirm, Philip Kemp, is the second board member of NIB who we know has received a contract from the Board having knowledge of its full workings.
I’ve been a loyal and appreciative reader from your site came about. For so long there had been a desperate void and you stepped up to the plate and filled it. The press in The Bahamas is generally manipulated by politics and journalists are blatantly censored from reporting the fact is their truest form. When you came on the scene I was grateful that there was now someone shining a light and exposing corruption. It is good that the Government has been unable to hide things from the Bahamian people and for that you deserve credit. I have however noticed that over the last year you have become particularly biased in favour of the PLP and this somewhat makes me a bit guarded. Before when you revealed stuff, I saw is as a way of protecting the public, now I wonder if it’s just to tear down the FNM. They’ve lost and the party is in shambles so let’s move on from that. Remember the PLP prior to the 2007 election had their basket of scandal and corruption as well. I would like to see you return to the real journalism that I have known you for. Keep this new government accountable just as you did with the last one (and given the state of the economy we need this more than ever). As a true journalist, report the facts without biased emotion. If you can’t do that, you have made yourself redundant. If you can, you will continue to be the Guardian that we so desperately need.
wicked algernon cargill need to get his hip kicked outnof national insurance. He was used by the former government to persecute poor people who werengreatly challenged to me their financial obligations because of the recession. He especially hated Pastors.
Minister Shane Gibson Give that Dike his just reward. Ha!! Ha!!
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