Statement from the constituents of Fort Charlotte
Resignation of Dr. Andre Rollins
Donna Moxey
Branch Chairperson
19th June 2015
The officers and members of the Fort Charlotte Branch of the Progressive Liberal Party note with interest but are not surprised by the decision of Fort Charlotte MP Dr. Andre Rollins to tender his resignation from the Progressive Liberal Party. We share the view expressed by Prime Minister Christie about the departure of Greg Moss – that Dr. Rollins was on a particular course that would take him outside of the PLP.
We wish Dr. Rollins well, harbor no rancor or ill will and have moved on from this experience to seek a suitably qualified candidate committed to providing the quality of representation the constituents in Fort Charlotte rightly deserve. In due course we will follow our policies, procedures and practices in selecting a new candidate to carry the PLP banner in the next General Election.
We would be less than forthright if we did not publicly state that it is no secret that the former Member of Parliament for Fort Charlotte, the Hon. Alfred Sears was an effective representative, was well loved by the people of Fort Charlotte and enjoyed an excellent working relationship with the executives and members of the Fort Charlotte Branch. Further, Mr. Sears has expressed an interest in returning to front line politics and the branch gladly welcomes another opportunity to work with Mr. Sears.
Moreover, the integrity, brand and symbol of our great Political Party whose vision, spirit and policies led our country to Majority Rule, Independence and the modern Bahamas must be protected and jealously guarded at all costs. Our Party and our Government must no longer be distracted nor continue to be denigrated as a public spectacle or an object of mockery because of anybody’s ego, personality or selfishness.
Fort Charlotte remains resolute in its support for the Honourable Perry G. Christie, the country’s Prime Minister and Leader of our Party. We fully support his commitment to young people with a desire for public service. Further, Fort Charlotte stands united in our full support of the policies and programs of the Government of the Bahamas under the leadership of the Prime Minister and his competent team of Ministers.