Nassau, Bahamas — A serious war has erupted in a major political party after four of the nine women running in the upcoming election discovered they were all juicing the same politician.
Now get this: if ya don’t laugh at this one, you will cry!
One of the women is running for a seat in Southern New Providence, another in the east, the third is in the west and the fourth is on a family island.
BP must accept all of the women gat taste – except the one running in the eastern New Providence seat who one time ago was in love with a lion of the law before she sprinted into the arms of the senior politician. But let’s forget that one.
Our story ga take us to an interesting episode with the woman in the South, who we know was once described by some as ‘the sweetness in West Grove’. Sweet because, one time ago she was young and prime and was employed by the senior politician.
“Dimples” [we ga call her for now] lived just around the corner from the MP who one night decided to sneak out the kitchen door and take his daughter’s vehicle to make his midnight ghost move.
Evading his security detail, the senior MP hopped into his daughter’s Honda Civic and darted out into the night for his secret rendezvous of fun and frolic.
Having no need to knock or scratch on the window like a pussy cat, the senior MP turned his own key to the residence as his tiptoed into the house. “Hey dis me… come to PAPA,” he said softly so not to alarm the neighbour’s dog.
“Dimples” was not expecting company and they were both hoping for another night of pleasure. But guess what? A sudden loud bang on the front door put a stop to the moment. And before ‘Dimples’ could go topless, she told the senior politician to hide in the kitchen.
Great GOODNESS! The barroom bully turned pussycat in the middle of the night, ran into the kitchen and folded himself under the kitchen sink like a flat sheet in a dresser. Not a whisper he said as he placed his cell phone on silent.
At the door was a shouting thug. The secret lover of ‘Dimples’ had appeared without notice. Then he began violently raising his voice so loud that it echoed down the street. “Where he is so I could cut his %$%#? Ya see…I tired a this %$%$!” Meanwhile, the senior politician held his breath. Not a growl did the lion make. That night he was a pussy cat and shook like a reed!
The thug suddenly found the keys to the Honda and concluded the night with this, “This ain’t your car but it is mines now!”
He slammed the door and left! Meanwhile the senior MP refused to leave his hiding place under the kitchen sink as he used his cell phone to contact his security detail. “Come get me! I around the corner and bring backup!”
The caller on the other end replied, “Who dis is and speak up!”
“I is ya damn boss and come get me now! Bring backup and approach the area with caution! Come quick!
“It’s Unbelievable…UNTHINKABLE!!”
The senior politician was so hidden that ‘Dimples’ could not find him anywhere in the house and he refused to come out from under the sink until backup arrived.
But let’s get back to the fight now erupting…
BP has learnt ‘Dimples’ can’t see eye to eye with the other younger candidate in the west, who we learnt is now pregnant as she knock from door to door.
BP ga leave you with this: Guess who the baby daddy is?
Boy I tell ya…If ya don’t laugh you will cry…Stay tuned for PART 2.
Sweet Savior pilot me to your bosom. You mean to tell me these women of purple, these creatures from the pits of Hell can’t find a man of they own. They have to split a man four ways like how King Solomon wanted to split the babe in two.
And we wonder why this country that we call ours, cus it aint ours, is in such hog-mess, in shambles.
These ladies, and I don’t know that, need to skrip bald naked and cover themselves in ashes and cry in Rawson Square for their wickedness. Ask the Savior to be merciful and pray for forgiveness.
Leave it to me, I would hang all four. Amen, Hallelujah, the end is near. Are you washed in the blood.
Man this too good to be true…..Maybe….
But you know time will tell, interesting……
now BP, this is the best one yet, i do see a smiling face with DIMPLES in the picture, could this be the person….but this is just to funny….best one ever BP
And just when I thought BP and the PLP couldn’t get any lower! You just keep surpassing your friend’s level of arrogance, stupidity and ignorance!!! I’ve concluded that this page is for entertainment purposes and not the broadcasting of news… and you have even failed at entertaining!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Trying to discredit people’s good name will NOT deter this great FNM government of sustaining its seat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like the song say… “Dogs dont bark at park cars!!!” Get a life BP and stop spreading vicious lies and propaganda trying to discredit people’s good names… I’ll leave you with this “Living in glass homes, you never throw stones!” Report that!
Well Liberty you remind us of the Chinese peasant who slave for years to get rice in exchange of labour and is grateful for rice from the government; after being a slave all their life. We at BP are free thinkers. Critical thinkers. imprisoned to the defense of no man or beast! It is clear we are free and you have no liberty.
O_O Are you serious???!!!
Dead serious!!! LOLOL
Boy a picture speaks a thousand words. None of the men in the photo are smiling.
LMFAO!!!….I swear yall is give me life !
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