The man who killed the late Andre Sands will finally face a court for his actions…

NASSAU – Four more at the centre of traffic fatalities will be charged in courts today! All either left the scene and some attempted to destroy the vehicle!
Nassau – It is good when a society could see what is wrong within a country and make every effort to correct it. Now look how many traffic deaths we have had in this town with the culprits driving around without punishment. Most of these incidents came after police failed to charge Travis Saywer, who is responsible for the death of four women during the Labour Day fatalities.
Now police understand – thanks to yinner – that these incidents cannot go unaddressed and so today one by one the Traffic Department will charge all these persons following their reckless endangerment on the streets.
Now we know they will get bail – but we hope the bail will come with stiff conditions as the cases move through the system.
1) Tereance Ferguson 47yrs
• Killing in the course of Dangerous Driving.
• Failing to Remain Stationary after an Accident.
This is in respect to the traffic fatality, which occurred on 7th August 2018 in Yellow Elder, which claimed the life of Kendino Rudon.
• Killing In The Course Of Dangerous Driving
• Failing To Remain Stationary After an Accident
This is in respect to the fatality on Robinson Road that claimed the life of Andre Sands.
3) Taylor Pratt 26yrs
• Killing In The Course Of Dangerous Driving
• Failing To Remain Stationary After An Accident
• Driving Whilst Not Covered Against Third Party Insurance
• Attempted Arson
4) Eddy Paul 41yrs
• Permitting To Drive Whilst Not Covered Against Third Party Insurance
• Attempted Arson
This in respect to the fatality, which occurred on Friday 24th September 2018, which claimed the life of Marvin Pinder.
Look how a country could be lost when people set standards that are against the good order of the whole society!
We report yinner decide!