One of the men is a famous reporter arrested for INDECENT EXPOSURE –

BP BREAKING NEWS >>>> FOUR SISSIES ARRESTED AT GAY BAR FOR INDECENT EXPOSURE >>> POLICE arrested four (4) males ages 45, 39, 26 and 21 years were arrested reference to Indecent Exposure at an establishment located Tonique Williams Darling Highway; three (3) males on outstanding Criminal Warrants of Apprehension, one (1) male reference to Dangerous Drugs, one (1) male for Failing to Give Name and one (1) male for Breach of the Liquor License Act.
We are told a Drag Queen by the name “CANDY” who works in a back-room at the establishment ran out of the backdoor in G-STRING to avoid capture.
Here once again is news no reporter in media would write and we know why.
I think that they should be held accountable for their indecent exposure but I don’t like that comment you made about CLOSING the bar down. We are all different individuals and we all have different preferences. Why take that away from them? They’re not harming you. As long as they don’t approach you or anyone who does not live that lifestyle in the wrong way let these people live their life.
I have a homosexual family member and ain’t nothing different about them apart from their sexual preference.
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